Roof Roofing Materials: Views

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The choice of roofing material is a difficult and very responsible task. To understand what is suitable specifically in your case, it is necessary at least in general terms to explore the main characteristics and properties of potentially suitable materials. In this article, we tried to collect as much roofing materials for the roof used in modern construction.

Roofing factors

The roof is called the upper part of the roof, the task of which is to protect all the layers of roofing pie and the building from atmospheric influences. In addition to the protective functions, the roof performs aesthetic - complements the exterior of the house. Types of roofing materials for the roof very much, and to avoid confusion, it is necessary to know what to look for when choosing.


Criteria for selecting roofing material:

  1. Load - the weight of the roofing material will have a load on the lines of the roof, overlapping and the foundation of the house. All these designs must be designed for such an appeal. If the foundation or rafter is not able to withstand serious loads, lighter material should be searching. But it does not mean better - there is such a concept as a wind load. This is the effect of wind gusts on roofing material. If he is too easy, the wind will not be difficult to tear it off the surface, but this factor also depends on the angle of slope and requires accurate calculations. More This topic is disclosed in the article " Roof inclination angle and its calculation».
  2. Aesthetics - remember that the roof should be not only reliable, but also beautiful. The roofing material must be harmonized with the wall material and concisely fit into the common landscape of your site. Pay attention not only to the color, but also the shape and texture of the materials. The choice is very great as you can see below, but the circle of "candidates" is sharply reduced when it becomes clear that not all material is suitable for your roof. One is too heavy, the other you can not put on your own, the third is imperfinitely expensive or the angle of inclination does not allow it to secure it.
  3. Durability - roofing works are very laborious, and it is unlikely that you will want to update the coating every 5-10 years. Therefore, roofing material for roofs of houses should be as wear-resistant and durable. This implies hydrophobicity, resistance to direct solar rays, inconsistency of rotting and corrosion. For each of the materials, manufacturers install operating deadlines, but as practice shows, the majority serves much longer. For example, a soft tile is allocated for 20 years, but today you can find excellent examples of such roofs that are already the fourth tens. The life of the natural tile, according to manufacturers, is 20-30 years, and in fact it can hold up to 150 years with comfortable weather conditions and timely maintenance. Shale roofing about which we will tell below, can also protect the house for two centuries, while manufacturers are attributed to it only 30-45 years.
  4. Cost - during the construction of the house, first of all, lay the foundation, the costs of which amount to 20% of the total amount, then the walls (40-50%) are erected and only the roof is engaged. By this time, an impressive amount is already spent, and many owners blindly seek to save on everything. To not be mistaken and not to buy the cheapest and inappropriate material, make up the cost plan in advance. The project of the future house should take into account all the details, and think than to cover the roof, it is necessary at this stage. When choosing roofing materials for roofs with caution, we treat new types - sellers will praise them in every way, but it is necessary to keep the sobility of the assessment and guided by their own knowledge.

Useful advice: If in the description of any roofing material it is suited for any operating conditions, the roofs with any bias and for any climatic zones, then the description, to put it mildly, is embellished. Learn about the material from different sources and make a more believable description.


Useful list of requirements for roofing material, which will help you to make the right choice:

  • from which the material is made - the bigger, the better;
  • what types of this material are;
  • on the roof with what bias can be mounted this material;
  • the complexity of the laying technology (whether you will handle yourself or have to hire workers);
  • whether the basis for the preparation of the foundation requires and what it should be (doom, flooring, lining, etc.);
  • advantages and disadvantages of the material;
  • price;
  • features of transportation.

Next, we consider modern roofing materials for the roof most commonly used in construction.

Roof tile

There are several tile varieties depending on the material from which it is made. Consider the most popular of them.

Ceramic tile

The ceramicperpitsa is made of clay, which as a result of molding and firing turns into ceramics and acquires a characteristic brown shade. Products can be covered with icing for better protection against atmospheric precipitation and premature destruction. Accordingly, the glazed tile costs more expensive. In the finished clock, the tile is small tiles of rally from 2 kg and higher.


The ceramicperpice is of different species that differ from each other by the position on the roof, as well as the manufacturer's method: a flat or groove tape, grooved, stamped, single or two-wave, etc. Tiled coating can be used for roofs with a slope of 25 to 60 °. If the slope is less than 25 °, it is necessary to pay special attention to the waterproofing and the ventilation system of the roof, since moisture will be delayed on genthes. If the bias exceeds 60 °, the tile should be additionally fastened with screws or nails, otherwise it simply falls from the roof under its own mass.


To attach tiles, use a special key system and fix the material to the crate. In this case, the upper rows overlap part of the lower, as a result of which an unnecessied surface is obtained. High-quality ceramic tile can be overlooking 100-150 years, and there are many vintage houses in European cities. More information about the laying is told in the article " Installation of ceramic tiles: Step by step instructions».

Advantages of ceramic supervision:

  • minimum operating costs (clean the gutter, endanders, once a year to inspect the points of the adjoins and, if necessary, carry out local repairs);
  • absolute noise absorption (no noise of rain, hail);
  • nonseasing;
  • inconsistency of corrosion and rotting;
  • high level of frost resistance;
  • aesthetics (here it includes a wide selection of forms and colors);
  • natural roof microventylation - through the pores in the structure of the ceramic supervision, the accumulated moisture can freely evaporate.

The disadvantages of ceramic tiles include a lot of weight, which forces to increase the cross-section of the rafter design, strengthen the foundation and overlap. Despite the durability, the tile is rather fragile and requires careful transportation and styling. If the roof has a complex design, then for installation, the ceramic supervision will need a reinforced doom, many fasteners, reinforced waterproofing.

Cement-sand tile

Many refuse the ceramocherapy due to its greater weight, so over time, less severe alternative was invented - cement-sand tile. In the process of its production, instead of firing at high temperatures, the cement-sandy solution is pressed under pressure, and the result of which 1 m² of finished products weighs from 35 to 45 kg. As a dye for such tiles, iron oxide is used, so it can be easily confused with natural ceramic tiles.


The form of the product is flat or profile, with glazed protection or without it. Cement-sand tile is recommended to use for roofs with a slope from 20 to 60 °, mounting onto the crate. Each subsequent element is placed on the previous one, shifting it to a half. The rafters of such a roof should have a cross section of at least 50x150 mm and be in 60-90 cm from each other. For fixing the tiles, nails are used, which are driven into special holes made in the presses.

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The advantages of cement-sand tile:

  • resistance to atmospheric phenomena and ultraviolet;
  • high rates of frost resistance (withstands up to 1000 frost cycles);
  • durability;
  • the cost is lower than that of the ceramoculepits;
  • aesthetics (the same decorative effect as when using ceramic tiles, but for less money).


Of the disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish that the cement tile is more massive than ceramic, and its thickness is from 10 mm and more. The cost is still quite high, and expenses increase due to the fact that the tile requires careful transportation (the percentage of the battle can otherwise reach 10%).

Bituminous tile

Bituminous tiles are based on cellulose, polyester and fiberglass, applied to bitumen tiles and color-covered pigments. This is a rather reliable roofing material for the roof, whose characteristics are beneficial from many other species. First of all, it is worth considering that the tile has a bitumen-rubber structure, which means it does not miss moisture and reliably protects roofing pie. Also under the influence of sunlight, all the coating elements glued, and the monolithic roofing carpet is obtained.


The products themselves are rather small - about a meter in length and 30 cm wide, with 1 m² weighs only 8-12 kg, which distinguishes this tile from its relatives-heavyweights. In shape it can be rectangular, triangular and even rounded, which significantly expands the design capabilities. Color can also be completely anyone. The material is very plastic and does not require special conditions for transportation. It also allows them to close any architectural forms without much difficulties.

Bituminous Tile-Aquaizol

Bituminous tile It is recommended to apply for roofs with a slope of 12 ° and above (no maximum threshold). It is usually used for roofs of unusual and complex forms, since the tile can be easily bent or fixed at different angles. Installation occurs on a pre-laid lining waterproofing layer on a solid crate of plywood or OSB.

Benefits of bituminous tiles:

  • low weight;
  • elasticity (not broken during transportation);
  • makes it possible to easily make a point repair without dismantling all the coverage;
  • the possibility of working with roofs of complex forms;
  • noise absorption of precipitation;
  • inconsistency of corrosion and rotting;
  • affordable cost;
  • a wide variety of forms and colors.


Unfortunately, the bituminous tile is distinguished by high flammability and over time fades under the influence of direct sunlight.

Metal tile for roof

So, we have already considered the tile of clay, cement, bitumen, it's time to tell about the metal tile. It uses galvanized steel coated with a polymer component, which simultaneously protects the metal from corrosion and gives it an attractive appearance. Depending on the technology used by the manufacturer, the number of layers of such tiles may vary. The texture also happens different, for example, there is a metal tile resembling a ceramic analogue.


The metal tile is used for the roofs with a slope of 15 ° and above (no maximum limit), however, when installing the waterproofing layer of roofing cake, it is necessary to increase the waterproofing layer of roofing pie and thoroughly seal the joints with silicone.

Mounting the metal tile is quite simple - for this you use nails or roofing screws, fixing the material to the crate. This information is disclosed in more detail in the article " Mounting technology of the roof of metal tile».


Advantages of metal tile:

  • easy to install;
  • little weighs (1 m² weighs from 3 to 5 kg);
  • resistant to atmospheric and mechanical effects;
  • low cost;
  • a wide selection of colors;
  • does not require special conditions for transportation.


The main drawback of the metal tile is that it is very noise during rain or hail. Also, when installing after trimming, a large amount of waste remains, which does not happen when working with bitumen tiles.

Wooden tile

Yes, the tile is even wooden (shing), although it is difficult to believe it with such an abundance of modern high-strength materials. It was used in antiquity, but with the development of new technologies, the popularity of the wooden tile was coming to not. However, it is able to ensure reliable protection of housing from precipitation, cold, as well as create an optimal temperature and humidity exchange, increasing the energy saving of the house.


For the manufacture of such tiles today use the highest quality wood - old and durable trees with a minimum number of bitch and other defects (larch, oak). The material is applicable to the roofs with a slope of 20 °. It is placed on the surface in 3 layers, each of which overlaps the previous one that only a third of the table remains on the surface. To install the shingle, you do not need a powerful and cumbersome line, since 1 m² of such a coating weighs only 15-17 kg.


In a house with such a wooden roof, a healthy microclimate with optimal levels of humidity and temperature will always reign. Do not forget that it is absolutely eco-friendly material. Some believe that the shings are short-lived, but it is easy to refute if you look at the monuments of the ancient Slavic architecture, which remained to this day. Wooden coating reliably protects not only from precipitation, but also from freezing or overheating of the roof. This is a unique natural property of wood that no man-made material possesses.


An interesting point: when wetbed wood expands, and all elements are tightly adjacent to each other, creating reliable protection for the house. Such an effect can be puzzled if you wet the usual cone - its flakes are tightly closed. As the tile is drying, slightly bends and lifted over the dome, thereby providing full ventilation and evaporation of accumulated moisture.

Advantages of wooden tile:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • durability;
  • high degree of protection against rain, cold, heat;
  • attractive and original appearance;
  • low load on the rafter system.


The only thing that can embarrass is a flammability of such a coating, however, this trouble is easy to eliminate with the help of anti-expirers. Update the anti-view impregnation follows annually because it is washed out of wood. And in the rest, such a roof will not require substantial repairs for the next 100 years.

Shale Tile

Continuing the use of natural materials in tiled production, it is impossible not to mention the shale roof. This method of finishing was popular in medieval Europe, and many excellent architectural monuments can be observed today. The shale tile is made of a slate - rock, which has a unique property - it can smear the finest tiles from 1 mm in thickness. Shalants are clay, siliceous, chlorite and others, depending on the breeds in their composition.


Useful advice: High-quality shale tile should be easy to succumb to mechanical processing, piercing nails, but it is quite dense and solid.

Advantages of shale tile:

  • durability - shale roofing easily last 150-200 years;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • inconsistency of corrosion and rotting;
  • does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet, so even if you make a roof from different shades of slate, this beauty will continue for centuries;
  • the shale roof does not need periodic repairs;
  • the small sizes of shale tiles make it possible to use it to work with the most complex structures of the roofs, including dome-shaped and curvilinear;
  • for many, it is surprising, but the stone not only protects well from the flow, but has exceptional thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to temperature and humidity drops without changing geometric sizes;
  • relative flexibility and elasticity do not allow shale tile to crack or crumble from random mechanical effects.


The most serious obstacle to the way of shale roofing can become its high weight - 30-50 kg / m². It should also be understood that since this is natural material, then the colors can only be natural, that is, the colors of the earth: brown, sand, dark green, brown, gray, sometimes might come across slots. But it is rather a pleasant feature of the material than the lack, since natural color helps to easily fit the house in the landscape and does not irritate the eyes. More information on this topic can be found in the article " Shale Roof - Description, Advantages, Laying and Installation».

Slate for the roof

Slate can also be different depending on the material from which it is done. Combines all varieties standard form, principles of installation and availability of material. For more information on the installation you will find in the article " Coating roof slate».

Asbesto-cement slate

The slate is called leafy products from asbestoscerta - cement composite material enhanced asbestos fibers. 120х70 cm sheets have a rectangular shape and bent with a wave with a height of 28 mm (usually on 1 profile 6 waves). Weight 1 m² is 10-15 kg.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Slate laid mustache, attaching galvanized nails with rubber sealing gaskets to the crate. The crate for slate is made from a wooden bar with a square cross section of 50 mm or 75 mm (reinforced profile). Before mounting sheets, lining from waterproofing material (construction film, rubberoid, pergamine) are placed. The use of slate is permissible for the roofs with a bias from 12 ° to 60 °.

In modern construction, slate is used mainly for utility rooms: Sarai, summer kitchens, garages, business blocks, etc. However, some economical owners will resist roofs of residential buildings and guest houses.


The advantages of slate:

  • you can process in place with a grinder;
  • low cost;
  • easy installation.

We need to transport slate carefully so as not to split profiles, but the most serious disadvantage of the material is its non-environmental friendliness - scientists have long proved the danger of health asbestos. In addition, the slate does not differ at attractiveness and over time accumulates moisture, so on old slate roofs you can always find the moss and fungi.

Bituminous slate

Bituminous slate, as possible to guess, is made on the basis of bitumen mixed with cellulose fibers. Also part includes mineral additives, hardeners and pigment resins. Bituminous slate is also called flexible due to its advantage and elasticity.


The material is characterized by good hydrophobicity and allows you to work with roofs of complex structures. Bitumen slate can be cut roofing with a slope of 5 °. If the bias does not exceed 10 °, the installation should be made on a solid crate of moisture-resistant plywood, making overlap profiles for 2 waves. If the bias is in the range from 10 ° to 15 °, it will take a doom in 45 cm increments and a total of 1 wave. For the roofs with a slope of more than 15 ° laid the crate with a step of 60 cm and also make a total of 1 wave.

Useful advice: If you have a used bitumen slate, an excellent waterproofing substrate to another roofing material will be released from it.


Benefits of bitumen slate:

  • low weight (3-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ m²);
  • wide selection of colors;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost.

Unfortunately, with time, multicolored slate burns out. Experts recommend applying it in moderate climatic zones, because under the scorching sun, the material can "swim", and the strong frost will harm him (withstands only 25-30 cycles).

Professional flooring for the roof

Profile is the most simple variety of galvanized steel coating. It can be called the progenitor of modern metal tile. These are metal corrugated or profiled sheets that may have or not have a protective polymer coating. Waves can be of different heights and shapes: trapezoidal, rounded, sinuou-shaped. Why do the waves? They significantly simplify the process of docking profiles and allow you to get a neat decorative surface.


Profile can be laid on the roofs with a bias of 10 °. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening, screwing material to a wooden crate, elited by a pergamine or rubberoid. Sheets need to lay a mustache, and jokes to fill in an atmospheric sealant on a bitumen basis. Professional flooring - roofing material for the roof, mainly used for economic and industrial construction, and on private residential buildings such a coating is rare.


Advantages of professional flooring:

  • simple installation;
  • high bending strength;
  • affordable price;
  • low weight;
  • durability.


One of the main reasons why professional flooring is rarely used for residential buildings lies in its low noise absorption.

Folding roofing

The art of installation of the folded roof is known from the Middle Ages. Even today in most European countries you can see old residential buildings, museums and castles, the roofs of which are decorated with false. False are sheets of smooth steel (galvanized or neatocked with polymer coating or without it). But noteworthy is not so much the appearance of the sheets themselves, how much the way they are connected to each other - the neighboring parts are connected by special seams. To create such seam-hooks use special tools - kleimers.


To create a folding coating, the bias of the roof should be at least 20 °. At first, a steam barrier film is placed on the rapid farms, after which the crate is mounted in a step of 20-40 cm and fasten the steel flushes. The image below shows the types of folding connections. In more detail about the laying, you can read in the article " Installation instructions for a folding roof». RICE

Advantages of a folding roof:

  • does not burn and does not support combustion;
  • beautiful and neat appearance;
  • durability;
  • reliable protection against atmospheric precipitation;
  • low weight (4-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ m²);
  • the flexibility of metal sheets allows you to work with roofs of any forms.

Folding roof has low thermal insulation indicators, so special attention should be paid to the selection of insulation for it.

Rolled roof materials

If you notice, all the above materials could be used for roofs with a slope, but what about horizontal surfaces? Roofing materials for flat roofs also exist, and mostly, these are rolled products on a nonwoven polyester or a fiber-based basis with a binding bitumen layer and polymer additives. The upper layer of such products is often covered with mineral powder - the crumb of various rocks protects bitumen from ultraviolet and sets the color.


The most common and cheap of such materials is the rubberoid, but it is used mainly as a waterproofing layer, but not the finish coating. In general, the bituminous roller product combines and waterproofing, and decorative properties. The durability of the coating is determined by the composition of the material, the quality of laying and the responsibility of the manufacturer, however, no rolled roofing material for the roof can serve longer than any of the above species. The maximum service life of premium class products is 30-40 years.


The indisputable advantage of such products is that they allow cheap and quickly create a protective coating for an exploited or non-exploitable roof. You can read more about this in the article " Flat roof: devices, requirements and bias».

Installation is carried out in two ways: gluing on bitumen mastic or rocking. In the second case, the rear side of the roll is melted with a gas burner, after which they rolled and pressed to the surface. Such soft roofing materials for the roof can only be used for flat surfaces with a slope of up to 4-5 °.

As you can see, the materials for the arrangement of the roofs are very much, and for adequate selection it is necessary to at least superficially examine their characteristics, requirements and features of installation.


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