Select lighting devices for attic. Ways to organize the premises in the attic

March 16. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 783. Comments Recording choose lighting devices for attic. Ways to organize the premises in the attic No

Narzard is a non-standard room that can be made at all like other rooms in the house. Its advantage is natural lighting, penetrating through the roof window.

However, not in all attic rooms there is an opportunity to install a window, and depend on the sooture of weather is not always comfortable. Therefore, it is better to take care of sufficient light of light in the dark and cloudy days. To do this, it is necessary to successfully arrange lamps, lamps or chandeliers in the most suitable places of attic.

How to determine the optimal types of lighting and their most successful location, we will tell in this article.

Types of lighting devices for attic

An attic room can be filled with a light with one or more sources. General lighting gives a chandelier with several light bulbs. Local lighting devices are particularly popular when illuminating such premises. They are several species.

  1. Bra, wall lamps, portable lamps.
  2. SPOTS for the ceiling and walls. These are directed lighting lamps that are located on the bracket. They can be rotated in different directions and adjust the brightness.
  3. Floors. Their perfect place - at the chair or sofa.
  4. Spotlight sources: they are used both independently and as additional lighting. Indispensable for a small area of \u200b\u200bspace. Installed in plasterboard and stretch ceilings.
  5. Crystal light diffusers. They advantageously emphasize the decor elements. Different dimensions of the refracted elements of the lamp creates the effect of crystal reflections.
  6. LED backlight of the attic. With it, you can organize lighting mirrors, shelves, beds, ceiling perimeter. It is a special tape that can be one-color or multicolor.
  7. Fiber fiber threads. Consist from a stationary source of accumulation and lighting fibers. With their help, you can make a starry sky and other design solutions.
  8. Fluorescent lamps. Installed in a suspended or drywall ceiling and create the effect of dispersion of light rays along the ceiling perimeter. This is an option that saves electricity.

You can combine several local lighting devices with the main light source. For example, the installation of the chandelier in the attic in the center, and the point lights around the ceiling perimeter will make the room evenly illuminated throughout the area.

How to choose a lighting device for attic

  1. In order for the room on the attic floor seemed bright and spacious, even if she is actually so not, it is necessary to pay attention not only to natural and artificial lighting, but also finishing furniture and walls.
  2. Here are some ways to organize lighting in the attic, which will make the top floor more comfortable:
  • you can install seed or scrolls and direct the light stream on the wall;
  • point lighting devices installed around the perimeter of the room can visually increase the height of the walls, and the backlight near the mirror also further expands the boundaries of the room;
  • sources of light can be uniformly located indoors so that in all places the room is light, but if the attic is divided into zones, their lighting should be appropriate;
  • the working area needs bright light, which falls from the general and local level, and the space around the bed is often designed with the help of muffled lighting;
  • if your home is hidden under a two-tie roof, it is better not to use a luster for the attic, so it will not be concentrated on the narrowed space, it is preferable to use a floor lamp in a chair and a bedside lighting device;
  • if the ceiling has a multi-level structure, the combination of point lights and LED or neon lighting will be perfectly fitted;
  • on both sides of the mirror or picture you can hang the same wall lamps.

Light decoration of the attic with a beveled ceiling

  1. For the attic room with beveled ceilings, lighting with point sources is suitable. In limited space, it is better not to use overall lighting, focused in the center of the ceiling, as it narrows the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room even more.
  2. Conventional lamps have large sizes, while diode light sources do not occupy a lot of space. They lightly illuminate the room in places where it is necessary.
  3. Lighting devices are often installed on the inclined surfaces of the attic. In this case, the game of light will make the room space bright and harmonious.

Lighting attic for different styles

The coverage of the attic will help to increase the atmosphere of the overall style of the room. Light game with refraction of rays can be created using mirrors, glass and other reflective surfaces. Flakes of chandeliers, lamps and lamps are worth choosing in accordance with the color gamut room or make bright contrasts with them.

Classic mansard style

If the attic is framed in an old or classic style, then a bright accent will be the chandelier suspended in the center of the beam. Such lighting will help strengthen the effect of high costs from the presence of antique things in the interior of the room.

Modern designer trends for attic

  1. If the attic is decorated in modern style, then fluorescent light sources embedded in a suspended ceiling will be its successful addition. You can also use point lamps that may have swivel and stationary structures.
  2. When installing stationary lighting devices, it is necessary to immediately determine the optimal direction of light rays. Spot rotary devices allow you to change the direction of light if necessary.
  3. Glass and metal elements in the design of the attic also successfully emphasize the modern high-fusion trends and create glare when illuminated in their direction.

Oriental Mansardy Style

  1. The romantic atmosphere of the attic in oriental style should be accompanied by very delicate and muted illumination. It can be performed in the style of openwork lanterns suspended on the walls, floor lamps in carvings, as well as massive elegant chandeliers, if the space allows space.
  2. To decide on the view of the chandelier in the attic and make a good combination of light and room environment, check out the photo of various design solutions of the interior of the attic room.
  3. Local light sources visually expand the space space. Woods, table lamps and lamps put bright accents on furniture and decor objects and attach the interior finished.

Cancer Lighting - Children's Room

  1. When designing a children's room, it is worth considering that there will be more light here than in other rooms. First you need to competently divide the room into the zone. On the plot where the child will behave actively, it is worth placing many light sources. At the same time, they can be positioned in the form of heavenly luminaries or other decorative objects.
  2. In bright lighting also needs a zone for child study. It is appropriate to establish a desk lamp in a restrained design so that it does not distract attention from the educational process. The brightness of the light also should not be excessive, otherwise it can cause an overwork of the eyes.
  3. For children, it is recommended to install a controlled lighting of the training zone. In this case, it should be possible to adjust not only the direction of light, but also its intensity.
  4. It is convenient to use lamps on the bending leg or with a fastening, with which you can attach the lighting device to any comfortable surface. You can also stop your choice on the spot, mounted in the bottom of the shelves for books.
  5. The sleeping area of \u200b\u200bthe children's room needs a softer and muted light. The decorative lamps that can burn, while the child falls asleep. The night light can be made in the form of an animal or plant, as well as another item, pleasant to the baby.
  6. If there is no one child in the room, it is recommended to install a bedside lamp for each of them. It will help create a friendly atmosphere between children and evenly divide the room space.

Safety Rules Attic Lighting - Children's Room

  1. It is worth considering that if a children's room is equipped in an attic room, it is often in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling, walls and installed in these places of lighting, balls, toys and other items will fly.
  2. To avoid injuries, you need to choose the lamps suitable for children's options.
  3. All lighting devices in the children's room must be made of unbreakable material, such as metal or tissue. Flakes chandeliers must be installed so that the light bulbs are hidden inside.
  4. If there is a breast child in the room, then the light from the ceiling should not be too bright, because the baby will consider bright light sources for a long time.

Lighting the working office on the attic floor

Attic, equipped with a working office, should have a high level of illumination. This can be achieved due to several levels of light, one of which will necessarily be located near the desktop.

Illumination of the leisure area in the attic room

  1. Many families use a mansard room for a joint time. Often there is a home cinema here. In order for the watching movies only a pleasant sensation, the attic windows should close from daylight with the help of blind tints.
  2. The cinema zone looks good in the illumination of laconic point devices.
  3. On the yarding floor you can equip the gym. In this case, it is correct to set 2 light sources: central and lateral. Additional lighting should be located near the mirror, then in its reflection you will clearly see your actions.

How to properly conduct the electrical equipment of the attic

  1. We now turn to more prosaic part when designing the coverage of the attic. It must be not only beautiful, but also safe.
  2. The electrical wiring of the attic room requires sharp skills, since the roof most often consists of wooden beams, prone to fire in the occurrence of provoking factors.
  3. To eliminate the likelihood of a dangerous situation, it is important to take into account the following points:
  • it is impossible to use metal brackets for fixing the wiring to the wooden elements of the attic due to the risk of damage to the insulating layer;
  • it is important to use a special tube with a smooth inner surface for the shelter of the electric pipe, this will help minimize the likelihood of a fire as a result of a voltage jump;
  • it is best to use a three-wire cable if the choice fell on single-wire or stranded cables, then you need to be confident in their insulation;
  • optimally entrust work on the installation of electrical wiring to a professional.
  1. See video instructions on the Internet, which show how to properly organize the lighting of the attic.

Plan of work on the coverage of the attic

  1. Before mounting electrical wiring, you need to draw a scheme with an indication of the locations of the light sources, sockets and other electrical appliances. In this case, the number of outlets are calculated by such a simple formula: 1 piece for each electrical appliance + 2 additional outlets.
  2. After that, we define the number of cable we need. For every 20 m square. The premises will be required at least 1 cable.
  3. For sufficient illumination of the attic room, taking into account the increased load on the power grid, the following limit is used: 10 points - for light sources and 6 - for outlets.

With successful attic lighting, this room can be equipped with almost any needs. With the help of light and thanks to the large selection of lighting devices, you can hide a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room or beat the triangular roof shape, as well as direct attention to decor elements.

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