Wrestling tick in greenhouse

July 20. Plot. Views 3776. 2 comments To write a wrestling tick in the greenhouse

The enemy needs to know in the face, only here is not when it comes to a spider melting. And all the difficulty is that the pest, which we will talk about in this article, very miniature. Nevertheless, there is something that he succeeds, and this is a damage applied by crop. No gardener is not ready to put up with this, so proceed to the description of the methods of combating a spider tick.

Small, but remote ...

How to declassify a tick before he starts his ward? Unfortunately, he makes itself felt by light spots on the leaves of garden crops. And, as a rule, at that time he will already acquire a huge family on this shrub. By the way, the pace of reproduction of the pawkin tick can only be envied - you will not have time to blink, as the pest will have time to bother in your greenhouse.


In a timely manner, without noticeing the larvae of the tick, through time you have to mourn most of the crop. The pest first strikes the plant, and then envelops the web on the inside. Due to such an attack, the leaves dry out, turn into the tube, the plants disappear.

Cobbled tick: how to deal effectively

Chemical preparations are not a panacea. This is the opinion of those who have been faced for a problem for no first time. The web tick is so cunning that he will try to develop immunity to the medium that struck him. And believe me, it will turn out. There are several ways to help get rid of the pest, so we will not pull the rubber.

Biological methods

Few people want to spray chemistry vegetables and fruits, which will then have to eat. Always I want to find such a way at which the plant will be fine, and we. The most important method and the most valid - regular prevention. It must be applied to the whole site, because the web tick on the plants of any loves to dwell. It tastes and cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, and sweet peppers, and grapes, and many other cultures.


Under prevention, we understand the list of the following measures:
1. Fighting weeds - mandatory procedure. It certainly needs to take a habit, it is useful not only in the fight against this pest. Since the web tick is easily experiencing winter in the soil, then with the onset of spring, he climbs immediately to a young weed.
2. Do not land alone and the same vegetable crops in the same place. It will also be useful for soil.
3. Do not forget about the regular junction of the soil for the winter.
4. Caring or feeding plants, pay attention to that if there are no damages on the leaves. How to get rid of the pawkin tick in this case? At this stage, it is easiest to make it easier: immediately tear off the damaged stem or plant whole and burn. You can bury, but then enough deeply, otherwise the tick will find a way to get out.

If you discovered the pest in full swing, so to speak, his activities and he managed to completely take possession of several shrubs, then it's bad. It is possible that the majority of the fighting of the web box will not be terrible.

1. The most win-win option - bring a large plastic bag and shovel. Drop all damaged plants, put in the package right there in place and burn. We understand, it is difficult to part with the harvest, which was already on the bushes, and the one who was expected, but not time to greed. In order not to pay twice, it is better to immediately accept a fateful solution. The package in this process plays hardly the main role. Imagine how much pests do you lose the greenhouse, and then by the garden, if you carry damaged stalks in your hands?

2. The next remedy for a spider tick is sulfur-tar soap. It is available in any pharmacy, inexpensive and absolutely harmless to humans. It is also necessary to be quite a bit, divorced in ordinary water. Further using a pump sprayer perform standard manipulations. Such a "rain" will not leave a chance of a web box.


3. The web tick does not like high humidity, and it can be noted. During drought and high temperatures, just water the plants. Although it will not drive the tick, but discomfort, at least he will arrange.

Chemicals - not hide, do not hide

Here with this kind of means you need to be careful. Although manufacturers promise that after 3-6 days, spray vegetables can be taken in food, you should not do this. It is important that it is also not purchased such drugs. The cunning web tick quickly gets used to a chemical attack and is already ready for the next battle.

Professionals advise regular spraying, but every time already with a new drug. In this case, at least some chance to smoke the pest from the greenhouse will appear. PhytoTerm, Neon, Akarin, Vermitek - means that are suitable for our task. Only now, no one promises that they will drive a paustic tick from the first time. Still, take them on the note.


In the extreme case, even dichlofos apply. They watted a piece of wool, and it is placed in a plastic bag that are covered with a plant. All this is left for several days.

We fight with a spider tick of folk methods

If not every chemical preparation can overcome a web tick, how will infusion or decoction cope with it? This is the people's method that there is little guarantees. Nevertheless, why not try, especially if there is no other way out.

So, it is proved that the web tick does not like onions, garlic, yarrow. Whether the last ingredient is stored in all in the storage room, we do not know, but the first one is certain. The remedy is done: 150-180 g of chopped garlic poured 1 liters of water, insist 5 days. In the future, 50-60 g of infusion on the water bucket are used.


The web tick, like most of the rest of the pests, can not disappoint any gardener. It is very important to take measures in a timely manner, even better to engage in prevention. According to the photo of the web tick and you can not say that it is so miniature and inconspicuous, it can cause a considerable damage to harvest. How to deal with it - your business, but to leave everything as it is in the hope that the pest itself will leave your territory, meaningless.

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2 responses to the fight against a spider tick in the greenhouse

  1. Vladimir:

    Enough to grab yourself and others. Use predatory insects. They are more efficient and if you manage to spread them, then you can sell neighbors.

  2. Alexander:

    AFIK (AFIC) BP is a special mixture of natural polysaccharides, which physically and mechanically destroy pests. The drug eliminates the development of pests, does not allow them to migrate and reproduction by blocking the respiratory tract. Plants create a special polysaccharide film that prevents physiological development processes.
    The feature of the drug is:
    • harmlessness for humans, environment, domestic and wild animals, insects (pollinators, entomophages) and other representatives of biocenosis;
    • short period of waiting (the time of the last treatment before harvesting is about a day);
    • Recommended to protect plants in organic agriculture for cultivation of environmentally friendly products
    In Poland, AFIK (AFIC) is registered on berry, including strawberries gardening, vegetable and grain crops - against aphid, ticks, trips and whiteflies in an open and closed soil.
    More information can be found on Agrohimik.by website

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