Garden paint for trees: subtleties of application

June 24. Plot. Views 3090. 5 comments To record garden paint for trees: subtleties of application

Timely care for garden trees Dachniks is a joke called "the cultivation of a baby." Follow the trees should always be, at any time of the year. Of course, we are not talking about daily stay in the garden, but it will still have to pay due attention. An important agrotechnical reception and secret of a luxurious garden lies in the right care in spring and autumn. It is necessary not only to water the trees in time, loosen the soil and feed them, it is necessary to take care of the tree crust. She is the first to hit: temperature fluctuations, burns of sunshine, attack pests-cores, etc., which is why it is so important to protect the bark by performing a garden paint processing to protect trees.

Putting the snow, as dacms are accepted for work. Early spring is the most favorable time to care for garden trees. Processing the crown of the tree in Russia has long become a tradition. Recall the 60s, in those days each tree in the garden and in the city were leaving a lime solution. Now there is a more efficient method - processing trees of garden paint. Why do you need to do, not every newcomer will be able to answer. An experienced gardener will recommend to process the bark of trees not 1, and at least 2 times a year - early spring and late autumn. Moreover, painting the crown has certain requirements. For example, in the spring it is necessary to paint trees immediately after snow comes down. Be sure to comply with one condition so that during the treatment of the tree Earth was still cold and did not have time to warm up. This is important because the bugs and other insects have not had time in the cold earth. Teaches or special garden paint scare the pests and they will not be able to climb the crown up. The second point - many bugs and insects fall into the hibernation in a secluded place - in the tree crust. As soon as the sun's rays begin to warm the bark, they wake up and are accepted for business. Pests of wood bark are scare away with a special garden solution for trees. It turns out that the paint is forever seal pests in the crust, and they die there.

Autumn trees treatment is as important as spring. She protects the young fruit trees from explosion into severe frosts and from bright spring rays. A dark trunk of a tree can be punished from the dazzling frosty sun, and the tree may die. Therefore, the processing of plants of garden paint must be carried out in the fall, when the air temperature reaches the mark + 2-5 oWITH.

Lime or garden paint for whitewash trees?

20 years ago, the gardeners used a special solution for whitening trees based on hazed lime. Now there is an opinion that he can wish the bark of young trees and stop their growth. Here opinions are divided. Some experts believe that a concentrated lime solution can harm, so for young trees it is necessary to breed lime in more water. Other gardeners argue that if you think about the harm from lime and not to do the trees, then from sunburn trees can die at all. This is especially true if the seedling grows in the open space.


When processing the trunks of trees with a lime solution, you can achieve a good effect, but it should be remembered that one lime divorced in water will not be enough. Therefore, it is necessary to add an adhesive to lime. The solution must be homogeneous, the thickness of the layer is not more than 3 mm.

A solution for whitewashing trees can be bought on the market, in specialized stores or prepare on their own. The presence of the adhesive component is necessary, otherwise the glasses will stay on the crust until the first rain. An important condition - the color of the solution should be exactly white, and not gray or beige, to securely protect the tree from sunlight and temperature drops.

How to cook whitewash:

  1. Instruct in 10 liters of 2 kg of hazed lime.
  2. Add 250 g of copper vapor to the contents.
  3. Put 1 kg of clay (preferably oily).
  4. Optionally, you can add 1 or 2 shovels of the cow manure.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed to the consistency of the rare sour cream. When the mixture is applied to the tree, it should not flock through the streams. If flows, it means you need to make a mixture of more thick and add more clays. The prepared boron is easier to process than the bug, so before Poching it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of trees. It is important to clean the barrel from the old dry bark, remove the lichen. This part of the work is desirable to perform in gloves manually to not injure the bark of the tree. Clear small recesses or cracks can be sharply sharpened by a wooden stick. Cleaned boron must immediately burn.

The second preparatory moment - processing the trunk of the tree disinfectors. This may be any copper-containing solution (3-5%). There are 300 g of copper vapor on 10 liters of water. A soap solution with the addition of wood ash will be useful for plants. On 200 g of ashes, you need to take 5 grams of household soap and 1 l of hot water.

It is important before paving or treating trees garden paint to close fresh wounds. Mazzka can be made independently or buy a jar of Garden Vara in the store. Effectively heal wounds and cuts liquid clay, mixed with cow dung; Oil paint on the olife; A mixture of bee wax, rosin and fat.

Pluses whitewings:

  • trees look beautiful in the garden;
  • available to everyone;
  • you can make a solution yourself;
  • fights with some pests and diseases.

Cons Treating Trees Lime:

  • quickly washed off;
  • poor protects.

A good alternative to lime - garden paint for trees. This is a modern and efficient tool for protecting the garden.

Advantages of garden paint

Pluses paints compared to whitewash:

  • protects against rodents;
  • savings trees from sunburn;
  • you can process any plants;
  • increases moisture resistance - you must first apply 1 layer of paint, wait a few hours until it dry. This will be enough for the tree to be protected from moisture, diseases and pests for several years;
  • frostability resistance - trees are completely protected from the lag of woody crust and exposure to direct sunlight (winter burns);
  • healing of the wounds - after heating, cut or broken in the trees remain open wounds. They can be treated with garden paint, it will also serve protection against fungus and virus cortex diseases;
  • reliable protection against pests - larvae, pupae and pest eggs remain wintering in wood crust. After processing the trees of garden paint, the chances of survival in pests will not remain;
  • stop disease - prevent the diseases of fruit rot, pasta, rust and other diseases will help staining the trunk of the tree and skeletal branches of garden paint. You can also protect the crown if we breed the paint in water (1 kg of paint is taken on 10 liters of water) and spray a branch with a sprayer;
  • protection against lichen - Garden paint "Good luck" (1 kg) is divorced in 10 liters of water. Trees are processed by sprayer. Throughout the season, the branches are cleaned from the lichen manually;
  • treatment of the tree trunk with a special garden solution will protect it from the invasion of rodents. The paint includes natural components (herbal components, dispatch, zhivitsa), distinguishing odors. This scares the hares, mice and other rodents. For a person and tree, paint is absolutely harmless;
  • protection against acid precipitation - if you treat the branches of trees dissolved in the water of garden paint, then they will not be subjected to acid precipitation. Thin breathing film formed on the surface will serve as reliable protection.


You can buy garden paint in specialized stores. It is absolutely harmless, does not contain toxic substances. The only lack of garden paint for trees is the price. If we compare it with the cost of whitewash, then the paint is much more expensive, and it has much more benefits than flaws.

Overview of the best finished mixtures for trees processing

  1. Water-emulsion acrylic garden paint. The main component of the mixture is an acrylic latex, it provides good adhesion and forms a protective breathing coating. It is applied to the boring composition in the warm season at temperatures from +5 to +35 oC. Processing is performed in the absence of wind and rain. The paint includes bactericidal and antifungal components that protect the tree trunk from microorganisms. To protect the garden trees from pests, it is desirable to domine components containing copper. Protects from frost and bright sunlight. Before use, the paint needs to be well stirred and if necessary, dilute with water (but not more than 10% of the liquid from the total paint volume). The solution is applied in 1 layer. Damaged areas are painted with undiluted paint. 1 young tree is consumed 150 g / m 2.


  1. Garden paint "Good luck". Forms a breathable coating that prevents the penetration of moisture. Fully safe. Keeps properties on a young tree 1 year, at adult - 2 years. Protects from pests, diseases, increases resistance to frost, wind and sunshine. Effectively protects the garden. It is applied with a roller or a tassel in 1 layer, after 2 hours the paint will dry completely. Processing is better to produce dry weak weather in early spring or late fall, when the Earth is still cold.


  1. Paint for garden trees "Almira". Water based, protects trees from weather, pests and diseases. Clean white color. Applied at the beginning of spring and late autumn, at air temperature not lower than +5 oC. Before processing the tree must be prepared: remove the old bark with a special brush (with solid bristles), handle fresh sections. A tool is applied with a paint-sprayer or a brush in 1 layer. Consumption on average 150 g / 1m 2, dries over 1 hour with air humidity 65%. Before use, paint needs to be well stirred. If the trees were previously processed by lime, then pre-clean the surface.

Rules for processing trees garden paint

The beginners will be interested to know how to paint the trees of garden paint correctly:

  1. What height do you need to paint the tree? An adult plant is completely the entire stack (to a skeletal branch), it is also necessary to be treated on 1/3 of the lower branches.
  2. Before processing garden paint trees, you need to prepare: Clear from lichen and moss, old paint or lime, remove the dry bark, handle wounds.
  3. Processing is made only in dry weather, when the wind speed does not exceed 3 m / s. Trees should dry well, so choose a suitable day.
  4. The paint layer should not be dense. It is enough to go through the surface with a wide foam roller or a dense brush. Try not to make passes, so your trees in the garden will be reliably protected from the influence of weather conditions, diseases and pests.
  5. If for some reason, autumn trees treatment was missed, then at the end of February, early March you need to paint the trees of garden paint. As soon as the air temperature reaches the mark + 5-7 oC, it's time to start work. If the autumn trees were processed, then the following planned procedure - at the end of March, early April. The third processing of garden paint will not need, since the trees are already processed with a resistant composition, which will hold on to 12 months.


Where else is used paint

It turns out that the solution for painting garden trees is used to process business buildings to protect the rooms from penetration of sunlight.

If you paint garden wooden paint furniture, it will help protect it from pests. For example, a resting place after a working day on the street. If you treat the feet of the furniture of garden paint, a thin film is formed on the surface, it will protect the bench and the table from the penetration of moisture and pests. This will significantly extend the life of street furniture.

Using garden paint for trees, your garden will be healthy, and therefore the crop will be rich.

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5 answers to garden paint for trees: subtleties of application

  1. Alina:

    At the cottage, every spring, as the snow falls out, in obligatory processing trees. Since the pests are enough, and I would not want the trees to suffer. And in particularly hot seasons and bushes, too, paint so that not so much exposure to the sun hurt and did not fall out (there is no possibility to ride regularly, only several times a month). Now basically we buy only paint, and before it happened and lime painted. By the way, the paint also happens as good, and not very, it is necessary to approach the choice, it seems to get hurt very quickly and there is no sense from it, now I stopped at Sniezka, and the price and quality is good

  2. Zaitsev Vladimir Nikolaevich Yaroslavl Yaroslavl region.:

    Complaint claim. I, Zaitsev Vladimir Nikolaevich, a resident of Yaroslavl in February 2016 in the Shining store (Center of Natural Agriculture, located on Avenue. Lenin, Yaroslavl on the Name Map of the buyer with the number of Yar 006601, giving a 10% discount on the purchase price, Phones of the store 68-07-13 and 91-22-32) For the first time I bought a paint bank 1 kg "Luck Sadovaya" VD-KCH-577 brands for whitewashing fruit trees (the bank shows the date of manufacture on October 1, 2015 and the shelf life 12 Months), opened the bank, and there, ... Instead of paint, the mass like a millet porridge, very thickly cooked. The fool is clear that such a paint can not be, and such paint, and more correctly say, the incomprehensible mass, not only painting can not be painted, but also dissolve in 10 liters of water, as recommended, it does not make sense. This is how the gardeners are fooling. A cash receipt at the Paint Bank is clear that they do not store, because it is not a food product that is stored in case of poisoning. Paint is dear about 150 rubles. I went to the "PSU under the tail" ... This fact proves that even on such products we manage to put up with fools ... I looked at the bank, and on it information about the manufacturer was unclean, the inscription is seamless, everything is as on request, one to one, prove that the manufacturer Or the seller is not right ... all the best to you, gardeners. Everyone needs to be opened and scolded right at the counter.

  3. Zaitsev Vladimir Nikolaevich Yaroslavl Yaroslavl region.:

    Complaint claim. I, Zaitsev Vladimir Nikolaevich, a resident of Yaroslavl in February 2016 in the Shining store (Center of Natural Agriculture, located on Avenue. Lenin, Yaroslavl on the Name Map of the buyer with the number of Yar 006601, giving a 10% discount on the purchase price, Phones of the store 68-07-13 and 91-22-32) For the first time I bought a paint bank 1 kg "Luck Sadovaya" VD-KCH-577 brands for whitewashing fruit trees (the bank shows the date of manufacture on October 1, 2015 and the shelf life 12 Months), opened the bank today, on March 10, 2016 at home to dilute and prepared to take the next day to the cottage, and there, ... Instead of paint, the mass similar to the millet porridge, very thickly cooked. The fool is clear that such a paint can not be, and such paint, and more correctly say, the incomprehensible mass, not only painting can not be painted, but also dissolve in 10 liters of water, as recommended, it does not make sense. This is how the gardeners are fooling. A cash receipt at the Paint Bank is clear that they do not store, because it is not a food product that is stored in case of poisoning. Paint is dear about 150 rubles. I went to the "PSU under the tail" ... This fact proves that even on such products we manage to put up with fools ... I looked at the bank, and on it information about the manufacturer was unclean, the inscription is seamless, everything is as on request, one to one, prove that the manufacturer Or the seller is not right ... all the best to you, gardeners. Everyone needs to be opened and scolded right at the counter.

  4. Tatyana Kom G. Katerinburg:

    In October 2017, I bought a paint luck in the shine store G.Perm. Painted trees, following instructions. And yesterday on November 10 came to the country, all the paint got out. The temperature is already minus, repainted late. What to do now, I can not imagine. Left a review on the manufacturer's website - not published. It seems that the advertised paint is luck, complete nonsense, suspect that positive reviews are custom. Very sorry. Disappointed.

  5. Olga:

    Vladimir Nikolaevich, Tatiana. Thank you for your feedback, but I was going to buy this painting.

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