How to get rid of the OS on the country

June 28. Useful advice Views 3018. 3 comments to record how to get rid of the OS on the country

The wasps refer to those insects from which you need to stay away, and the more better not to have their nests in your area. They deliver not only trouble in the form of holes in the spine of grapes, juicy pears and apples, but sometimes threaten health, or even a person's life, as their bites are very dangerous. If it is suddenly an apiege in the country, then these refigs are capable of bringing it a serious damage, about it and destroy. The article considers the question of how to get rid of the OS in the country area.

Ways to fight axes

Fight with the axes can be in different ways:

  • disinsection, which will be held invited highly professional specialists. Success 100%, but the price of such a service is also high;
  • apply chemicals itself. This is a very effective way, and independent processing will cost cheaper than specialist services, but it is necessary to be very careful.
  • methods of folk, and their set.

People's methods to combat axes in the country

If you fundamentally do not use chemistry in your country, one way remains, how to get rid of OS: folk methods. In the process of combating these aggressors, many all kinds of ways are invented. We will get acquainted with some.

The easiest and easiest effective way

Most often, daccias are taking passive measures:

  • in the fall, when the OS in the nests are already probably no, they are all searched: the roof of the roof and the attic ceiling - most often the wasps will settle there;

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  • sockets are collected in the bag and burned.

Damage for OS is no and for insects in this way you do not get rid of: in the spring they will return to the same positions.

Spring Wrestling

The greatest result can be obtained in spring:

  • just as in the fall we look at all the places where the wasps can settle. In addition to the attic, do not forget to look into the greenhouse, under the canopies and other secluded corners in the form of benches and even barbecue;
  • having reveaning the nests, and in the spring they are very small, we destroy them.

Plastic bottle against wasps

In the fight against invasion, an ordinary plastic bottle is successfully used. Of course, it will not destroy the whole aspen family, but it will noticeably reduce it. The design of the traps for the OS from the plastic bottle is very simple and make it will not be difficult:

  • separate the top of the bottle;
  • the cover is unscrewed and put the top of the bottle into the lower part of it up;
  • scotch and glue these two parts;
  • trap is ready. We pour there sweet water or water acidified by vinegar. Love the wasps and beer and, oddly enough, washing powder;
  • trap suspend;
  • with a sufficient cluster of the OS in a trap, it needs to be released, but first make sure that there are no living among them. You can protect yourself from bites, pouring boiling water, placing it in the freezer or burn it.



It is good to have such a trap on the vineyard, because it is grapes most of all suffer from OS. From the plastic bottle make traps and another, simpler design:

  • in the upper part of the bottle in a circle make several small, with a diameter of about 8 mm, holes;
  • through the neck poured the bait and screw the cover;
  • the trap is installed in the place where their largest cluster is seen.

Water bucket and nothing else

This is a simple method that will allow completely destroying the nest, along with the axes in it, but before you do it, protect yourself, otherwise they are very sophisticated. So:

  • we take a bucket and fill it with water;
  • bucket carefully bring to the nest and immerse it into the water. Of course, it is possible to do this procedure, provided that the wasps built their home in a convenient place to access it;
  • wait for minutes 5. During this time, the aspen house is soaked with water and splashes, and it dwells to die.

Important: After you delete the OS slot, the trace will remain. So that these unpleasant insects are not settled there, remove the remains of the nest with the knife, and the place itself is wiped with hydrogen peroxide or potassium mangartage solution (mangalls).


Books in the fight against the axes

The wasps often attack the hives, especially on those where the bee families are weak. The butchers are invented a very simple, but effective way to destroy them:

  • a syrup of a very sweet jam is poured into a plastic bottle;
  • the bottle is placed near the hive with an open plug;
  • the wasps immediately pounce on the syrup and die in it, but for some reason the bees do not climb there.





People have long noticed that the wasps will never build a nest in someone else's territory, and so that they consider it busy, they are placed by dischargers. Made them like this:

  • take a bag of thick paper and stuff it with empty cellophane packages or something else;
  • tightly typked and hang. Be confident: closer than 5 m insects will not come close to it.

There are ready-made dischargers of such a design, for example: WeiTech WK-0432, produced in Belgium:






  • very simple design;
  • greater resistance to weather conditions;
  • long service life.

Lemon and carnation

It was noted that the wasps do not tolerate some odors. Especially unpleasant for them the smell of lemon and carnations. This can also be used in the fight against them:

  • we take a lemon and cut it in half;
  • in every half sticking the cloves of the passage;
  • the place where we place these dischargers will fly off the side.

Chemical preparations in the fight against the wasps

Since the wasps were settled in the country and no folk methods do not allow to get rid of them completely, the chemical drugs will have to apply specially created for this. At the same time, the OS jack still needs to be removed, otherwise the desired effect is not achieved.

Prepare for processing

The main thing in this process is to protect yourself. Therefore, we wear:

  • clothes made of tight fabric. Hands and legs should be closed;
  • rubber gloves;
  • cap cap.


What to use to destroy OS

The range of drugs used in the fight against the wasps is quite large, but we will get acquainted with the most effective from this series.

  • Mosquitall. "Moskitol - protection from OS." The drug is aerosol, very strong, the wasps perish instantly. It is possible to use it only on the street or where people and animals do not live;


  • Troapsiel (TrapSiel). Produced in the Netherlands. Due to the presence in its composition of chlorpiff, pyrethroid and abamectin, acts quickly. The main advantage is the absence of a sharp smell.


  • GETT. Means for professionals. It is processed both the nest and the territory around it. The wasp is dying after a day. There is also its analogue: Master 250 μs - the same effective means of domestic production;

Olympus Digital Camera.

  • Branets (Smell-NO). Tosses from the Netherlands. This is a capsuated drug that is valid for about 8 months. It is necessary to dilute with water, since the means is concentrated. On sale enters the bottles and canisters.

Operation "OSS" in the completion stage

When the drug is selected and purchased, everything is simple:

  • waiting for the evening, take a sprayer with a solution;
  • we water all the places where the wasps can be. First we process the territory around the owner housing, and then it. The wasp, crawling around and on the nest itself, will be poison in inside. Thus, you can destroy the whole axis family. Time for this will need a day 2-3;
  • in the daytime, the OS in their house may not be, which means that the processing at this time will be useless.

Here you will see how the Osin's nest is destroyed:



But what the original way to fight the OSMA came up with the author of this video:


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3 replies on how to get rid of the OS on the country

  1. Yuri Assistants:

    The current summer in my garden began to fly well, a lot of OS. I adapted to reduce their number using the Wasp Trap trap. I recommend this trap to everyone who does not know how to get rid of these terrible insects.

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