How to choose high-quality interior doors

January 20. Interior decoration, Building materials Views 3766. 1 comment to record How to choose high-quality interior doors

Interior doors are one of the key elements in the design of any interior. They are intended not only to fulfill their main function, namely the distinction between the inner space in the house, but also can significantly transform the appearance of any room. At the same time, it is very important that such doors have excellent quality, so they should be taken to their choice with special attention.

Main criteria for selecting interroom doors

Material of manufacture

The main indicator of the high quality doors is the use of extremely natural and environmentally friendly materials in the process of their production, such as a wood array or natural veneer.


Door coating

In order for the wooden door to retain his excellent appearance for a long time, its surface is traditionally covered with varnish, which should be environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for the health of others. The reliability of such a coating can be checked by ordinary nail, trying to press a little on the wood. If the varnish is high-quality, then no visible traces and mechanical damage on the surface of the door should not appear after that.

Appearance Door

Rate the quality of the interior door can be visually visually. It should have a homogeneous, pure color, without extraneous enclosures and spots. In addition, wood structure should be clearly visible.


Quality of fittings and door design

Choosing interior doors also need to evaluate the quality of the design and fittings, view the places of compounds of the frames, baguette, lattices, as well as reliability of loops, locks, etc. At the same time, all elements of the design must be perfectly fitted, close to each other without any gnesks and overlap, and accessories work without failures.

Door shape and design

Interior doors must be perfect. The distance from one corner to another should certainly be equal between themselves, maximum deviation of up to 1 mm is allowed.

Quality glass

If the design of the interior door implies the presence of glass inserts, then they must be made of high-quality tempered glass, which is attached using reliable silicone-based sealants and seals.


Package door

Modern door structures should be equipped with only L-platband and L-box, which can be adjusted when mounting the wall thickness. Door box must have a seal.

In addition, the finish of the door leaf, as well as the boxes and platbands, must be comparable in quality and color scheme of the door itself.

Types of interior doors depending on their design

When choosing interior doors, we also need to pay attention to their design. Depending on the features of the room in which they will be subsequently installed and the appropriate type of doors is selected. The most common can be considered such types of interroom doors:


This is the most popular door design. Such doors can only be opened in one direction to the right or left, which must be taken into account during the purchase. Swing doors require free space before themselves for their opening, so for small rooms such a design is not too convenient.



These are the doors that open by the type of wardrobe. They represent a design, which consists of a door leaf with rollers, thanks to which they drive along the wall on one or immediately two guides. Such a type of doors does not require free space in front of them to open them, so they can be installed in the premises where the installation of hintage doors is not possible.


Folding harmonica doors

This design of the doors, the door leaf of which consists of separate panels of the same size connected between themselves. In the folded state, they resemble the so-called harmonic. Such doors, like sliding doors, are mounted on one or immediately two guides. The harmonica doors are ideal for small rooms, as the free space is significantly saved. However, they are pretty harvesters and cannot provide reliable sound and thermal insulation of the room, unlike other types of doors.


Materials from which interior doors are manufactured

In addition to its design, a very important point when choosing an interroom door, which is worth paying attention to is the material of manufacture. It affects the appearance, functionality, reliability and durability of such products. Most often, interior doors are manufactured from the following materials:


The doors made of natural array of wood are rightfully considered the highest quality and durable. In addition, they have an unsurpassed dear appearance, which will allow them to harmoniously fit into any interior. Wooden doors refer to an elite class of doors. Most often they are made of expensive wood, such as oak, beech, mahogany, pine, larch and others.


Plastic - durable, reliable, hygienic, moisture-resistant, easy-to-caring material, and also quite affordable. Therefore, such doors are distinguished by practicality in use, they are great and soundly insulated. Most often, they are installed in public places: in hospitals, educational institutions, shops, cafes, etc. Plastic doors can have different design and design, for example, doors with laminated coating or veneer trimmed.



These are doors that are manufactured by new technology. They represent a door leaf consisting of a frame that the DVP is trimmed with decorative trim. Various materials can be used as a frame filler. In particular, the bars filler, cellular Fiberboard, paper harmonica. For decor, a veneer of expensive breeds of wood, paint, tint, laminated film, etc. are used.
Majonite doors affordable, have a small weight, resistant to temperature drops, safe for health and externally attractive.



Glass doors, despite the first view, the fragility of such a design, have a lot of advantages. First, they do not interfere with free access to the room, and also differ in moisture resistance, hygienic, original design and, oddly enough, durability and durability. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, such doors are made of glass, which is very difficult to smash (triplex, kalen glass, matolux). Glass doors are transparent, toned and matte. In addition, various drawings are very often applied to them. Such doors are usually installed in the bathrooms, in the kitchen, etc.


Manufacturers of interroom doors

The modern domestic market of interroom doors offers its customers a huge selection: from cheap Chinese-made budgetary doors to elite expensive doors from Italy and Spain. However, among the most popular manufacturing companies whose products are different not only for good quality, according to consumers, but also acceptable cost, you can allocate:


The doors of the factory "Volkhovets" (V.Novgorod) refer to the category of some of the best interior doors of domestic production. This trading mark exists on the market for more than 20 years, during which constantly improves its production technologies and expands the model range. Volkhov Factory products are environmentally friendly, reliability, functionality and attractive appearance at an affordable price. For the manufacture of interior doors, only a natural tree is used - glued coniferous array, which is lined with veneer of expensive wood breeds, such as nut, cherries, mahogany, ash, anectery. In addition, this manufacturer uses only high-quality and safe paintwork.



The doors of the Factory Sophia (Tver) are distinguished by high quality, reliability and affordable price. For the 20th anniversary of the existence of this brand, its products managed to conquer a lot of prestigious international awards. In the manufacture of interior doors, Sophia uses only a natural tree that is facing the veneer of expensive and exotic woods of Wenge, oak, chestnut, beech, ash, rosewoman, macassara, ebony, etc. The company cooperates with famous Italian manufacturers, adopting their experience and technology, which allows you to produce doors relevant to European quality standards.



Union (Italy) is one of the largest suppliers of high-quality and reliable Italian-made doors, which works in the domestic market of this product since 1990. Interior doors UNION, which are made from a natural wood array, this is unsurpassed European quality, original design, durability and reliability of the design.


More detailed about choosing high-quality interroom doors on video:


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One answer to how to choose high-quality interior doors

  1. Zamin:

    Good article, you can see what a knowledgeable person wrote. I am as an installer with experience for more than 5 years, I want to give advice to people who want to buy doors to the apartment, in no case do not buy laminated doors, except for the temporary, best of all feed and buy veneered or doors with the ecoshpon. They are price more expensive, but will serve you for many years. I recently found the site there the lowest prices for doors on the Internet. There will be able to pick up the door for yourself. I hope my advice comes in handy!

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