Installing the temperature sensor for a warm floor

February 3. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 3157. 1 comment To record setting the heat-mall temperature sensor

The warm electric floor device is the first step towards creating a modern and comfortable setting in the house. This heating system can be used as both the main and additional heating of the residential premises.

Purpose of the sensor

The main advantages of using warm electric floor are:

  • uniform heat distribution;
  • maintaining natural humidity;
  • small workplace;
  • efficiency.


One of the main elements of this heating system is a heating floor temperature sensor. The purpose of the device is to fix the heating temperature with subsequent transmission of information on the thermostat.

The appearance of the sensor depends on the type of finishing floor coating, which is installed on top of the heating cables of the electric floor. According to this criterion, the device is:

  • under soft floor materials (carpet, laminate, parquet);
  • under the solid flooring for the floor (tile, porcelain stoneware).

Sensors for carpet are plastic cylinders (15 * 4 mm), which are attached to the end of the electrical cable. Devices for porcelain stonewares and tiles are distinguished by large sizes and possess a protective gel sheath. She:

  • prevents the negative effects of tile glue or concrete screed;
  • it provides the safety sensor from mechanical damage.


Mounting work

The installation of a heating floor temperature sensor can be carried out in two ways:

  • using a special box between cable and thermostat;
  • directly from the heating cable to the thermostat.

In practice, the second option is more often used.

Also, the nuances of the installation of the device depends on the type of heating being created by the electrical system: the use of heating cable, mats or film floor.

The installation of the floor temperature sensor for the heating cable can be divided into the following steps:

  • determination of the location of the thermostat;
  • strobling of two canvas on the wall;
  • laying of thermal insulation material;
  • mounting tape;
  • installation of heating cable;
  • installing the sensor and thermostat;
  • pour a concrete screed.

The thermostat is usually located at an altitude of 0.5-1 m from the floor level. It is placed on the wall in a regular box designed for sockets. Three-core electric wire is supplied to the location of the box under the thermostat.

Using the perforator, two grooves are created, leading from the floor to the thermostat box. They will attach two plastic tubes. One will reach the power wires from the heating cable, in the second - the electric wire under the sensor.

The length of the tube for the heating cable will be equal to the distance from the thermostat to the floor. For the sensor, the tube is stacked with a margin of about 1 m. It will be located on the floor. This is done in order that it was possible to pull the wire with the sensor on the tube in the event of its breakdown.

The creation of thermal insulation provides for the sticker of the damper tape and laying the insulation of the minimum 2 cm thick. After that, a special mounting tape is attached to the heat insulation material. It is designed to fix the heating cable. Ribbon mounting step for styling cable "Snake" - 50 cm.


Before mounting the heating cable, all wires are stretched to the thermostat box. The coupling for connecting the elements should be in the filled screed. The lines of the mounted cable for heating the floor do not intersect.

Having finished with the laying of the cable, the floor temperature sensor should be done. He:

  • it is placed in a plastic tube;
  • it is stretched between the heating cable.

The distance from the cable should be between 0.5 to 1 m. To prevent the solution from entering the solution, the end of the tube is closed with a tape.

Before creating a concrete screed, measurements of the heat-mall temperature sensor are mounted. It is thus that the quality of the work carried out is checked. Resistance indicator should not deviate more than 10% of the product manufacturer's passport data.

Next is the fill of the cement mortar. After it sets it, the efficiency of the electric floor is checked. Heating cable for a short time is included in the network. Usually on the thermostat lights the green light bulb, and the cable begins to heat up.

Some nuances of the sensor installation when laying mats and film floor

The principle of installation of the electrical floor temperature sensor when laying heating mats and a film coating has a number of distinctive features.

In particular, when the floor is used, using heating mats, the strobalization under the sensor is carried out not only on the wall, but also on the floor. This is explained by a decrease in floor thickness to 1.5 cm. The protective tube of plastic, where the sensor is placed, it will be slightly lower than the mat.


When creating a warm film floor, the sensor installation can be carried out in two ways:

  • using the tube in the floor (you need to do the stroke);
  • placing the device directly to the film surface.

The recommended choice of method is usually indicated in the instructions attached to the film coating.

The most versatile devices are NTC floor temperature sensors. They can function like:

  • digital temperature controllers with manual control;
  • machines having software control.

Select and connect the thermostat

Special attention should be paid to the choice of the thermostat with the built-in floor temperature sensor. There are various models of this device, starting with simple products (handle for temperature control and one built-in sensor) and ending with the latest developments (display from liquid crystals, setting a specific temperature at a specific time, connection to a computer).


By choosing a thermostat, you should prefer:

  • devices equipped with built-in and remote sensors;
  • programmable energy saving products;
  • temperature regulators with the maximum allowable power limit.

Through the screw clamps located on the back part, the thermostat is connected to the wires:

  • heating cable;
  • floor temperature sensor;
  • all power system.

Warm floor temperature sensor video installation:


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One response to the installation of a heat-mall temperature sensor

  1. Evgeniy:

    hello! a question:
    Is it possible to lie to the corrugation for the temperature sensor diagonally? those. Crossing at some angle several turns of the heating cable. The sensor itself will be installed, as it should be, between the heating cable coils. It happened that the thermostat will be separated from the warm floor itself and, if you do everything under right angles, it will turn out 2 turns that complicates further placement in the sensor corrugation \u003d /

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