Door Block Installation Technology

March 29. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 5471. Comments To record technology installation of the door block No

The installation of door blocks involves several stages, compliance with certain principles and technical requirements SNiP, and the installation scheme is different, depending on the type of product and its functional purpose.

That's right and competently equipped door block - this is a clearly well-coordinated system, so if you miss the slightest nuance, the probability of the screap and the product will begin to close badly.


Montage rules

Requirements for installing door blocks SNiP:

  1. The permissible deviation of the door frame from the vertical is 0.3 cm.
  2. Putting on the wall on the wall - from 2 cm.
  3. All bars located vertically should be recorded at least 2 places with an interval of up to 100 cm.
  4. In one room, the handles must be attached at a single level.
  5. The gaps between the door canvases and the floor should be 0.5 cm - in the inner doors and 1.2 cm at the door of the bathroom and the toilet.
  6. After installing the blocks it is necessary to check the correctness of their installation.
  7. Blocks must be geometrically correct.
  8. There must be no processing defects.
  9. Wood humidity should be 123% - for external doors boxes and 93% - for internal doors and canvase boxes.

Characteristics of door blocks

Door design has different parameters, however, there are standard dimensions of door blocks:


  • in the bathrooms - 200x70 cm;
  • for rooms - 200x80 cm;
  • for entrance doors - 200x90 cm.

Principles of installation of door blocks:


  1. The gap between the floor coating and the lower edge of the door should be about 1.5-2 cm.
  2. The correctly inserted door should not have a screenshot.
  3. The canvas doors should be set strictly vertically.
  4. Installation of the door block should be created on the aligned walls.

Installing the door block with your own hands


The installation technology of the door block includes the following steps:

  • preparation of the opening;
  • assembly box;

door box

  • fitting canvas;
  • mounting loops;
  • installation of the box;
  • locking castle;

inching loops

  • installing expanders;
  • installation of platbands.

Preparatory work


  • acquire the product better in advance (about 7 days before installation);
  • by choosing, consider the dimensions of the doorway;
  • door canvas should be taken less doorway by 7-10 cm;
  • after buying, the door must be left for several days in the room;
  • installation is carried out after completion of all repair work;
  • do not keep the doorbell next to heating radiators.


  1. We put the door cloth in a vertical position and make the locking markup of the castle and loops.
  2. Mark for the lock located 90 cm from the floor.
  3. For loops, measure 20 cm from the top and bottom edge of the door.
  4. We apply a loop and mark the plot for milling.
  5. Chisel chosen surplus.
  6. We apply a loop, lock and pick up the holes under the screw.
  7. Vertical rack apply to the canvas so that the gap is 2-3 mm.
  8. We celebrate the plot of fixation of the tongue of the castle and loops.
  9. Choosing a chisel surplus.
  10. We apply hinges and pick up the holes under the tapping screw.

Collect the door box


  1. Carefully extinct vertical racks and, if necessary, cut them down.
  2. In order not to damage the box, which should be placed on the floor, lay under its rack 2-3 rails from the tree for the entire length of the canvas.
  3. Then we apply a horizontal crossbar to the racks.
  4. The joints of the joint are tapping a hammer.
  5. Using a screwdriver, fasten the box, twisting the screws into angular connections.

We produce fixation of challenges

As a good, the planks of the same color are applied as the door canvas having a thickness of 0.8-1.2 cm


  1. The chisel in the box is selected quarters of 1x1 cm or 0.8x0.8 cm.
  2. All activities are carried out throughout the external contour of the box.
  3. Cut the horizontal and vertical barrel bar.
  4. Mount the box in place and secure it.
  5. We set up a rather of a problem in a quarter.
  6. Fix the planks of the dowels to the slope.

Installation of wooden door blocks



  1. We mount the block in the opening and express it on the back side of the web.
  2. Less loops in terms of level.
  3. We celebrate all parts of the drilling of the opening.
  4. We take out the door block from the opening, we drill holes in it under the dowel.
  5. We score dowels.
  6. Mount the door block in the opening.
  7. Squeeze and flatter it in terms of level.
  8. Fix using self-tapping screws.
  9. We establish spiing, lining, cylinders, bathrooms, door handles.
  10. Check the quality of opening.
  11. Measure the place of installation of the castle's response and drill a response to it.
  12. The bar fixes the self-drawing.
  13. The sprayer is wetting the slope and insulating the installation of the mounting foam (while the door must be closed).
  14. A day later, we remove the strut and remove the surplus of the mounting foam with a knife.
  15. Check the quality of closure and opening the door.
  16. We close the holes with layers with decorative and cashing the doorway.

Thus, install the door block with your own hands is simple enough, the main thing is to have patience and not hurry. All work should be checked for quality, since defects arising during operation, it is much easier to warn than to adjust.

Technology installation of the door block video:

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