Trimming shrubs: cropping rules and tips

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Shrub cultures in the garden from time to time need trimming. Such a procedure helps to form the right crown, remove dead shoots, to proper thickened branches, strengthen the growth and flowering of plants.

Trimming shrubs: Basic Concepts, Description of Tools

To begin with, we will understand what terms gardeners use when it comes to pruning trees and shrubs:

  1. Sleeping and cutting - the concepts that are denoted by the complete removal of the branch. When trimming bushes, shoots are cut by almost near the Earth itself, and sometimes even below its level. To remove thin sprouts, use the secateur, and the thick branches are cut off with a saw.
  2. Trimming a translation is carried out as follows: From the branching of young shoots, one sprout is chosen, which is directed in the right direction, and the remaining branches are removed without hemp.
  3. The trim is called the procedure for shorting escape to the desired length. Such a process stimulates the growth of new branches and the formation of a thick lush crown.

Now I would like to tell you more about tools that use plants in the garden:

  1. Secateurs are devices that allow you to cut a branch to a thickness of up to 2.5 cm. There are two types of similar tools. The first type secator has the curved blades and acts on the principle of ordinary scissors. So that the escape is well cut, the tool should be not only qualitatively sharpened, but also have a minimum gap between the blades. By purchasing such an instrument, check it not only on wood, but also on paper. The second type of the secateurs is a tool with a straight blade, which in the course of the work rests on the end of the plate. When it is used, you will not need to check the gap between the blades each time, but it is difficult for such a device to remove sprouts in hard-to-reach places. Selecting the secret, pay attention not only on its sharpening, but also on the weight, ease of use, the quality of the fixation of the spring.
  2. Another tool for trimming garden shrubs is suchcores. It can cope with thicker branches, the diameter of which reaches 5 cm. In addition, suchcores pulls out to branches located at the very depth of the crown. One of the types of this tool is the rope suchcores - a device that cut high growing shoots.
  3. The saw use in the case when it is necessary to remove too thick branches without much harm to the tree. Garden saw blades are widely diluted, have a height of 5-7 mm, during operations are not clogged with wood and the branch of direct and reverse during the work is equally well.
  4. Garden knife is used to trim thin sprouts, correction of cutting curves, stripping branches or cortex.
  5. Garden scissors are relevant to use where you need to form a figured crown. This device is more suitable for creating decorative hedges, borders, giving shrubs of interesting forms.
  6. During the haircut of tall plants, it is impossible to do without stepladder. The main requirement for the staircase is its stability. The legs of the stepladders must be widely placed, and their stupid ends will not allow the staircase to break into the ground. It is advisable to make the legs with a chain for greater reliability.
  7. Of the additional devices, thick synthetic ropes, struts and garden veins can also be needed.

To trimmed bushes easily, all cutting tools must be well-fullent, their parts should be securely fixed with each other. It is desirable that the tools have a small weight and comfortably lay in hand. It is also good if the handles are bright, so that you can easily find a tool in the grass and leaves.


Trimming and formation of shrubs: Rules and tips

  1. The kidneys from which the branches of the young bush will later grow, are located at the very bottom of the trunk, on its roasting zone. Sutting off the plant on the site, its root neck must be buried by 5-8 cm in the ground.
  2. So that the tall bushes we were well branched, they are cut back at the landing stage. The longest and durable shoots are shortened along the length of the rest, sore branches are completely removed, broken cut to a living kidney.
  3. The lowered plants are also cut when planting, but in this case the branches are shortened to almost the very base, leaving only small grinding grinds with several kidneys. This procedure will help build a powerful rhizome and severe shoots.
  4. Too scattered and thickened bushes at all do not necessarily harde. They can be switched, but since you have to cut a very large number of branches, it is better to break this procedure for a couple of years.
  5. To form a neat crown is needed in the first year of the life of the culture, without waiting for her growing up. Otherwise, you can miss the moment, and the plant will never acquire the desired view.
  6. The distance from the kidneys to the cut should be approximately 5 mm. If you cut off the branch closer, the kidney will die if it remains further, which can be dangerous for shrubs. The cut itself should be done at a low angle.
  7. It is preferably a haircut of plants on the plot every year. If this is not done, pests and diseases will be divorced in an excessive thickened crown.
  8. Sections on shoots should not be split. To do this, it is important to use well sharpened and necessarily a clean tool, and damage damage to garden borants. Properly performed cut will be smooth, without discovering fragments and fibers. If such appeared, they can be adjusted to a garde knife. For branches, the thickness of which exceeds 3 cm, instead of garden production it is better to use oil paint.
  9. From all patients and dried branches it is necessary to get rid of.
  10. Weak shrubs are desirable to cut as short as shorter - it will stimulate their development. Strong cultures are not too shocked.
  11. The less you will injure the bush during trimming - the better. Little Tip: On time, pinned shoots later do not have to shorten.
  12. Any garden cutting tool needs to work with great accuracy, trying not to damage the neighboring processes.
  13. Thick branches growing horizontally cut off in a special way. To begin with, the bottom is done, which is approximately ¼ of the diameter of the bitch. Recovering the trunk 2 cm, the second propyl, which comes to meet the first one. The branch is sawing until it struck along the fibers. After that, the remaining penets are cut with hacksaw.


Types of trimming of shrubs

Forming crop cropping

Early forming trimming allows you to make a shrub or a tree a beautiful neat crown. Such a haircut is carried out in the first spring weeks, before the start of active inaccation. In such a trimming of culture, almost immediately after their landing on the site.

Shrubs most often cut off "on the stump", that is, remove everything that is above 7-9 cm from the root neck. In the fall, new branches grow on hemp, which appear from the remaining sleeping kidneys. The next spring, young shoots are shortening again, while they are watching about 3-5 kidneys on the remaining trimming. After three years, the culture will acquire the desired form that will only need to be recalled periodically.

Features of the formation of a free-growing crown:

  1. In crops with a good branch, possessing beautiful foliage or attractive colors, growing shoots cut into ¼ of their length. Fully outgrown branch is easy to distinguish: the kidney is on its top. In the process of shuffling, shoots also conduct thinning trimming, if there is such a need.
  2. Decorative shrubs with a weak branching are cropped stronger, all annual branches cut off almost to the base, leaving no more than 4 kidneys on the hemp.
  3. In crops with short interstices on hemp, they leave about 10 kidneys.

Krone shrub can be given a decorative form, for example, to create a ball, a pyramid or a trapezium. Do this in the following way:

  1. With the arrival of heat annual shoots cut off almost to the base, leaving the bitch 5 cm. Already at this stage, the crown shape should be as close as possible to the desired result.
  2. During the year after the haircut, the shrubs give rise to new branches.
  3. Throughout the next 3-4 years, the culture is cut through a given template, triggering is carried out twice a year. The first haircut is carried out early in spring, before the start of the deploration. Then the bush is cut as the bitch rushes. When branches will grow by 10 cm, they are shortened twice.

When cropping decorative shrubs, characterized by strong branch, it is impossible to allow excessive thickening of the crown and the growing culture in width. For this, most root processes are cut out. As a rule, weak branches are cut in the course of the haircut, the growth of which is directed inside the bush, as well as severe shoots growing too close to each other.

Tip: Coniferous cultures and evergreen plants do not cut until they reach 4 years. After 4 years, the trimming is carried out every summer, and twice for the season. The first haircut falls in mid-June, the second - at the beginning of August.


Sanitary trimming of shrubs

The purpose of sanitary trimming is to maintain plants in proper form. In the process of such a haircut with bushes, dried, broken, sore shoots are removed. Such a procedure is necessary for several reasons. First, dry, thick and heavy branches can break under their own weight and represent the danger to humans and other objects: transport, communication lines, etc. Secondly, if it does not cut off the fading processes in time, the plant will begin to root and wake.

Sanitary trimming is important for decorative, berry and fruit shrubs. She enaches culture, supports the beauty of their appearance, allows you to always get good fruits and berries.

Sony DSC.

Rejuvenating pruning of plants

The rejuvenating trimming is particularly important for fruit shrubs, although for decorative cultures this procedure is also very useful. Even an old plant can give good harvests, if they regularly carry out rejuvenating haircuts.

It is possible to understand that it is time for such trimming when the annual shoot of shoots becomes very small and amounts to no more than 7 cm. A rejuvenating procedure is carried out from the end of winter before the start of spring, as well as in recent years of summer or in the first month of autumn. During the rejuvenating trimming, the branches are shortened by about a third, leaving the most developed kidneys. If the plant is characterized by good bushy, its yield can be noticeably increased, removing one of the three oldest branches in the bush. As a rule, it is done in spring and no more than once every 2-3 years.

Rejuvenating trimming allows you to influence the flowering of cultures. For example, if a bush is strongly, the buds are blossoming less, but they will be quite large. If the plant is completely a bit, then during flowering period it will cover with many small boutons. If culture is valuable with its decorativeness, then the size and amount of inflorescences are important. As a rule, when trimming, branches leave 3-4 kidneys, which will subsequently give new processes with abundant flowering. After a few years, when the buds begin to flame, the branches can be cut completely.

The rejuvenating trimming of shrubs is carried out in spring, cutting off from plants at least half of old shoots. In some cases, the branches are completely removed, but this can only be done with those cultures that are actively increasing the young root shoots, for example, with IRGA or Kalina. Plants whose pigs are not from the root, but from branches, cut off not at the root, but leave small hemps with a height of 15 cm.

You can learn about the need for a rejuvenating haircut in the appearance of shoots. When they are becoming less, they grow thinner and weak - this is a signal to the fact that the tree needs to be rejuvenated. At the gardeners there is also the practice of "radical rejuvenation". Such a procedure is resorted to when the culture does not just cease to give a strong stroke, but it is generally poorly increasing even short slim shoots. In this case, the bitch is cut to the root cervix. A powerful and developed root system next season will increase a sufficiently large amount of green mass. From the new branches choose the strongest specimens, and others are cut as unnecessary for several years.


Trimming shrubs in autumn

Plants, whose flower kidneys appear on the growth of the current year, can be trimmed in autumn. In the process of haircuts with bushes, last year's gains are cut at a distance of 10-40 cm from the ground. After that, the plants are increasing new branches, which will ensure the main flowering. Autumn trimming can be held every year or a little less often, depending on how intensively the crown is thickened and how fast the culture loses a decorative look.

So that the plants are regenerated faster and actively increased green mass, after trimming they need careful care. It consists in regular irrigation, loosening the upper layer of the soil around the trunk, the mulching of the soil, as well as in mandatory feeding.

An organic agent is mostly used as fertilizer, as a rule, this is an infusion of compost or manure. Nutrients contribute to the soil along with watering in the evening. If the weather is cloudy, then you can feed shrubs in the afternoon. In severe heat and drought, it is also preferably to moisten the land around the trunk. Fertilize plants in spring and summer, in early August, feeding stops.


Trimming shrubs. Video

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