Electric Heating Paul Styling Technology

August 9. Repair and construction work Views 2371. Comments to record electric heating floor laying technology No

Among the heating systems used to heat the residential premises, the electric warm floor is rather popular. This system can be installed both in the apartment and country cottage and in the garage. It is possible to lay the electric heating floor and in a separate room. About the nuances of creating an electric floor and will be discussed in our article.

Aspects of the choice and advantages of the heating system

The warm floor, operating on electrical energy, is the only effective way of heating houses in the area, where harsh winters prevail. The main difference from the existing alternative heating systems is, the electric warm floor allows you to adjust the temperature in the room.


In addition, the advantages of this heating system include:

  • uniform distribution of thermal energy;
  • prolonged operational period;
  • minimum energy costs in the heating season;
  • convenient operation of the system;
  • acceptable cost.

Electric floor laying technology does not represent special difficulties. The main thing is to comply with all the rules in the implementation of this process. It should be noted that the heating elements of the warm floor can be mounted in various ways. In one case, it is necessary to use thermal insulation material, in the other - there is no such need. When laying a cable, you can use both a mounting ribbon and metal mesh.

These nuances of the electrical flooring device in most cases depend on the main purpose of the heating system. For example, whether it will be used as the main or additional source of heating room. If the electrical heating system is the main source of heat release, then when creating a floor, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the stacked thermal insulation material.

Successful styling of electric floor assumes the presence of a perfectly even and pure base. The room is released from all the furniture, and the floor is covered with an aligning screed. The principle of creating an electrical heating system is largely similar to the water heating device. The difference is that the main elements of water heat are pipes and boiler, and the electric - heating cable and thermostat.

Depending on the type of heating, the electric floor is divided into:

  • cable;
  • film

In turn, the cable heating can be carried out with:

  • heating cable;
  • or thermal mat.

In addition to the main purpose, the choice of a specific type of electric floor depends on:

  • form of finishing flooring;
  • the total height of the rooms and the state of overlaps;
  • electric floor laying prices.

If laminate, parquet, carpet or wooden floor are used as an finishing coating, then it is better to use the film floor. Thanks to the effective penetration of infrared rays through these materials, the maximum heating of the room is carried out. Under the tile it is better to lay cable floors.

The size of the room also affect the one of the cable floors to give preference. The highest thick is the floor with a heating cable. When the warm floor is created in the apartment located above the second floor, the state of overlaps should be studied. The installation of the heating cable is better to produce only with the best characteristics of overlaps. In other cases, it is better to use thermal mats.


As for the cost of laying electric heating floor, the minimum costs will be produced using a film floor. This technology provides for the use of a small amount of materials, including the inability to carry out work on a concrete screed device.

After selecting a specific type of electric floor, its capacity is calculated. First you need to decide on the heated area. When it is planned to use the electric floor as the main heating system, the proportion of heated area should be between 70 to 80% of the total area. When creating an additional heating system, it is enough to cover the heating cable to 55-65% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The average power indicator is:

  • 180 W / m² - for the main source of heating;
  • 140 W / m² - to create an additional heating system.

The total power of electric heating floor is determined by multiplying the average power indices per percentage of heated area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Types of heating cable

Every person who wants to create an electric warm floor, faces the problem of selecting a heating cable. There are two main types:

  • resistive cable;
  • self-regulating cable.

The main element of the resistive cable is heating live. It is covered with insulation, metal bracket for grounding and protective sheath. Resistive heating cable happens:

  • one-core;
  • two-housing.


A cable consisting of one vein is distinguished by the simplicity of connection. As a result, one closed chain is obtained. The disadvantage of the single-core cable is the presence of an electromagnetic field that occurs around the conductor.

The two-housing heating cable has conductive and heating veins. The radiation level of such a cable is significantly lower than at the wiring from one vein.

When using a resistive cable, it should be noted that if there is a huge pressure on the floor, it can strongly overheat. Cable overheating can occur with insufficient contact with a concrete screed.

A self-regulating heating cable is twilight. Moreover, both cores are conductive. A special matrix made from the polymer acts as the heating element.

The principle of work of self-regulating cable is as follows. The resistance indicator depends on the temperature of the matrix. When the cable overheating on a certain site, it leads to an increase in its resistance. In this place, the current and the release of thermal energy is reduced. On the rest of the surface, the cable is operating in normal mode.

After calculating the power and acquisition of all materials, you can proceed directly to the creation of an electric floor.

Installation of heating cable systems

This laying scheme of warm electric floor involves the following consecutive actions:

  • installation of thermostat;
  • alignment of the floor surface;
  • cable laying;
  • installation of floor temperature sensor;
  • checking the health of the heating system;
  • pouring a concrete screed;
  • connect the heating cable.

At the initial stage, the thermostat is made. In the wall, where the installation box will be located, a hole is drilled at an altitude of 0.5-1 m from the floor. From the junction box to this hole stretch the shoes, and the electrical wiring is stacked.


From the installation box to the floor also breaks through the shock, in which two tubes of plastic are placed. The first will be the power wire from the heating cable, in the second - wire from the sensor that locks the floor temperature. The length tube for the sensor must exceed the size of the power cable tube almost 1 m.

After alignment of the floor surface along the perimeter of the walls, a damper tape passes. The laying of thermal insulation material occurs. Its minimum thickness is 2 cm. On top of the insulation, a special mounting tape is attached, which is designed to reliably fix the heating cable. The mounting step of the mounting tape is 0.5 m.

To the box where the thermostat will be, the power cable power cable is connected. Immediately, it should be noted that the coupling must be positioned so that it lay down in the cement screed. Laying of power wires is carried out in parallel to each other.

The sensor for fixing the temperature of the floor is placed in a plastic tube, which is connected to the thermostat. The tube itself must be 0.5-1 m from the wall and stacked between the power wires. To the tube did not hit the concrete solution, its end is treated with the help of a tape.

Now the system's performance should be checked. For this, the tester is taken and the resistance of the heating cable is measured. Deviation from passport data is allowed in the amount of 10%. If everything is in order, you need to pour a concrete tie. In the presence of heat-insulating material, a thickness of 5 cm tie is made in the amount of 3 cm.

After drying the screed, the heating cable is connected. The power wires and the cable coming from the sensor are attached to the screw clips of the thermostat, which are usually located on its back side.

Features of the installation of thermal mats

In essence, this type of heating system is the same heating cable. The only difference is the presence of a special heat-resistant film that the cable is stacked.

The technology of creating an electric floor with thermal mats is largely similar to the styling of the heating cable. But there are their nuances. In particular, the shifting for the installation of the temperature sensor of the floor is paired both along the floor surface and in the wall. This is due to the floor thickness, which is within 1-1.5 cm. This criterion is the reason that plastic tube should be placed below mats.


Installation of thermal mats is carried out without the use of thermal insulation materials, which often lead to cable overheating. The mat is rolled throughout the floor area. Since the average thermal mat is 0.5 m, then it is better to lay "snake".

Changing Mat Movement is achieved by cutting the reinforcing grid. This is done very carefully, so as not to damage the cable. A roll with a mat unfolds and rolls in the opposite direction.

When the mat will be completely cut, it twists again into the roll. The protective tape, which is located on the bottom of the roll, is broken. The roll is rolled throughout the floor, which is pre-cleaned from garbage.

The thermal mat is covered with tiled glue, which dries over 4-5 days. This process is carried out in such a way that the heating cable does not perform on the surface. After complete drying, the adhesive can be started to lay the tile.

Laying film warm floor

The principle of operation of this type of electrical heating is based on the use of a special film with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm. With the help of carbon strips, it connects with two copper conductors that feed the film of electricity.

The film can be laid under any finish coating. Its recommended power is:

  • 150 W / m² - when using wood coatings;
  • 220 W / m² - when the ceramic tile is stacked on top of the film.

The process of laying a film floor largely resembles work with thermal mats. The sensor for fixing the temperature of the floor can be placed in one of two ways:

  • in a plastic tube laid in the floor strobe;
  • on the surface of the film itself.

The film floor involves the creation of the heat insulating layer throughout the floor. It is better to use a foil film that reflects the IR radiation well.

After creating the heat insulating layer on the surface of the floor, the heating film is spread. Its cutting is carried out in a place allowed by the material manufacturer. Moreover, the film can be cut entirely.

In place of the section, insulation is insulated with conductive copper strips, which are in the extreme part of the film. Isolated film only on one side. The second party serves as a connection with power electrical wires.

After laying the film on the floor, all its cut sheets must be connected. This process provides parallel sheet connections. That is, the right tape of the connected sheet is connected only with the right ribbon of the adjacent sheet.


Despite the fact that the heating film can be laid under any coating, the most optimal option will be the use of laminate. It is not recommended to use carpet and ceramic tiles.

The first material is characterized by a large susceptibility to mechanical loads, which can cause damage to the elements of the film. Laying tiles occurs with the use of glue, which is blinking poorly with a smooth surface of the film.

Video on the device of electric heating floor:

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