Concrete septic with their own hands

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The construction of septic plates from concrete rings on the country site is in great demand. They are the most reliable and practical sewage treatment plants. Excellent mechanical strength, sufficient capacity and simplicity of service - these are the main advantages of using this design. On how to make a concrete septic, and it will be discussed in this article.


Basic septic requirements

There are a number of requirements for cleaning construction. The main of them relate to the location of the septica. In particular, he must be:

  • 3 m from trees and shrubs;
  • 5 m from the residential building;
  • 10 m from the river;
  • 30 m from the reservoir;
  • 50 m from the source of drinking water.

The work of the sewage treatment plant is based on a multistage principle of wastewater treatment. Usually septic tank consists of two or three cameras, which must be absolutely hermetic. The cleaning process itself is as follows:

  • separation of drains on fractions in the first chamber;
  • purification of clarified water from organic compounds in the second chamber;
  • final doctor and water output into the soil in the filtering well.


Another requirement is the correct definition of the septicum. Its value depends on:

  • the number of plumbers;
  • the number of people living in the house.

In most cases, the calculation is based on the fact that one person consumes approximately 200 liters of water per day.

The main stages of the creation of concrete septic

Before proceeding to work on creating a wasteboard from the rings, it is necessary to make measurements. Drawings in the location of the septica of concrete rings on the ground to paint on paper. So it will be easier to implement a device of concrete septica with your own hands.

After planning, earthworks are carried out. Drying is carried out on a depth of 2.5-3 m. Its approximate length and width are 3 and 2 meters, respectively. It is these sizes of the pits ensure efficient operation of the septicism, based on the number of familiarity of the family in 4 people. The very cleaning structure is recommended to burrow on one meter to the ground. This prevents its freezing during the cold season. It should also provide a stock in the width of the pit. Concrete rings should not be stuck in the process of their installation.


The device septica from concrete rings suggests:

  • creating a sandy-chubbed pillow;
  • mounting rings;
  • seaming;
  • waterproofing work;
  • solar soil.

The 30-centimeter sand layer falls asleep in the pit. It is recreated and covered with rubble. Everything is tamping. The bottom of the pit can be equipped with three main ways:

  • pouring with concrete solution;
  • laying of finished plates;
  • mounting rings with a cast bottom.

The dig of two trenches is carried out. One of them is designed to derive wastewater from home. By the second trench, pipes for drainage into the filter well will be laid. Laying of pipes is carried out under the tilt and 0.5-meter depth. On the walls of trenches and pitched the usual polyethylene film is laid. It will not allow the shower of the Earth.

Installation of septula from concrete rings is made using a crane. Rings are neatly put on each other and are connected to each other with metal brackets. You can use the plates with screw bolts. Only in this way it is possible to protect the design during the soil watery.


Ventilation and waterproofing of concrete design

Immediately it is necessary to think about creating effective ventilation septicity of concrete rings. It can be carried out by using a house sewage network or pipe over the roof. If there is an aeration valve in the house network and the absence of a pipe, septic tank should be equipped with ventilation. The pipe must have a diameter of 0.1 m and have a height of 0.7 m above the ground level. This completely eliminates the appearance of sharp and unpleasant odors from feces.

One of the most important processes is the waterproofing of concrete septic. Shakes and seams that are between rings are close in not only concrete solution. For this use special waterproofing formulations. Otherwise, fecal effluents can get into the soil.

In addition to seams and joints, waterproofing works are carried out directly along the concrete surface. The inner part of the cleaning facility can be processed with liquid glass or mastic. External waterproofing Septica from concrete rings provides for the application of special mastic or styling of an ordinary rubberoid. By completing this work, you can minimize the appearance of concrete corrosion. And this will lead to an increase in the operational period of the septic.


Warming and sealing septic

The insulation of concrete septicism has two goals:

  • reducing the effects of frosty powered;
  • creating a normal temperature for bacteria.

The most optimal option is the use of extruded polystyrene foam 5 cm thick. It is placed in the upper part of the structure. The heat insulation of the septicity will be the most effective as possible when the thickness of the layer of the Earth over the polystyrene foam will exceed 30 cm.

The side parts of the concrete rings can be insulated with various materials: polystyrene foam, foam or biological fuel (sawdust, grass, straw, bark, chips, etc.). The thermal insulation layer is also at least 30 cm. In winter, it is possible to use snow for insulation. To do this, you need to create a large slide of snow on the sewage treatment.

The last stage of the creation of sewage treatment plants from the rings is reliable sealing of concrete septic. The filtration well and sump overlapped with concrete slabs that have holes for standard sewer hatches. You can use both cast-iron and plastic hatches. If possible, the overlap is falling asleep, and only hatches are left.

Video on the device Septica:


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