Dismantling of a brick wall

August 9. Walls and partitions Views 2448. 2 comments To record dismantling of a brick wall

Dismantling the brick wall takes place in cases where you have thought up to make redevelopment. This is the usual phenomenon, because you always want to add a couple of rooms or connect somewhat into one.

In the apartment, we don't experiment much: the square will not be added, you can only enlarge visually, aligning a toilet and bathroom. If we consider a private house, then the ideas here are plenty. I wanted to complete the hosts to complete or lengthen it - please, if only there was a permit for the construction of the relevant authorities. So, in this article, consider the features of dismantling walls of brick with your own hands.

Break - do not build

What is difficult to disassemble the wall? However, the rates for dismantling brick walls make it clear that the work is performed, besides, it is not so easy as it seems. When finances sing romances, you need to fulfill everything yourself. Information will also be useful to those who love to do on the construction itself. This is a real challenge to itself, but before you will get acquainted with all the moments so that the dismantle is successful.

Dismantling brick walls as it is

To begin with, we understand which wall we will disassemble. Much depends on it. So, we will define the fact that the wall carrying it? If this is an ordinary partition, care will be less. In the case of a carrier wall, think several times, whether it is worth it to take for business. Still, the price for dismantling brick walls is not so great to experiment.


Removing the carrier wall

If you disassemble the bearing wall, you threw themselves, follow the following instructions:

1. In order not to disturb the strength of the structure, consult with the designers, get the necessary permissions.

2. Making a dismantling of the carrier wall, you must find it a decent replacement - a beam, which will be firmly based on a reliable basis.

3. If there are means of protection, boldly dress. In case of their absence, put on at least a gauze bandage, sticking the nose and mouth. Understand: no matter how you try, there will be a litter and dust.


4. The first is knocked out with a hammer or a sledgehammer top brick. Then with the same tools are moving to the right and left. Choosing a brick for a brick need carefully, otherwise so close and injured.

Features of dismantling brick partitions

In this case, a plus is immediately visible - you will definitely destroy the whole house. Brick partitions do not perform such an important function as bearing walls.

What tools do we need? This is usually a sledgehammer, chisel, hammer and perforator (if there is no, not trouble). Indeed, without it, the dismantling is possible to fulfill, but this question will decide much faster with him.


Consider the entire sequence of work more specifically:

1. We prepare the place: all the surcharge furniture we assign far away, we drag a dense glue (especially the one that could not be removed). Brick fragments can pretten the floor covering to spoil us. Therefore, we take the surface with old things, mattresses, pillows.

2. We begin to destroy all the simplicable difficulty with the upper layers. First we tear the wallpaper or paint.

wallpaper 3. Next, we move the plaster, then the putty.

4. Go to the wall climb. Of course, I want to hit the center strongly and see how everything splits overnight, but there is no such thing in real life. Choose the upper brick, which is on the junction with the ceiling. Some good blows of the sledgehammer in the chisel - and you will understand that dismantling successfully started.

5. Do not rush after the first successful brick. Who is in a hurry, in the end and boast nothing to boast. Choose at once one, maximum two bricks.

And other dismantling rules

If you want to know the cost of dismantling a brick wall in the house, call some firms in the city. Each of them will most likely offer its conditions that differ in terms and price. Think carefully, is it worth it to enter into an agreement with them? Maybe try to do everything yourself. If the price per m3 when dismantling brick walls bite, then review your solution.

Do not forget that the main thing at any construction work is your security. In our case, you need to protect your eyes from fragments (for example, when the hammer is duck) and the respiratory tract from dust. In the first case, glasses will help, in the second - gauze bandage. Also deal with dust can be ordinary water. Spray the dismantled surface from time to time.


In the process of the removal itself, it should be extremely attentive, because you can easily hurt the wiring or damage the pipe. And this is fraught with even big problems. As a rule, before starting work, you need to block the cranes, turn off the electricity. Warn your neighbors, call the HSE, if you are with everyone in good relationships.

If you think that firms providing such services take a lot, then do everything with your own hands. And spending a lot of effort, learn how much the brick wall dismantling is. After all, time is also a valuable resource that does not buy for any money. However, if you do everything yourself, I have a certain one, except for yourself, and be proud there is something. At the emerging issues regarding the dismantling of the walls, you can find answers to the Internet of the Internet for real connoisseurs.

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2 Replies to dismantle a brick wall

  1. Laura Nasorova:

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