Construction of the foundation on clay soil

November 22. Foundation Views 1405 Comments To write the construction of the foundation on clay soil No

The foundation device is the initial and most important part of construction work. The reliability and durability of the building largely depends on the strength and qualitative execution of this structural element. Incorrectly designed and mounted foundation without taking into account the project of the building and the features of soils on the site may cause the destruction of the house. That is why this operation needs to be approached with full responsibility.

Special attention should be paid to the soils. In different types of their types, the same design solution of the foundation will have different strength. For example, the belt base will be a century to stand on rocky soil without any problems, and on clay soils it may well "float" with a high arrangement of groundwater. It is about clay soils and the features of the construction of foundations on them - hereinafter.

Features of clay soils


The main feature of clay soil is that it does not hold the form at all. There are several "droplets" of water and clay blossoms. We all ever dealt with this material. Its emergency plasticity allows you to make a large number of various products from it, however, in construction it is not dignity, but a disadvantage. Due to the increased plasticity, the clay soil cannot act a full-fledged building that when washing the soil from under the foundation can contribute to the formation of emptiness. They, in turn, can cause the basis of the basis. What will lead to the destruction of the building. That is why the construction of a house on such soils should be accompanied by their deep analysis by specialists who should give their conclusion about the possibility of building the structure.


Clay soil is different, depending on the content of clay in it:

  1. Starting with 30%, the soil is considered clay. Due to the high content of moisture, such soil is practically not suitable for construction. The complexity and high cost of the foundation built on it makes the structure very expensive. The fact is that when the moisture is freezing, contained in such a soil, has an expanding property, which in turn can damage the foundation.
  2. Sand, clay and stone mixtures. Of all clay soils, the latter is most suitable for construction. At the expense of the stone, he perfectly holds the shape, does not swim, which makes the construction on it not very complicated and quite strong.
  3. Other types of soil. Also distinguished:
  • supses - the type of soil, which contains sand and clay, and the last not more than 5%;
  • suglink - soil consisting of sand and clay, in which the last no more than 10%.

Sacks and loams, similarly, like clay, belong to the category of unreliable soils whose behavior depends on many factors. In each case, there is a need to carefully analyze the state of the soil to make a decision on the design of the foundation.

There are two main varieties of clay:

  1. Red clay. This material contains a large amount of sand. It is because of this that he perfectly absorbs moisture and keeps her shape well. Soils with a red clay content are extremely unstable and very often subjected to destruction and changes in the structure.
  2. Blue clay. It has better strength characteristics. Practically does not let moisture, which can accumulate on its surface.

Clay soil. What a foundation for her fit

The construction of foundations on clay soils without special training can not be carried out. If it is possible, it is better to transfer it to another place if not - to attract specialists to help. It is worth aware that such construction will not only be difficult, but also costly.

Ribbon foundation on clay soil


A construction of a tape foundation is allowed on the clay ground, however, it will have a slightly excellent structure in comparison with the same type for other types of soil. The advantages of the ribbon base are:

  1. High reliability subject to all requirements of technology.
  2. Excellent strength and waterproofing.
  3. Suitable almost to any type of buildings and materials from which they are built.
  4. The possibility of building a foundation on clay soil with their own hands in a short time.

The disadvantages of this type of foundation are as follows:

  1. High spending time and funds for earthworks.
  2. A large mass and high cost of materials.


There are several options for arranging such a base:

  • The first construction scheme of the belt foundation on clay soils involves the construction of a special pillow. In the trench, duck up under the tape of the base, several layers of sand and gravel are alternately. The thickness of each of them should be at least 18-22 cm. After sinking the next layer, it is watered with water and thoroughly tamper. Such a pillow is sleeping until zero. Then it builds a largest stone or brick basis. From above, the base is dried by several layers of PVC film or rubberoid.
  • The second option for the construction of the foundation involves the smell of sand-gravel mixture only half of the depth of the pit. The pillow is thoroughly tamped and levels. Then one layer of brick masonry is placed onto its surface. After the solution is dry, the formwork is constructed under the fill of concrete to the height. Plaques for formwork should be processed by a special antiseptic and covered with a layer of tar. The formwork is installed on the required height of the foundation and poured concrete. After that, the foundation is aligned and the layer of waterproofing is stacked on top. For the latter, you can use dense PVC film or runner.
  • The third option of the base involves the use of a flat slate for formwork. A formwork is immersed in the divergent recovery, assembled from sheets of roofing material. The distance between the soil and formwork is filled with gravel. Inside half of the container is filled with a mixture of sand and gravel and is thoroughly tamped. The concrete is not more than 15 cm layers, which must be sealing a special construction vibrator until cement milk appears on its surface. After cooling, the foundation must be covered with waterproofing.

If possible, it is advisable to operate the external plane with bitumen mastics before falling down the distance between the land and the basis and cover the waterproofing. Smelling produce gravel.

Pile foundation on clay soil


The pile or column foundation is the easiest and balanced solution for construction on clay soils. Due to the need to drill special wells and the appropriate use of special means and technology, this type of basis is difficult to name the cheapest. However, its strength on unstable soils makes it the most acceptable.

Among the advantages of such a foundation are the following:

  1. The minimum required amount of materials and their availability.
  2. Minimum shrinkage of materials.
  3. Easy performed.
  4. The ability to install on sites with the most complex composition of soils.

The disadvantage of him is one - the need to use special equipment.

The device of such a foundation at first glance is not too complicated. Procedure for conducting work:

  1. Depending on the project of the building under each carrier plate, special holes with a diameter of 200-300 mm are placed. The depth in each individual case is determined by the specialist. It should be lower than the ground freezing point.
  2. At the bottom of the well, the gravel layer is poured, after which an asbestos-cement pipe is lowered into it. Concrete poured inside her.
  3. Several reinforcement rods are inserted inserted before filling in the pipe for the pipe.
  4. Poles are installed at the intersection of bearing walls and in the corners of the building. The support step of the support should not exceed 2 meters.

There is another foundation on clay soil, the scheme of which is similar to the previous one - the so-called pile-oxpene. It is built a little on another technology, and it is possible to use it in places with a water-saturated soil. It is worth noting that such a foundation will cost much cheaper than the pile.

The technology of its construction is quite simple:

  1. In places where, according to the project, supports must be installed, a layer of soil is removed and pits with a depth of 0.5 m and 0.4x0.6 m.
  2. It is covered with a mixture of sand and gravel, which is torn and watering water. The mound is produced in layers to the level of soil, constantly tamping.
  3. Then the prepared pillows are stacked concrete blocks. For this purpose, products of standard size of 0.2 x 0.3 x 0.5 m or 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.5 m are used.
  4. For the device of one support, as a rule, 2 concrete blocks associated with a solution are used. The sides of the blocks are processed by an antiseptic, and a layer of rubberoid or PVC film is placed on the upper part to ensure waterproofing.

The resistance of such a basis is that water cannot penetrate into the lower layers of the fuma, since they have air. Although water and penetrates into the layers of clay soil during the autumn rains or spring floods, the lower damp remains absolutely dry. Due to this, upon the occurrence of frosts, the dumping does not expand, which eliminates the flow of the basis and throughout the geometry of the entire building.

If there is no possibility to buy concrete blocks, you can cast them from concrete at the place. To do this, set the formwork of the required height and poured the solution. It is necessary to do this by layers, constantly conducting vibration. After that, handle the finished poles should be similar as concrete blocks.

As can be seen, the construction of the foundation on clay soils is a very difficult lesson, requiring special knowledge and skills. This may not be under the unprepared builder, so the design and execution of works on the construction of bases on such soils is better to entrust professionals.

Foundation on clay soil: photo

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Foundation on clay soil: video

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