How to separate the walls with decorative plaster

August 9. Repair and construction work Views 3709. Comments to record How to separate the walls with decorative plaster No

Decorative plaster - universal building material designed to finish any surfaces inside and outside the building. Its main advantage is the plasticity and the possibility of experiments with color and texture.

Types of decorative plaster


1. Structural:

  • based on synthetic laters;
  • silicate;
  • mineral.

2. Venetian.

The external wall covering with such plaster resembles a sour cream.

3. Stone.

It may include:

  • quartz crumb;
  • marble;
  • granite;
  • semiprecious stones.

4. Textual.

After complete drying, a homogeneous texture is formed, resistant to abrasion.

Wall covering with decorative plaster


Advantages of wall decoration with decorative plaster:

  • wide range of;
  • easy to use;
  • durability;
  • originality of the final result;
  • the ability to hide many flaws;
  • you can wash using any cleaning agent;
  • it is possible to finish the outer walls with decorative plaster;


  • can be applied to various surfaces;
  • forms seamless and high-quality coating;
  • has resistant to mechanical effects;
  • makes a significant temperature difference;
  • fireproof;
  • it has excellent sound and thermal insulation properties.


  • requires preliminary preparation and primer of walls;
  • quickly hard hard.

Walls for decorative plaster: Features of coatings


In the event that the decorative plaster is made in the form of a dry mixture, it should be mixed with water in a certain proportion. Apply finishing building materials need quickly. So for different types of plasters there are your tools:

  • trowel;
  • master OK;
  • brush;
  • roller

As for the molding inventory, with the help of it you can create different types of textures.

Due to special coloring substances, a decorative plaster gives any color. Dyes are produced in a dry or pasty form, and then mixed directly before work. They are not recommended to be added to the structural, but allowed in texture plaster.

The consumption of material is measured in kilograms per 1 m.kv. And it is usually from 1.5-3 kg, depending on the structure, type and purpose of the solution.

Preparation of walls for decorative plaster


This process is practically no different from the preparation of walls for a different type of finishing. However, in this case, you can not strive for the perfectly smooth surface, since the decorative plaster wonderfully hides small defects. Your task is to neutralize large.

And remember that decorative plaster is the final stage of repair and construction. All work on the floor, the ceiling must be completed, doors and windows are installed, and the room is cleaned of dust, dirt and garbage.

Stages of wall preparation for decorative plaster


  • If you are placed the walls, then they must survive about 1 month.
  • The surface should be prepared as under painting: seal cracks, chips, potholes and coat them with acrylic composition.
  • In the event that the wall is not sufficiently dense, it must be treated with restoring or strengthening soil.
  • The surface with high humidity is coated with antifungal solution.
  • If there are cracks, they need to be revealed and fill in a special putty.
  • The finished surface is spitting. Each layer dries up to 1 day.
  • In order to avoid cracking, experts recommend using flieslinic wallpaper or sickle.
  • The joints of the joints are carefully shoved and squeak.
  • Each layer of putty is treated with acrylic deep penetration.
  • Finish putty building materials should not be used, which impede absorption - compositions on the oil-adhesive basis and alabastra.
  • For grinding you can use emery fine paper.

The above sequence of action preparation of walls is common. In each specific case, it may differ depending on the desired result, the properties of the used building materials and features of the room.

Decorative plaster walls how to apply


The decoration of walls with decorative plaster, the price of which can vary depending on the manufacturer, includes a number of actions:

1. Initially, the prepared composition is applied to the wall and well smolders. This can be done with the following tools:

  • kelma;
  • roller;
  • brushes, etc.

As for finely and thin-fucked plasters, it is better to apply them using a kraskopulture.

Be sure to look so that the solution falls uniformly, otherwise the surface will look ugly.

2. Then, when decorative plaster grab a little, it should be given a certain view using a special tool - paper, lace, relief roller.

How to separate the walls with decorative plaster: effects

Ambiente Teil II.





Effects that can be created using decorative plaster:

1. "Bark":

  • a decorative plaster is superimposed on a small section of the wall;
  • then she smoothes over the entire surface with a fur roller;
  • after complete drying, the wall is grinning and covered with a special melted varnish using all the same fur roller;
  • after 12 hours, the varnish is removed from the protruding sites using the grinding machine to the manifestation of the inner layer.

2. "Sponge":

  • the composition is applied to the wall, well levels;
  • then with sharp movements on it, a sponge is applied;
  • the latter should be cleaned regularly in water and squeeze a little.

3. "Ranged stone":

  • zello plaster is treated with a chisel, growing certain pieces;
  • then etching the surface with hydrochloric acid;
  • next, using the "Sgrafito" method, several layers of plastering of different shade are applied to the wall;
  • on the top layer apply stencil;
  • with the help of a sharp tool, a drawing is carved;
  • the arms of the holes are powder in paint;
  • after 5-6 hours, the image is shown to the desired color.

4. "Flakes":

  • initially, the walls are covered with color stucco, which is well recomposed;
  • then, by spraying on the surface, a composition is applied, which is divorced to sour cream consistency.

After drying, the finished wall can be covered with varnish - it will facilitate care in the future.

Wall decoration with decorative stucco photo:










Wall decoration with decorative plaster video:

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