How to equip a cellar. Racks, insulation, ventilation

January 8. Interior decoration, Construction Views 12717 Comments To record how to equip the cellar. Racks, insulation, ventilation No

Always and at all times it was necessary to store something somewhere. After all, the safety of personal stocks allows each of us in any season to enjoy a delicious compotik or hurt with salty cucumbers.

The feed cellar allows you to solve quite a lot of problems:


  • distribute provisions;
  • save space inside the house;
  • Protect products from the harmful effects of sunlight, thanks to the optimal storage conditions.

Types of cellars:

1. Earthy cellar.
2. Stone
3. Cellar under the garage
4. Cellar from asbestos-cement sheets
5. Cellar labaz for storage of rooteplood
6. Cruel cellar
7. Ground cellar
8. Wailed cellar
9. Cellar with embankment
10. Kesson-cellar (cellar caisson - special plastic or metal chamber used for storage of vegetables)
11. Wine cellar T.P.


Construction of the cellar

Remember that the service life of the shelves, partitions and drawers will depend on the quality of your activity, as well as the safety of all products.

The process of fixing the cellar can be divided into several stages:


  • excavation;
  • the creation of ventilation;
  • insulation;
  • arrangement of the cellar;
  • waterproofing.


1. Initially, we should define the place and dig a hole (the optimal size of 3-5 m). The depth should be done no more than 1.8 m, and the walls are slightly inclined.


2. Once the trench is ready, it is necessary to seal and align. At the bottom can be laid out in three layers fatty clay to prevent ground moisture.

3. Next, proceed to the construction and strengthening of the walls. To do this you will need:

  • Slate flat, which is mounted on the bottom of the casing;
  • brick;
  • wire;
  • asphalt or gravel.

The walls of any building material can be laid, its bonding with concrete mix.


3. Then you can come to the construction of the overlap.

To do this, you can use metal pipes of large diameter solid or rails. For the construction of a reliable overlap enough to use improvised 4 beams.

The basic components of the cellar or basement Equipment


During construction work, it is important to remember the important components that allow the cellar to function effectively:

1. Ventilation cellar

With the creation of venting your cellar will "breathe." Accordingly, provision is coated stored condensate and the air is fresh.

Ventilation can be built from conventional sewer plastic pipe. The main thing is to ensure not only the air stretches, but his pitch. The inlet of the exhaust pipe must be placed at the top, and purge - bottom (50-60 cm from the floor).

When mounting ventilation care must be taken about the device vents in the cellar, which is supplied with a fine mesh grid.

2. Vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is best done by a brick and concrete basis (ie, on the floor and walls). To do this you will need a sheet of roofing material, which is superimposed on one another. Thus, there is an excellent vapor barrier, which protects the wall from the condensation inside the masonry or concrete cavity.

3. Insulation of cellar

At the entrance to the premises should be laid layer of insulating slabs of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. Since the cold air will penetrate less into the cellar, which is located, for example, in an unheated building or garage.

4. Screed

With the help of wire mesh reinforcement is created for future ties. Over it are established beacons and filled with a flat floor.

5. cellars Drainage

Some owners use a simplified version - internal drainage cellar:

  • Indoor along the walls are mounted drainage special pipes. If the area allows, they are installed in parallel with a short wall into several rows, however, the installation of pipes on an already existing floor is considered more optimal;
  • Then there is a layer of geotextile and crushed stone (4-32 mm). This method forms a filter layer that fills the space between the base and the pipe. Thanks to this, the moisture will freely be discharged into laid drains;
  • The laid tubes fall asleep with rubble and cover geotextile;
  • After the work done, you can take a screed.


6. Air dryer

Some hosts, instead of creating vaporizolation, use air dryer for a cellar that allows you to get rid of condensate and fungal mold. Such equipment can already be purchased in the finished form, so many make it easier for many.

7. Air conditioning for cellar

Wall-mounted wine conditioner, which is designed for cellars - special equipment supporting the desired temperature and moisture for wine storage. Condensate formed in the air cooler is assembled in a special reservoir and under the action of beans evaporates indoors. In this case, in some cases, an excessive occurrence of condensate may occur, then it is overwhelming the tank flows into the container or sewer.

8. Temperature regulator in the cellar

Designed to maintain accurate temperature on the object.

Lentifying the cellar

Maintenance rooms:

1. Shelves in the cellar


Shelves and racks are the main element of the placement of the cellar. The rack in the cellar can be made of thick boards or ordinary timber:

  • The framework is initially built (the timber is mounted in the form of racks around the perimeter);
  • Then the plank is fixed between the racks, which will focus for the boards;
  • When the storage strips are ready, put the boards on them, each of which is screwed to the rack and the bar.

2. Boxes

Box for vegetables is also made from a bar and boards:

  • First, determine the place for it;
  • Next, build a box on the principle of building a partition.

Fruit packaging is not very large (60x40 cm, a height of 30 cm). Be sure to take care of the construction of the bottom so that the fruits do not come into contact with the concrete. The box can be knocked down from small does.


Light in the cellar


Pretty high demands are presented to the electric wiring for the cellar:

  • It is necessary to use a voltage of not more than 42V (you can apply lower transformers);
  • Electrical wiring should be located on the base on the rollers and insulators that are protected by cables and wires. If the wiring is hidden, it is not recommended to use steel pipes with a wall thickness of less than 2 mm;
  • It is necessary to use a hermetic design lamps;
  • The switch must be outdoor.

Crying insulation

To begin to warm the cellar, it is originally necessary to prepare cement, sawdust, solvent and bitumen.

Stages of work:

  • First you need to camp overlaid (in a ratio of 1: 3 bitumen and solvent);
  • Then the sawdust should be moisturized with water and mix them with cement (1: 8);
  • The resulting mixture must be layered by a layer of 35 cm and the ongoing;
  • After 4 days, there is a screed from a solution of 3 cm thick (a ratio of 1: 4 cement and sand).

On the overlapping of the cellar, this insulation must be applied with the allowance in different directions in 0.50 m. After four days it can be primed and pasted on top 2 layer of rubberoid.

Doors for cellar


Upon completion of the main work, it is necessary to take care of creating a hatch to the cellar or door. Installation of doors to the cellar is practically no different from its installation in an apartment or in another room. However, for the basement, it is often trying to make the door independently and easier.

Staircase in the cellar

You can install a concrete ladder, metal or wooden - everything will depend on your capabilities and the type of descent to the cellar.

What to treat boards in the cellar

cellar do it yourself

Before booking a new crop should be disinfected, dry, ventilate and clean the room. You need to start with the processing of bins, racks and wooden shelves. They must be disassembled, put out on the street, rinse with soap with hot and dry in the sun.

Some are used to handle the paint, olive, tar and bitumen boards, but for a long time the cellar will not save it. As for the copper sulfate and lime, they are less harmful, so you can safely take advantage of them.

Arrangement of the room


As such requirements for the improvement of the premises of the cellar, but it is recommended to create shelves for cans that are calibrated in height. In addition, you can take a certain place for the stories, because some types of berries, herbs and vegetables are better stored in suspended. Also take care of the place for barrels and boxes.

On the walls you can make racks. The distance between the shelves and their width will depend on the stored products. Upstairs, place economic things, and in the bottom of vegetables and fruits.

Be sure to maintain cleanliness in the basement and remove the damaged and fired ingredients.

Cellar do it yourself video:

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