Alpine slide do it yourself

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Registration of the landscape of the territory adjacent to the house is no less important than its own construction. This direction is so popular today, which allows you to embody even the most original ideas. Interestingly equipped design of landscaping area with classic shrubs lines or fancy forms of crowns of trees and statues of garden architectural furniture will enjoy their natural park or lawn near the house.

What is the alpine slide?

One of the most popular ways to create a beautiful green zone near the house is the design of the alpine slides. A small mound from cobblestones and various plants, which in a miniature recreates natural mountains - this is the essence of this way to reflect your cottage or glade near the cottage.


Where can I make an alpine slide?

It is noteworthy that the installation of an alpine slide in the country is completely for independent design. The whole process, although it will require painstaking work and attentiveness, but will certainly give the results that will please the view of a unique corner of a beautiful wildlife near their home.


Important! One of the indisputable advantages is the possibility of designing such an embankment on any territory - both in the park, and in the garden, and on the usual lawn directly near the house, on the gentle territories and on the slopes.

Despite the standard rules for the design of alpine slides in the garden, each project is unique. This is exactly what causes genuine interest and increased demand for such artificial hills.


How to make an alpine slide?

The entire process of arranging multi-tiered embankment has a specific sequence:

  1. Choosing a suitable place.
  2. Preparation of a hill planning project.
  3. Selection of plants, stones and other materials.
  4. Directly sequential design of tiers. alpinariy

    Important! Each of the work has its own nuances and recommendations that it is desirable to comply with that the finished embankment is not only attractive, but also durable.


Where to install alpine slide?

When choosing a suitable area, take into account the following requirements for the right organization:

  1. The presence of natural soil irregularities. The embossed surface is better suitable for creating the maximum naturalness of slopes.
  2. The quality of the soil. A more suitable is the sandy soil adapted under the natural medium of alpine herbs and colors.
  3. The possibility of registration near the flower beds. It is in the framing of the motion club that the mound looks most effectively.

    Important! Preview the photo of the Alpine slides to more clearly imagine possible markup options. Alpine-Gorki-His hands-photo-2

  4. A sufficient distance for paving tracks to organize an approach to a place to relax.
  5. A sufficient amount of sunlight needed to increase colors and herbs and shadow to eliminate their burnout.


Alpine Slide Design Schemes

Each slide is, in fact, the flight of the designer's fantasy. That is why, all the mound is original, because even minor nuances of the color of plants or the size of the cobblestones set their own tonality of beauty of the entire artificial hill.


To create yourself an elevation in this style, rely on your personal artistic taste, but be sure to check the schemes of the finished alpine slides to better understand all the subtleties of the formation process. Only in this case, the result will become a special realistic form, thanks to which it will be difficult for an unbiased observer to recognize its artificial origin.


What materials to prepare for the design of the alpine slide?

It is impossible to give clear indications regarding the number, sizes and forms of all materials. But there are some standard rules that will help faster to decide on this problem.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Stones for alpine slide

  1. Considering all the features of layers, as well as preparation of drainage and soil, purchase boulders, gravel and crushed stone of various fractions.
  2. Do not try to choose the same shape and color. On the contrary, the more original item will be original, the more differences in color and the number of protrusions, the more interesting it will look like a ready-made hill.
  3. Do not forget about the stones for laying the shape around the perimeter of the slide.
  4. The following types of stones are suitable for arrangement of alpine embankment:

Alpine Slide Flowers

When choosing plants, keep in mind that different types are suitable for each layer.

  1. For the tops, give preference to the grass and colors that the straight rays of the scorching sun do not harm, for example, Edelweiss or bright Iberis evergreen. An amazing painting of the riot of paints and a wonderful aroma will bring the thyme creeping, sparing a rug. b02.
  2. The average rows make up the plants for which the most suitable combination of sufficient humidity and a large shadension will be. An excellent option is a coin gelithmamum, alpine cloves of various shades, sleep-grass, Cultural Cultural Obliette, Schmidt's wormwood, shot. 11
  3. At the foot of the slide, land the grass, which requires high humidity and shadow, for example, deer tongue, whipping smoking, Dushenia Indian, different types of camneur. Also suitable for this zone relatively high woody species. Alpine_Gorka
  4. Fasten the slot between the stones using the thickness of the rosettes with thick fleshy petals. This flower is ideal for any conditions adapting to them in a short time. Moldo

    Important! Require with all the attentiveness to the selection of plants, since the design of the Alpine slide is not performed for one year. Use mainly perennial herbs and flowers. Consider, with the wrong placement, the replacement of the vegetation of the embankment will become a very painstaking and complex procedure.

    alps 9.

Sequence processes

  1. Marking of the territory.
  2. Preparation of drainage.
  3. Soil preparation.
  4. Lowing stones.
  5. Landscaping slides.

Alpine Gorka-Handle1

Why make the markup of the slide?

After the end of the design, transfer the scheme directly to the site itself by performing markup. To do this, use pegs and stretched between them. This method will help properly organize vegetation on the hill and clearly relate the dimensions of the stones used.


Why do you need drainage and how to create it?

The drainage system is required for clay or fatty soil, which prevents the normal regulation of moisture. Also create a removal system with a close arrangement of groundwater. It is the incorrectly organized water removal system that usually becomes the cause of faded mound.


Selected plants for the Alpine slide can not properly develop and the whole charm of ideas remains unrealized.

Important! Outlook Excess Moisture System Even across the entire area of \u200b\u200bembankments or several small wells with dimensions of 30 * 30 cm. You can select the most convenient way to focus on the size of the hill.


In order to prepare the correct system, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Remove the top layer of the soil by 20-30 cm.
  2. Leave it to further prepare the right mixture for growing herbs and colors.
  3. Mix broken brick and crushed stone.
  4. Pull the dumped space by 10-20 cm.
  5. Slightly confuse.
  6. Fall off the sand from large granules to a layer to 10 cm.
  7. Spress, but not very tight.
  8. Thoroughly paint to identify possible system disadvantages.


Preparation of soil

In order for the alpine slide with their own hands fully corresponded to the project, prepare the upper layer of the soil, given the features of the selected plants. Properly selected proportions of all components of the soil for embankment certainly contribute to the attractiveness of the finished slide, excluding death or inadequate flowering of selected plants.


When preparing the soil, focus on the following recommendations:

  1. Remove the top layer of soil at 20-30 cm.
  2. Mix the burned ground with peat in a 3: 1 proportion.
  3. If it is necessary to add sand, the correct ratio with the ground and peat will be equal to 3 parts.
  4. Add mineral fertilizers.
  5. In the resulting soil, add small gravel, withstanding the proportions 5: 1 or 5: 2.
  6. Fall over the drainage, if it formed it all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe embankment, or over the entire surface of the future slide, if only wells created.

    Important! It is such a soil that is best suited for growing alpine plants.


Lowing stones

With regard to the technology of sequence of layout of stones and plant landing, there are several ways, but the direction remains unchanged - bottom-up. The most popular two ways:

  • Gradual alternation of masonry and herbs. That is, each subsequent tier is drawn up after the total formation of the lower. 5998152
  • Initial full layout of stones with subsequent landscaping. More convenient in terms of practicality. In this case, the stone stalls are drawn up in the fall, so that the desired shrinkage is happening by the spring. And only then go directly to planting vegetation. 07b.

    Important! Choose a more suitable, convenient way for you, given the features of the process of arranging the entire landscape, the size and number of planned slides.

    Olympus Digital Camera.

Regardless of the selected technology, consider the following recommendations of the cobblestone installation process:

  1. Start with the formation of the perimeter of the mound.
  2. Place consistently, starting with larger boulders. alpijskaya-Gorka-Svoimi-Rukami-2
  3. Avoid deliberate symmetry in the location of the cobblestones.
  4. Substitute pockets, thus preparing the space for planting greenery.
  5. When installing large stones, break them into the ground for maximum stability.
  6. Approximately 1/3 of each stone must be in the ground.
  7. Install groups for 3-7 stones at the same time.
  8. Cement the gaps between the boulders, excluding their offset or location.


Gardening Gorki

After viewed many options for the photo of the Alpine slide in the country, they chose the entire range of their future hill and decided on the landing time, view the rules for landscaping the site to avoid the premature death of plants or slowing their growth.


Here is some of them:

  1. Start landing only after several thorough irrigation and backfills of all the resulting recesses.
  2. Observe the sequence from higher types of woody type to the grass steals.
  3. With a sufficient variety of species, take into account when disembarking, their compatibility for germination near each other. 2122366
  4. Ready plants transplanted from pots neatly, a little tamping with a specially prepared soil mixed with small gravel. 27
  5. After the end of all works, carefully pour the finished slide.
  6. Given the peculiarity of the long-term germination of perennial plants, plant a few annual bright types of colors to enjoy the appeal of the result of the work in the near future.



Not only the whole process of independent creation of the Alpine slide is long and time consuming. Also quite a long period will be required before evaluating the finished result. To avoid the destruction of the shape of the slide and the death of plants, which will entail additional waste and work, be sure to familiarize themselves with the rules for embankment in the style of Alpine Mountains and follow them.

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