We make the sewage in the housekeeping. Ways to organize sewage

March 22. Useful advice Views 556. Comments To write the sewage in the housekeeping. Ways to organize sewage No

The arrangement of the sewage discharge system in the country is one of the most important stages of the construction of suburban housing. Those times were passed when people were content with a wooden booth installed above dug and at best with a brick pit. Modern technologies allow you to build a normal system of removal and wastewater treatment to make life away from the central sewage as comfortable as possible. Despite the seeming difficulties, the installation of the sewage system in the country area will not cause special difficulties. All items can be easily bought in building supermarkets or order a finished turnkey system, which will simply need to be collected. On how to mount the sewage with your own hands in the hosposka - we will tell further.

Sewage varieties for hozpostroops

In most cases, in the absence of a centralized wastewater removal system, residents simply use a waste pit as the primary waste drive. Some of them are absorbed into the soil, the rest remains as a solid residue in the pit. Over time, the pit is filled and requires forced pumping with special equipment. Of course, such a system is not an example of environmental friendliness and elementary safety rules. Human attack in such a person for any reason means faithful death due to sewing by sewage gases. The explosions of these gases also happened, which led to sad consequences.

Currently, more technological ways are used to organize the sewerage, which are safe for both the environment and for humans.

A modern wastewater disposal system is represented by various septic. They are a closed reservoir made of plastic, which eliminates the ingress of sewage drain into the ground. Thanks to chemical reagents in the septic, anaerobic precipitation is occurring, so that it becomes safe to the environment. Depending on the complexity of the system, it can be equipped with additional sewage treatment plants and sewerage pipes that provide cleaning up to 96%.

There are several types of septicists:

  1. Normal. Represents one container in which the sediment is fermented. In this case, the design of the septica resembles a cesspool, only buried and with the adjustment of the sediment to a safe level. Ordinary single-stage septic tanks require constant pumping, which makes them use economically unprofitable. With a large volume of wastewater and a small capacity capacity, the need for her pumping can reach weekly. The advantage of this system is that it does not require energy consumption for their work.
  2. Septic tanks with dirty waterproof waters. Such a system consists of a septica and field of filtering. The latter is a pit of about 30 m 2 and a depth of 1 m. On this field, the wastewater is happening after septic. At the bottom of the pit lay a layer of gravel, then special pipes (drains), through which the water enters the field, and again the gravel layer. After the drains are lightened in the septic, their degree of purification reaches 30%, which is not enough to drain them into the ground. Thanks to the pump, the clarified water falls on the filtering field, which passes through natural filters, and, reaching the degree of purification of 60%, absorbed into the ground. The disadvantage of this method of cleaning is the low performance of filtration fields and the need for their restructuring every 4-5 years due to the filling of the pit. The large-needed field area makes it possible to use this method only on a large plot.
  3. Installations of deep wastewater treatment. This is the most modern and reliable design of independent sewage. It allows you to clear the drains up to 95%, which will allow them to drain them into the soil or river.

The system of deep cleaning of several containers is consisting:

  • Storage device. This is the largest container in which the primary waste accumulation occurs and their separation on the fractions are heavier of which are settled to the bottom.
  • Aerotean. This is the name of the second chamber into which the clarified water falls under pressure, forming air bubbles. Due to this, the biological cleaning process passes more quickly and efficiently. This stage is the most responsible.
  • Sustainer (or pyramid). Third reservoir of the system of deep waterproof water. Here there is a fingering of water from a heavy fraction and fats. The latter will settle on the bottom and return to the second cleaner stage.
  • The fourth container is a sump of purified water, which is removed through it from the system.

The advantage of the deep cleaning system is the size of the capacity, a simple process of installation and maintenance (replacement of filters occurs no more than 1 time in 3 years). The disadvantages include the price. For a small household, the cost of a system of full water purification can reach 100 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right sewage system for the housekeeping

Before mounting the sewage at the cottage in the hosposka, it is necessary to calculate its performance. You should not take the system for 100 people, if on average no more than 5 people will be resting at the cottage.

The selection of the system depends on the following parameters:

  • The number of permanent or guests in the house of a person.
  • The magnitude of the volley reset. This value is calculated depending on the number of plumbing equipment. It means what the volume of stocks will be simultaneously reset into the sewer.
  • System performance. Usually manufacturers indicate productivity in cubic meters per day. It must be more daily water consumption. Otherwise, its rapid filling will result in an accident.
  • The depth of climbing the sewage pipe. This applies to those houses where the sewage system has already been mounted.
  • Material manufacturing system. Depending on what containers will be manufactured, the conditions for its installation and maintenance will be dependent.
  • Power availability. If it is not possible to provide the sewer system with uninterrupted power, it makes no sense to establish multi-level cleaning.

  • Relief area. When designing the installation of the sewage treatment system, it is necessary to take into account all the slopes and elevations on the site.
  • Features of soils. The composition of the soil on the plot affects the features of the installation of sewage and its operation.
  • Depth of groundwater. The higher they are, the greater the likelihood of the system flooding.
  • Plot size and location on it. The water purification system should not be at a high distance from the house. Otherwise, the depth of its installation will have to increase.

Instructions for the installation of sewage with their own hands

After the type of sewage system was defined and all materials were purchased, you can start it. The easiest performed is the system of deep purification of sewage 3 in 1 "Unilox". Although it includes several stages of cleaning the sewer plum, all the necessary parts are enclosed in one case, which makes it installation fairly simple.

Sizes of the system for 8 residents who have a capacity of more than 1.5 m 3 per day and the magnitude of one-time reset of 350 liters, allow you to establish it without attracting additional techniques. For installation, you will need help, at least three people, because its height is 2.6 meters.

Instructions for the installation of sewage in the housekeeping with their own hands:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to choose a plot for installing the cleaning capacity and a container for collecting filtered water. It is advisable to do it near the house. The smaller the distance from the foundation of the building, the less the angle of the slope of the sewer nozzle must be withstanding.
  2. The receiving nozzle cannot be buried more than 0.85 m from the ground level. Accordingly, it is necessary to make it possible to install pipes for sewage, so that the movement of the removal is appropriate, and the angle of their tilt allows you to freely remove the drains.
  3. After the site is selected, you need to dig a hole to install the main reservoir. On the latter there is a mark that the tank must be broken. Accordingly, the depth of the pit should be equal to the height of the reservoir at the specified mark, taking into account the dumping of the bottom of the layers of sand and gravel.
  4. The width of the pit should be 20 cm more than the size of the container on each side. After installation, the gaps are covered with sand. When installing the system, it is necessary to ensure that the container is set strictly by level.
  5. You should also consider the power supply paths to connect the electrical part of the water purification. The consumption of the station for 8 people is approximately 80 W / h.
  6. Removal of purified water from the main container is made under the contrulon. This means that the discharge nozzle is below the level of the capacitance cover. When the level of purified water is raised to the level of the cover, it simply overflows to a special trench or accumulating container, after which it is used for watering and technical purposes.
  7. Usually, accumulating capacitances are less than the volume than the receptions, so the pit on it is to dig smaller. The water pump is connected to the water accumulator, which, when filling it, pumped out purified water.
  8. After the entire system is mounted, it is checked for performance. First, it is better to do it with clean water.

Sewerage do it yourself: video

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