Hive nucleus do it yourself

May 12. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 7783. Comments To write hive nucleus with your own hands No

Beekeepers newbies are always a lot of questions. They are concerned about many factors, worrying for the first wintering of bees, the choice of hive, etc. They can be understood, because beekeeping is a serious thing. The beginners in this area easier to make the Nucleus hive and arrange a young family there than immediately being taken for the construction of a bee farm. Read on how to build nucleases with your own hands that you will need to pay more attention to.

Who are you, hive-nucleus?

In fact, this is the same house for bees, only small. And there is not a large colony of insects there, but only its part. Ideally, an aboriginal uterus is placed there, it becomes a hawk, then fertilizes and, as a result, puts eggs.


Advantages of mini-hive

Such little bee houses allow you to solve a number of tasks:

  1. The first is an increase in the productivity of apiary.
  2. The increase in the number of final product - honey.
  3. Family updates, replacement of the diet.

In addition, you can make nucleus for bees with your own hands, using inexpensive and all materials available. By building them, you will not have to think about wintering insects, they will gladly survive frosts there.

Design of Ulya Nucleus

It looks like nothing complicated: the usual Fiberboard frame, insulated by foam. Inside the same is twelve semi-frames, which should be installed. You can do differently by installing Dadanov's framework (or rutovskiy) along. All walls are made double, the exception is the bottom and the roof.


How to Make Nuclease - Mini Instructions

Miniature houses for bees are available on sale, but if there is a desire to build a housing for the buzzing of the wards yourself, then we ask for mercy. Do not run in the barn to look suitable materials for the hive. Sit at the table, get the pen and paper, and draw the drawing of the nucleus.

Drawing - it's not cunning

First draw the case until you go into size, make the primary drawing. Mark the place of placement of the framework, feeders, flyers, legs. Remember the youth years, drawing lessons and draw a top view to make it easier to understand the main features of the roof. The side view is also useful, because the roof is often more in size than the frame.

Do not forget to mark the places where the ventilation openings are planned. Think up in advance what legs should be. This is just the trifle on which attention should be paid. Thus, the folding legs are still as useful if you need to transfer nucleus to bees to a new place.

Start a construction!

Stick in the following sequence:

1. First do the case. To do this, take the boards, mark the desired dimensions (about them a little later). We make the workpieces of the sides of the body, after which they knock him down. Some of the soul of a different way - the walls of the hive they prefer to smoke. There is nothing wrong with that, the owner is Barin.

2. Next nourish the bottom (or glued).

3. The next step is the installation of plywood partitions. Their number also choose you, based on how many insects you are going to put there. Keep in mind one compartment is one small bee family.

4. Each "room" it's time to equip your pilot and separate ventilation hole. It is not necessary to cry with him - it will be enough 15 mm for a good air exchange.

5. The outdoor sizes of the framework, according to experimental beekeepers, are recommended as follows - 206 * 134 mm. The feeder has similar length and height, and the width is 25 mm.

6. The final stage is legs. They are doing at their discretion, most often the pair nourish two small boards. If the legs are leaked out of steel, then they are advised to use a rod with a diameter of 10 mm. Ask why they are needed at all? And in order to increase the reliability of the product, because the weakest place in the ulle is the surface adjacent to the ground.


Tiny and also tiny

It turns out that little hive has a mini-nucleus younger brother. It is usually double. It serves for the departure and mating the most young modules. Everyone pursues their goals: many send spare dots there only to wintering.

Polystyrene foam - perfect material for nucleus?

It can only compete with a tree. We know this material well, confident in it by 100%, but about the hives he loses a little. And the leads of thermal conductivity are injected. It is also important and the weight of a holistic structure. Suddenly you have to change the dislocation of nucleus?

Warm, light, durable ... cozy, quiet, clean ... That's all that the beekeeper wishes to his wards. The material does not rot (in contrast to the tree), it is not afraid of cold and wind. And most of all happy beekens Other feature of polystyrene foam: The material passes the sunlight, albeit dense.

The material is good, but far from being perfect. Among substantial drawbacks, the following factors:

  • low strength of folds inside the hull;
  • Complexity in the cleaning of propolis.

In the wooden hives-nucleus, a single chisel is enough, here you need some chemical agent. Yes, and such that it does not harm the bees. That's all and complexity. In addition, it is important to try not to damage the nucleus itself from polystyrene foam. The mission is impossible, not otherwise. Yet experienced beekeepers have a couple of tips on this. They learned to wash the hives and hot water, and the pitch.

And finally ...

Remember: no matter how difficult the task of manufacturing nucleus, she is "not so scary as her little." Think about the final result, compare Swarm with the Gypsy Tabor. Is it really the number "in Tenship, and not in the insult" with bees? No! Giving every small family on nucleus, the dimensions of which are not so impressionable, you will help not only them, but also yourself.


Having established several (or ten or two) miniature dwellings for the winged hinders on the site, you will soon feel their return. And the neighbors will only have to envy a rich harvest with your apiary. Want to know how real masters make nucleus with their own hands, - the video is abused on the Internet. Look and wind on the mustache!

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