How to choose a garden sprayer

July 20. Instruments Views 5377. 1 comment to record how to choose a garden sprayer

All responsible gardeners seek that their plot differed a luxurious and attractive appearance. But sometimes grown plants attack various pests and insects. In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, systematic culture treatment of chemicals is required. To accomplish this work quickly and efficiently, in the process of arranging your own site, you will certainly be possession of the acquisition of a garden sprayer, the use of which will greatly facilitate the task.

Criteria for selecting sprayer


When buying a particular model in the first place it is important to determine for what purpose it is you need.

The main criteria for selection are a garden sprayer such indicators:

Principle of Garden Sprayers


The standard design of such devices includes the following accessories:

  1. Capacity. Cylindrical or cone vessel with nozzles and, in some models, with legs.
  2. A pen. It happens any form, the stopper is carried out with the help of special protrusions.
  3. Pump. Basically, the pneumatic type is installed on all models.
  4. Security valve. This item allows you to quickly burst over the air to prevent the tank of the tank.
  5. Rods. Depending on the model, there are standard and sliding in the form of a straight or curved tube.
  6. Extension. Allow you to change the shape and length of the hose.
  7. Nozzle. Adjusts the type of spray jet.
  8. Filter. Prevents the fast failure of the equipment, timely removing large particles and other impurities in solutions.
  9. Replaceable nozzles. Allowed to significantly solve the functionality of the sprayer in relation to the intensity and spraying pressure.
  10. Fasteners. Nodes that provide the tightness of the design during operation and provide an easy process of disassembling the sprayer if necessary. _3

What are the types of garden sprayer?

There are many types of garden sprayers whose price varies from many indicators.


Given this fact, the classification of them is convenient to perform in several most significant features:

  1. Management principle:
    • manual;
    • ranger;
    • motorized.
  2. Type of mechanism device:
    • rechargeable;
    • pompous. 67CC3C6E-500X500.
      Important! To more clearly imagine what kind of tool is ideal for processing your site, read the characteristics of each species below.

Manual sprayers

hand-Sprayer-Garden-Forte-Op-1-5! Large

This type of sprayer is the easiest. It consists of a plastic container of small sizes with a lid, which is mounted for a pump pump. The principle of operation lies in manual pumping of a certain level of pressure inside the capacity. When you press the special button on the handle, the pressure fluid under pressure is sprayed.

Important! Most often on sale presents a sprayer with a manual garden volume of 0.5, 1 and 2 liters.



  • maximum simplicity;
  • convenient operation due to the small size of the apparatus;
  • matter variability allows you to choose the most suitable specific task;
  • rare cases of clogging of the nozzle due to the built-in filter;
  • automatic removal of excess air when pressing a special button;
  • simple consumption control due to the presence of a measuring scale on the tank;
  • the ability to change theft and thickness of the spray jet directly during plant treatment. 298_oprySkivatel_Mekhanicheskiy_Ruchnoy_Gardena_Premium_1_L.

    Important! As a lack of manual garden sprayers, we note a small amount of capacity, which is why the processing of a large area will bepretty and rather laborious.

What works are better to use?


This type of sprayer is ideal for use in the following directions:

  • processing of greenhouse vegetables;
  • spraying seedlings;
  • caring for flower beds;
  • processing single trees on the site. T1osiexcfgxxxcswqt_010659
    Important! An excellent solution will be the acquisition of a manual plant for processing plants, if on your site the shrubs occupy most of the space.

Pump sprayers on the belt


The model of the garden sprayer of the pump on the principle of action is not much different from ordinary manual devices, but their volume is much more - from 3 to 12 liters. In addition to the main capacity, the standard equipment consists of the following details:


  • it is possible to adjust the duration and intensity of spraying with the lever or buttons;
  • there is a fixed button for long spraying;
  • at low pressure, a paging by a special pump is possible. oSA-11.

Recommended application

Pump type models on the belt make it possible to handle areas of about 30 acres. Also give preference in this type of sprayer in case the territory around the house is densely planted by trees. oBPriskuvach-Sadovij-Ruchnij-Lemira-OG-101-12-L! LARGE

Ranger sprayers


The main difference in this sprayer is the method of injection pressure of air - the level of high pressure is not achieved in the unit cylinder, but directly in the pumping chamber. The market presents the models of this species, both with POMPE, and with a lever mechanism.

Garden Range Sprayer is a few sizes:

  • 12l;
  • 15l;
  • 18l;
  • 20l. b_38-22


  • wide belts and belt allow you to wear a device behind your back, securing it securely;
  • convenient management thanks to the lateral location of the pressure injection lever;
  • the possibility of moving the lever - for the left and right-handers;
  • safety of operation - in the event of a gap of the chamber at high pressure, the pesticides will not fall on the operator.

    Important! The disadvantage can be distinguished only by one indicator - relatively thorough price.


Where to use?

The wedding version of the sprayer is the perfect unit for processing the territory, up to 50 acres.

Important! The cost of such equipment significantly exceeds the price category of the two species described above.


Rechargeable sprayers

Gardening sprayers are accumulative in constant demand due to the need for minimal attachment of their own efforts during use. In the process of operation, an electric drive is involved, which is fueled from the battery. Energy source is charged from the usual 220 volt power outlet.

Digital Camera.


  • automated pressure injection;
  • long work without recharging;
  • silent operation;
  • callery variability for solution. Stihl_sg20.

    Important! If a site requiring processing is away from the recharging source, give preference to models with the longest allowable battery operation period.

Motorized equipment


Garden motors are most effective thanks to full automation. This is a full-fledged autonomous equipment, the functioning of which is carried out on a gasoline engine, with a capacity of 2-5 hp ..

The mechanism of work and the principle of the structure of the structure is significantly different from pumps:

  • With a heavy duty air flow, the processing solution jet acquires the type of fine substance, which can be made wide or narrow. The flight range of the jet ranges from 8 to 15 meters.
  • The movement of the unit is carried out on the back using special belts or on wheels that enter the package. ranger-garden sprayers


  • the ability to regulate the jet emission range;
  • the variative power of the devices allows you to select the most appropriate device for a specific area area;
  • it is permissible to use not only with liquid pesticides, but also powdered.
    Important! The lack of this type of equipment is the need for constant refueling and noise background when working.


What are your goals?

Motorized devices are ideal for large sections. The territory being processed during the day is up to 5 hectares.



Browse the video review of the garden sprayer to get more information and take the right solution in the purchase process.

How to choose the volume of the sprayer?

Before buying the device, be sure to get acquainted with the amount of fluid chemical consumption.


Correctly relate the estimated scope of work in its own area with equipment capabilities, given the following standard indicators:

  • the young tree will take 2 liters of solution;
  • for a large adult tree, about 10 liters will be required;
  • for each shrub falls, on average, 1 liter;
  • to treat vegetables with an area of \u200b\u200b10 m2, it will be necessary from 1 to 2 liters of chemical. sRC_19046.

What manufacturer is better?

In order not to be confused among the entire current diversity presented in the market, select the manufacturer's appropriate brand appropriate to your requirements. This approach will help significantly narrow the circle of review.


To ensure the long-term operation of a garden sprayer and convenience, pay attention to those companies, the quality of the products of which is not the slightest doubt:

  1. GARDENA. The German company leader in the world market in the direction of design, production and sale of all sorts of garden equipment and equipment. Each model of this brand deserves attention and invariably enjoys consistently high demand. The main reason for this is the competent development of each product, focused on a specific consumer, which provides convenient, high-quality operation for a long time. rUCHNOI-OPRYSKIVATEL-GARDENA-COMFORT-5-L_2
  2. Grinda (China). The wide range of this company is quite high in the countries of Europe and the CIS. Products of this brand are beneficial for affordable cost and easy maintenance. The equipment assembly is carried out in China, but German developments are based on. 8-425155
  3. SOLO (Germany). Another company, the entire products of which are noted by permanent demand. Its lengthy activity for 70 years is aimed exclusively for the production of garden, mainly iriable, technology. The main merit can be distinguished by the unique development of a highly productive aerosol rattage sprayer. 409_B.
  4. GDM (Italy). One of the brands of Dimartino, the production of which is carried out exclusively in the direction of manufacturing garden sprayers. Excellent quality in combination with an acceptable pricing policy provides its permanent stay in the list of world leaders selling equipment of this type. Garden-Sprayer.
  5. Hozelock (England). More than half a century of the production process brought to this brand respect consumers and impeccable reputation in the global market. The main focus of this company lies in the permanent development of new and improving the previous models of its species series. An innovation of design, high class of technology and a long period of its operation - an integral distinctive features of each type of equipment released on sale. Hozelock Plus-Pump-Pressure-Sprayer-5
  6. Beetle (Russia). This brand is perhaps the most in demand in the domestic market. The line presents predominantly manual models of different volumes. Easy service of service, if necessary and acquiring a configuration in combination with a very low price and good quality contribute to the constant attention of buyers when choosing a garden technology for their site. i6_270.

What else to pay attention to when choosing a sprayer?


In the process of buying a specific model, we also pay attention to the quality of the quality and functionality of the garden sprayer, noting the following points:

  • reliability of attaching belts;
  • material and quality of the hose, housing, nozzles;
  • the presence in the set of Russian-speaking instructions;
  • compliance with the configuration of the device, including all of the specified additional nozzles;
  • the possibility of repairing in the event of a breakdown;
  • warranty period and availability of service centers in your area.



Regardless of how exactly the type of sprayer you preferred, be sure to follow the basic rules for working with this tool so as not to cause yourself harm:

  • observe the necessary protection measures - wear gloves, gauze bandage, boots, glasses;
  • chemical solution in the reservoir pour through a special sieve so as not to score the tip of large particles;
  • before and after each use, rinse the container, hose and nozzle under the jet of running water.

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