Colon's apple tree. Landing, growing and care

June 15. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 7269. Comments To the recording of a colonum apple tree. Landing, growing and care No

The desire to break the garden from fruit trees in its own area sometimes seems impracticable due to limited small space. Also, an obstacle can be the already decorated project design of the landscape, in which the landing of splashing trees was not provided in advance. In both cases, the problem is very easily solved if you pay attention to colonum apple trees. To find out all the peculiarities of growing this culture, read the information set out below.

Distinctive features of colonum apple


The main advantages and characteristic features of this tree are as follows:

Suitable conditions for plant development

Before buying colon-shaped apple trees for landing, determine the places on the site that fully comply with the requirements of this plant:

  1. Fertile soil.
  2. Free access of solar heat and light.
  3. Good soil drainage.
  4. Lack of permanent gusts of wind.
  5. The depth of groundwater is at least 2 meters. photo_9_004

    Important! To really choose the right place, browse the photo of the colonum apple tree on different sites. Only then create your landing scheme, guided by the recommendations of the specialists outlined below. column-Apple-Tree3

When is it better to put a colonum apple tree?

So that the seedlings of the colon-shaped apple trees pleased you with their durable fixing in the ground, rapid development and good harvest, perform all the work in the most suitable time for this:

  • early spring until the kidney dissolves;
  • the end of September, while steadily rests the warm weather. kolonna6.

    Important! If the desire to land the trees properly prevails over the desire to complete all the work on the arrangement of the site, prepare the pits for seedlings in the fall, but inland them in the ground only in spring. This approach is the most optimal solution, the result of which will manifest itself in good health of adults, longer life and less exposure to the destructive effects of the environment.

What kind of variety to give preference?

There are two types of colon-shaped apple trees:

1. The first group is varieties with the CO gene, the vaccination is carried out on dwarf dulls.

Important! If you have made a choice in favor of varieties of this category, pay attention to the following varieties:

  • Currency;
  • Arbat. 003

2. Another category is represented by conventional apple trees, formed in the form of columns artificially. When choosing this method, vaccinate the supercaric clones.

Important! In this group, such varieties use the popularity of gardeners:

  • Ligol;
  • Orlinka;
  • Brusnichny.                                                                                                                                                                                               Kolonopodibni_sorti_jabluni

The most popular varieties for landing in our climatic stripes are:

  • Amber Necklace;
  • Vasyugan;
  • Ostankino;
  • Malyuha;
  • Moscow Necklace;
  • Traden;
  • Nectar;
  • The president. 387_40867_1_1

    Important! When choosing a suitable variety, consider not only the indicators of the resistance of a specific type to the negative phenomena of natural impact, but also the features of the taste of fruits, their size and duration of ripening. The final decision, take after the varieties suitable for all requirements have determined.


How to start landing?

From how correctly you choose seedlings and perform all landing work, the intensity of their subsequent development and the period of fruiting depends largely. Therefore, first read all the rules in this regard to exclude any questions directly in the process of planting a colonum apple tree.


Recommendations for landing:

  1. To arrange your garden, buy annual seedlings.

    Important! Orates of this age are easier to transfer the transplant. Two-year-old are usually cheaper, but also the survival rate is significantly lower.


  2. Remove the entire space according to the prepared scheme, noting specific landing sites.

    Important! If you decide to plant not single trees for decorating the site, but to create a full-fledged garden from several rows, to withstand the distance between individual individuals in accordance with the following standards:

    • 0.5 meters between trees in one row;
    • 1 meter between rows. yabloni_kolonovidnye.
  3. In the outlined places, hide the pits with parameters at least 90 cm wide, length, as well as heights.

    Important! Determine the more accurate sizes of the pit under your seedlings, based on the size of their root system. Note that the processes should be able to freely develop, therefore it is impossible that the space is limited.

  4. If the landing is performed on a plot with clay or heavy soil of another type, be sure to create drainage at the bottom of each pit from rubble and sand.
  5. In the shot, add:
  • compost or other organic fertilizer in proportion 3-4 kg per plant;
  • potassium - 50-100 g in every pit;
  • superphosphate - up to 100 g for one tree.

Important! Mix all the components thoroughly, then put part on the bottom or on top of the drainage, and leave the rest of the mixture for sweeping holes. 00045715

  1. Install careless seedlings into the pit, installing root processes.
  2. Put all the recesses.
  3. Slightly endure the soil.
  4. Form the wells around each tree to hold moisture after watering.
  5. Usefully pour each tree using 1-2 water buckets on 1 apple tree. 180_0


Browse the video in which the process of planting a colonum apple tree with detailed tips for each stage is clearly shown.

What to pay attention to the cultivation of a colonum apple tree?

Caring for colonum apple tops consists of several stages, each of which refers to a certain period of development:

  1. Harvesting during tree flowering. This procedure is extremely necessary in order to prevent the tree breakdown under the exorbitant weight of the fruit. In addition, on time, the work performed on the removal of unnecessary zins will allow the fruits of the desired size, since the nutrients will be enough. valyuta-Avg.

    Important! Gently sprinkle flowers and wound up, leaving only half of the grown on each tree. As a result of such a procedure, each fruit silent link will give 1 apple. Review the video in which the principle of bookmarking flower kidney and the intensity of the fertility of the colonum-like apple tree on the example of the Arbat variety is shown.

  2. Loading or mulching. Choose any suitable way of these options to protect the core system of trees. In the first case, feed the cereals or spicy herbs in a rolling circle, in the second - the most rational solution will be laying parts of the wood bark, sawdust, straw or beveled grass, but for the winter mulch, to eliminate the reproduction of rodents in it.

    Important! Take care carefully to perform this work, since the features of the root system of clone convictions are in the absence of a deep strong rod, and all the processes are rather fragile and tender. Therefore, missing this moment from sight, you risk damaging the roots and destroy the trees, even with regular walking near the apple tree. b0EDB61DF089C8D0B563DC69543EB94A.

  3. Watering scheme. Organize a standard drip area of \u200b\u200bwatering. Twice a month, abundantly water the crowns of trees.

    Important! In the absence of the possibility of designing drip irrigation, make a manual watering 2-3 times a week.                                 column-Apple-Tree-520x693

  4. Pruning colonum apple trees. Due to the lack of sufficient length of the branches, the color laying occurs on the rest of the tree surface, even on the trunk. The side branches in colon-shaped apple trees are not needed, since they not only disturb the decorative shape of the tree, but also take a large amount of nutrients. Therefore, in the first year after landing, in the spring, the sidewalls appeared do trow on 2 kidneys. In the fall of them, two more branches will grow, which the next spring also cut down the similar principle. By 3, the horizontal, the uncircumcised branch will bring fruit, and the cut vertical will give 2 new escapes. After the crop removal, remove the fruiting branch completely. 00029286
  5. Fertilizing fruit trees. Every year, in the period from March to June, every month feed the apple tree with organic fertilizers of the type of logging or fermented chicken litter. Carefully follow the attacks of pests, such as fruzing, wave, flarehandel tick. In case of their appearance on the site, treat all plants with a suitable type with drugs in order to prevent the death of trees. 1329287298_kolonovidnye-yabloni.-Arbat.
  6. Protection against winter cold weather. When coldly occurs, create a dry and reliable shelter of the lower part of the colon-shaped apple trees from wood chips, sapper or straw. After the emergence of snow, perform a dip. Such ways will allow to protect trees from freezing and attacking wild rodents. 4-SaZhentSyi-Kolonnovidnyih-Yabloni-Chereshni


The cultivation of colon-shaped apple trees is not such an easy event as it may seem initially. This culture requires constant attention and properly organized care. But all costs with the proper procedures for the care of trees will certainly give their results in the form of a rich harvest and an attractive appearance of the local area.

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