How to cut trees and shrubs

April 29th Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2003 Comments to write How to prune trees and shrubs No

About pruning trees and shrubs known to many. Everyone knows that it is useful as the plants themselves, and us - increase crop has never stopped anyone. However, this should be done correctly, otherwise you will have every chance to remain with nothing. So, let's look at more specific rules and secrets of pruning garden "residents".

Types of pruning fruit trees

Best known four types of cropping:

  1. Formative.
  2. Regulating.
  3. Rejuvenating.
  4. Restorative.

It is not difficult to guess that the first type used in the early stages, when the sapling still growing. Doing pruning crown form of the desired form and size. Regulating type of speaks for itself: during the growth of gardeners are trying to achieve the ideal, in their opinion, the parameter tree.

Sometimes the old branches are not so blooming, do not delight the harvest. Then the time comes to anti-aging pruning. After this procedure, the branches begin to grow rapidly, and there are already a good harvest is not far off. The last type of pruning takes place where the gardeners have to go back to life neglected trees, shrubs affected. Sometimes it is only one branch, and sometimes half of the plant.


How and when to cut the fruit trees?

Remember: Pruning is important, but it is impossible too much. Otherwise, your efforts will lead to a decrease in the crop. In this case, there is a regularity. Experienced gardeners make trim every year. The top of the tree should be only one. It is worth paying attention to another when buying a tree. If a branching went from the very bottom to two sides - a sense of a plant. If this nuance was not seen, make a trim and create one single top.

Crop or not?

Definitely yes! Be confident, the tree does not hurt. It itself requires care, giving you no such great harvest, as you expected. Tree trimming compared with a haircut. Will you be satisfied with your appearance if you stop visiting the hairdresser? It is unlikely, just like a tree.

Doing it right, you get a few bonuses:

  • significantly greater harvest;
  • The quality of fruits is higher (after all, apples can be much, but whether they will be large and juicy - this is a question);


  • the ability to recognize and prevent the disease in the early stages;
  • The top will be achievable, the largest and most beautiful fruits (and they are there) it turns out to break.

In winter and summer

When to trim trees - in spring or summer? Oddly enough, they do it all year round. Even in the summer, when it seemed, this is superfluous, experienced gardeners take into the hands of the secateurs and go to the task. And the task of them is simple - to increase the harvest by circumcalling the part of the branches. The relationship here is obvious: a young tree in the process of growth pulls out all nutrients that must come to the fruits.

Spring is the most popular season of the year for such a classes. It is then that all the dry, grieving, sore branches are noticeable. Autumn trimming fruit trees is designed to prepare them to the upcoming frosts. At this time there is a sanitary or restoring trimming. All should be done very carefully, because with a decrease in temperature, the trees will become even more vulnerable.

How and when to cut shrubs?

Sustainers without trimming fear: they quickly thicken, aging, bring minor fruits. The likelihood of developing various diseases grows. Also in the shrub hurry to settle pests. The prospect does not like everyone, especially the avid gardener. Therefore, it is time to understand how to make trunks of shrubs.

1. We carry out sanitary actions: We remove dry branches, patients and those that concern soil. To do this, it is convenient to use ordinary garden scissors.


2. circumcised branches growing in the center of the bush. Ultimately, it should resemble a bowl, then Sredina is empty. This will allow air to circulate through the branches perfectly.
3. After cutting the plants do not forget to hill (mostly concerning currant bushes, gooseberries). This procedure will stimulate the growth of new young branches.

Raspberries, gooseberries, red and white currants are cut in the summer. Garden blueberries (blueberry) is treated in the early spring or winter, late raspberries - in the autumn. As you can see, it is also engaged in all year round.

Remember: Leaves should not be too much, otherwise they will only obscure one another. Older bushes back to life by the following method: all the branches are cut off at the roots, the soil fertilized (usually humus, superphosphate, potassium salt). It will only have to wait for the shoots and leave one or two of the strongest.


Errors in pruning of trees and shrubs

It would seem, as the trees are cut, they know everything. However, even experienced gardeners often make mistakes. Let's find out what to do, you should not.

1. First, do not use low-quality tools. A blunt saw or badly sharpened pruners doing the wrong sections, which are badly overgrown.
2. It is not advised to attach and bind the branches are located at an acute angle to the trunk. This technique takes a lot of time and effort, but the outcome is not very promising.
3. Do not leave the stumps. Always make cuts on the "ring". Hemp - a perfect home for beetles and other pests. Also, do not pass, and half a year in their place will rise tops - tree will cease to be beautiful, will resemble a broom.

4. In no case can not paint or caulk fresh cut. This is exactly the case when the "haste makes waste." It will take 3-5 days, and if time permits, and the whole week.
5. Spilivaya large branches, do not forget to file below. Otherwise, do not avoid scoring the bark.

Who have not yet figured out how to prune trees - Video on the Internet is enough, learning from the horse's mouth. Do not forget that all plants are living, paying enough attention to them, you will be pleasantly surprised by a rich harvest. But the neglected garden will cause only a mocking grin neighbors.

A newcomer in horticulture is not clear. Thousands of questions are spinning in the head: how to crop a young tree when it is fertilized, which tool is necessary, at what time of year it is better to do this and others. Remember: Everything comes with experience, you should not be afraid to make a mistake. Plants feel care and attention, so pay the same coin.

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