Criteria for the selection of garden cars

May 12. Instruments, Useful advice Views 5379. Comments To record the criteria for choosing a garden car No

With the arrangement of its own country area and the subsequent care for it will certainly need a special garden inventory. The presence of suitable tools and equipment will not only facilitate the execution of all works. Significantly decreases the cost of care for the territory and green plantings. Indispensable in this respect the garden car, to whose choice, come in the same thorough as to acquiring any other tool.

What criteria to take into account when buying a garden car?


Despite the seeming ease of the process of choosing this tool to care for its own plot, there are a number of criteria and recommendations. Be sure to read them before buying a garden wheelbarrow, determine the appropriate parameters and follow the use of use in subsequent operation.


Important! Take into account that accurate compliance with the presented requirements will certainly affect the convenience of use.


Pay attention to the following parameters:

What kind of choose the design of the garden car?

Current manufacturers provide a wide range of garden tacks. The design of the design distinguishes two groups:

  • whole
  • collapsible.

Important! When choosing, consider the volume and nature of the planned work. Tachka_21666.

The advantages of solid garden tanks:

  • strength and reliability
  • long service life
  • rare breakdowns.


The advantages of the collapsible design are as follows:

  • the ability to use several types of body by changing the need
  • removable wheels, which allows the use of a wheelbarrow not only to move various cargo and garden debris, but also separately use the body as a container for the preparation of fertilizer solutions or building mixtures. 1376737022

    Important! Please note that, despite the explicit superiority of collapsible models due to the wide range of applications, the constant reinstalling of individual elements often significantly reduces wear resistance, that is, the longest life will be much less. _________________509628ac66d49.


Review the video in which an example of the collapsible car assembly is clearly shown to evaluate the speed and simplicity of this process.

How many wheels should the wheelbarrow be?

Another distinguishing criterion of the device of this garden inventory is the size and number of wheels. Modern models are equipped mainly 1 or 2, and even 4 wheels.

Important! Please note that the constructs with one and two wheels are more in demand. Tacka_Sonstruction_21141_ENL

Advantages of using the designs of different types:

  1. The main advantage of the unit of a single wheelbarrow is big maneuverability even in the absence of wide tracks on the plot. But it will certainly be necessary to solid soil, which will reduce the efforts applied. 00000018339_HB_1101
  2. Garden Targets Two-wheeled are also distinguished by high demand. Their main advantages are equally distributed pressure on the soil and more convenient use with smaller physical efforts. Such structures are more balanced and stable. The only nuance, which is taking into account when choosing such a model - matching the width of cars and width of the tracks on the land plot. foto_8.
  3. Four-wheel structures are also applied, but to a greater extent to perform large-scale work with regular transport of large weight and volume. As a rule, the wheelchair is characterized by large weight and all parameters. To care for the Middle Garden Point, this acquisition is not quite rational - you will have to apply excessive efforts during operation, while the load capacity and litter will most likely exceed the required. sadovaya-Telezhka.

What wheel size will provide convenient operation?

Be sure to separate attention to the size of the wheels, since the quality of depreciation depends on it when driving.

Important! Prefer the garden bar with the wheel diameter of at least 40 cm. This size will ensure the most convenient operation. KL2770-1.

How to determine the appropriate size and dialing room?

When choosing a wheelchair, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • framework, which varies within 70-150l
  • load capacity, variable load, which is 70-250 kg. product_Zoom_11894.

    Important! The range of these indicators is quite wide, so the main thing is to choose the optimal combination. Take into account the following nuance, the higher the possibilities will be, the harder there will be a barbecue, and physical efforts will be needed in the process of its operation. Therefore, to perform diverse work on the care of a plot of medium size - the transportation of cropped branches of trees and tops, preparation and delivery on the fertilizer site and the removal of the collected garbage is enough to buy a garden plate, which does not exceed 150 l, and the load capacity is limited to 100 kg. 4360011

What form are comfortable?

Basically, all modern manufacturers offer models, the body shape of which is a trapezium with smoothly smoothed corners. The lower part of the design has a square shape, and one of the vertical sides is tilted. Review the photo of the garden bar to clearly understand the principle of the device of this type of garden inventory. 86076653_1_644x461_tachka-stroitelnaya-dvuhkolesnaya-chernigov

Important! Prefer precisely such a type of design, as it benefits it to its convenience of loading and unloading any materials. In addition, the capacity of such a plate is significantly higher than the models of another form and there are practically no limitations on the dimensions of the material to move within the specified load capacity. Odinpv_enl

What hands are more convenient?

Another important criterion is the size and shape of the handles. From how correctly you will pick up a garden wheelbarrow according to this indicator, the future load on your hands and spine depends.


Therefore, adhere to the following recommendations when choosing:

  1. The longer the handle, the more convenient to carry out cargo cars with cargo
  2. Check how free is your body body between the handles, to determine the optimal width
  3. Specify the availability of special linings from porous rubber in the capture places to prevent the hands of hands along the length and appearance of corns. 3

How to determine the reliability of cars?

To purchase a truly durable wheelbarrow, which will serve far from one year, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The material from which the body is made. For the production of this detail of the design, plastic, steel or wood are most often used. If possible, give preference to steel products with an additional anti-corrosion coating of paint or zinc, and the thickness of the sheet used, the higher the resistance to any mechanical exposure. The advantages of such a solution, in the form of lightness of the wheelchair itself, in combination with high strength, you will certainly appreciate in the process of performing all works. 558619_W640_H640_Tachka.
  2. Material used for frame production. In this regard, give preference to solid metal products. Welded structures differ less than a long service life, especially if it is not very high quality. 22515
  3. Form form. Please note how evenly the load is distributed over the entire wheelbarrow, and how large physical efforts are needed for it. A properly selected form of the frame greatly facilitates the process of transportation, eliminates the advantage in one direction, reduces the risk of its coup and gives the maximum stability of the design when loading. T0702K.

What manufacturer to give preference?

The number of options presented in today's garden inventory market is quite widely diverse. Take into account, prices are vary not only from technical indicators and quality of configuration, but also certainly from the brand's reputation. 420922

Important! Pay attention to manufacturers more in demand in this regard to really do not worry about the quality of the selected tool.

Among all companies supplying garden equipment to the domestic market, the following brands are most popular:

  1. Al-Ko (Germany). All products of this company represent the line of agricultural tools and equipment. It is noteworthy that the model range is both the goods for the professional user and the gardener amateur. Despite the high quality of the entire inventory manufactured, it is quite available, which makes this brand one of the most sought-after. 1038_sadovaia_tachka_al_ko_g66_1363255399224923.
  2. Forte (China). Products of this company serves as a bright refutation of a breaking opinion about poor-quality Eastern products. Due to the combination of high technical indicators confirmed by European-quality certificates, and more than an affordable price, this manufacturer is one of the most popular global exporters of garden tools. tachka-Sadovaya-Odnokoljosna-Forte-WB6203_ENL
  3. GARDENA (Germany). When choosing any equipment to care for the country area, it is impossible to get around the products of this company. A wide viewing range of a variety of high quality tools supplied to the world market for more than half a century, allows you to select the most appropriate model. one-Wheeled-Wheelbarrow-Garden-Vitals-110-250! Large
  4. Haemmerlin (France). Another European leader is not only the supply of tools for leaving land plots, but also construction equipment of various complexity. Given the constant development for improving structures, it does not have to doubt the balance and reliability of the acquired tool. Wheelbarrow 930000250 9024 Galv 85L PNEUMATIC-FDD7AB95-B9F0-4872-9B36-3C6CFB08712D
  5. Forward (England). The relatively young company existing since 2002, but, despite this, she has already steadily occupied the first positions in the European market in the field of selling garden equipment. Further distinguishes this brand widely developed network of branches and service centers in Russia. High quality is unable to combine with the original design and ergonomics of any tool. 0287289_L.


Despite the simplicity of the design of the garden car, be sure to follow these recommendations when purchasing. Only such an approach will allow you to pick up the model that will really facilitate work in the process of care for its sites, and for a long time.

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