Paul in the hallway: choice of coating, design, photo

December 10. Interior decoration Views 2183. 1 comment to the entry floor in the hallway: choice of coating, design, photo

Before proceeding to repair in your apartment, many people wonder what sex to do in the hallway. Linoleum slowly displaces other, more modern materials. The choice of sex for the hallway today is huge, so choose the optimal coating - the task is not easy.

We all know that the hallway is the most sought-after place, and the load in this part of the room will be higher than in the living room or bedroom. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a practical floor material into the hallway, which will be least subject to abrasion.

This requirements are responsible for such an outdoor coating:

  • linoleum (with the basis and without it);
  • laminate;
  • ceramic tile.

You can also consider as a flooring in the hallway such materials as parquet, bulk sex and carpet.


Characteristics of flooring

Regardless of which room there will be a floor covering, high demands are presented to it.

These include:

  • durability;
  • resistance to erasure;
  • resistance to pressure and impact resistance;
  • compliance with environmental standards;
  • stain resistance and other pollution;
  • the ability to process the coating by chemical detergents.

In the hallway, the floor will be exploited strongly, so it is necessary to choose such a floor covering so that it meets all the above requirements.

Types of coatings for the hallway. Their advantages and disadvantages


Linoleum (PVC coverage) - Common and demanded floor covering in the hallway, kitchen and residential premises.

Artificial linoleum is divided into three groups:

  • household (service life is no more than five years);
  • semi-commercial (service life of up to ten years);
  • commercial (will serve more than twenty-five years).

The last two coatings are suitable for sex in the hallway, as they have good wear resistance.

You can distinguish each type of linoleum by certain features:

  • pVC coating is soft and well bends - this is a household linoleum;
  • semi-commercial - also nits well, but it is more hard and tight. It is not formed when pressing dents;
  • on the first and second form of PVC coatings, the pattern is applied only on the top layer;
  • the commercial linoleum is shoved for the whole thickness, and it almost never bends and rigid enough;

The advantages of linoleum include:

  • low cost;
  • rich selection of colors;
  • moisture resistance.

From the flaws, it is noted: components that are part of the linoleum are distinguished by pairs, harmful to humans. When choosing this type of coating, it must be considered, especially if small children live in the house.


Natural coating. Such linoleum was invented in the seventeenth century. The production technology included the impregnation of the coating of wax, resin and natural oils. Currently, natural linoleum is produced on the basis of resin, wood flour, chalk and oils. Natural coating will serve for more than twenty years, provided that it is properly operating. Once every three months, linoleum needs to rub mastic to preserve a beautiful appearance.

His main advantages:

  • environmentally safe;
  • has increased wear resistance;
  • large selection of colors.

The disadvantage is a high price and complexity in laying. In addition, natural linoleum is almost impossible to buy in our country.


Quartzinyl tile

Mainly widely applied abroad, and the experience of application is almost forty years. Tile laid in stores and shopping centers, office space and in other places of high load.

Quartzinyl tile on the floor to the hallway is a good choice, since the material by 18% consists of quartz sand, vinyl and additives (plasticizers, dyes and stabilizers), and has increased strength.

What are the advantages of tiles:

  • quartz sand is considered sufficiently strong natural material, it gives tiles durability, wear resistance and resistance to damage and impacts;
  • tile does not ignite;
  • meets environmental standards;
  • is not a conductor current;
  • does not absorb liquid;
  • acid resistance;
  • not afraid of temperature fluctuations;
  • ease of care;
  • a variety of design (imitation under natural stone and tree);
  • easily stilt.

A distinctive feature of the Quartzinyl tile is that its thickness is three millimeters, and if you add the thickness of the impregnation layer to the material, the coating will reach ten millimeters. In some cases, when laying such a tile on the floor, you need to raise the doors.



Often, laminate is used for the floor in the hallway. This is a multilayer coating of focus of high strength. Outside the coating is drawing, imitating a natural tree. The life of the laminate is from five to fifteen years, depending on the price and quality of the coating.

By wear resistance, laminate is divided into six classes:

  • for the house (the strength of the coating of from twenty-one to twenty-three units);
  • for offices and commercial premises (the strength of the coating from thirty-one to thirty-three units).

The main advantages of the floor covering:

  • ecological pure material;
  • has noise absorbing properties;
  • easy installation.

The main lack of laminate is the joints of the boards are very susceptible to moisture and dirt. This can be avoided if you process all seams with moisture-resistant grout. In addition, you can immediately purchase a coating that has passed special processing. The price of the product will be somewhat more expensive.

Specialists advise me to consider the following:

  1. Choose a laminate from the moisture-proof collection.
  2. For the hallway it is necessary to acquire a coating with noise absorbing properties.
  3. Places subject to severe load, it is desirable to protect rubber or rubber mats.


Most people are interested in it is better to buy for floors in the hallway. An excellent option for flooring will be the combined floor in the hallway, consisting of laminate and ceramic tiles. You can use as a coating and one tile, as it can withstand heavy loads.


Ceramic tile

To cover the floor in the corridor, a special ceramic tile with a high wear-resistance class (PEI index) is selected. It is necessary to choose a coating with the third or fourth class of strength.


  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • not afraid of dirt and moisture;
  • high wear resistance.

Of the disadvantages, you can note the following:

  • the surface of the floor will be cold, so it is necessary to take care of the installation of a warm floor in advance in the hallway;
  • ceramic tile, despite the seeming strength and wear resistance, may be damaged and even split from the fall of the massive subject.

For the hallway it is better to choose a tile with relief or with a special spraying against slip.

ceramic Pl.

Parquet and Natural Parquet Board

Public countertops:

  • made of natural materials;
  • the surface of the floor is warm;
  • relatively low cost;
  • large size lamellas laying very quickly.

Parquet consists of solid wood (ash, maple, oak) and can also be used for floors in the hallway.

Advantages of parquet:

  • the floor surface always remains warm;
  • the possibility of long-term operation (up to ten or more years) and repairing the coating;
  • ecological pure material;
  • wide selection of drawings and the possibility of artistic laying.

From the disadvantages of natural flooring for the floor, the following can be distinguished: often wash the floor and apply detergents cannot be used. In addition, the floor quickly scratches from small pieces of dirt and sand with shoes.


Floor design in the hallway

Design details need to be thought out very carefully taking into account the size of the room. So, if the room is stretched in length, then it will be visually enlarged by laying the coating across.

The hallway will seem spacious if the drawing and color of the coating will be combined with furniture. In addition, the tone and color will allow both to increase, lengthen and visually reduce the space.


When using dark shades, the hallway will seem smaller, so it is necessary to take care of the artificial lighting of the room in advance. But bright tones - on the contrary, give the room some rigor and visually increase it.


The visual expansion of space is achieved through the use of one coverage in the hallway and in the places of transition to other premises.

What could be the floor in the hallway - see photo:

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One answer to the floor in the hallway: choice of coating, design, photo

  1. Gennady:

    Nothing is said about vinyl floors

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