What is electrocamine, features of the device. How to make electrocamine with your own hands. Tips and recommendations of fireplace construction professionals with their own hands

January 13. Useful advice Views 547. Comments to record What is electrocamine, features of the device. How to make electrocamine with your own hands. Tips and recommendations of fireplace construction professionals with their own hands No

Electrograms as a heating device and interior decorations are used for quite a long time. Every year the popularity of electric fireplaces is growing steadily. However, buy a high-quality device that would warm well, it looked nicely and did not break long - quite difficult. The price of some models is comparable to the cost of a good LCD TV. From this situation there is a completely acquitted exit - to make electrocamine with your own hands. With the seeming complexity, these works can be performed independently, while saving money and make exactly what is suitable for the interior of the apartment or at home. About how to make an electric fireplace with your own hands - let's tell later.

Advantages and disadvantages of electrocamines

To make a choice in favor of an electric fireplace, it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this device. The indisputable advantages of this instrument can be attributed:

  • Any installation site. Unlike the real fireplace, who needs chimney, the electric fireplace can be installed both in the house and in the apartment. It can be placed on the wall in the bedroom opposite the bed, creating an incredible atmosphere of comfort.
  • Unpretentious care. Electrocamine does not require cleaning, with its work, smoke and soot are not formed. It is enough just to wipe the dust from the portal.
  • Ability to use at any time. To turn on the fireplace, it is not necessary to harvest the firewood and for a long time to inflame it. Even at night, if the temperature dropped below is comfortable, you can turn on the fireplace that will quickly correct the position.
  • The ability to adjust the heating capacity. Automation such fireplaces are much easier than wood. You can program it on switching on and off at a certain time by simply turning the knob of the regulator, you can set the necessary mode of operation.

Disadvantages of electrocamine:

  • Electricity dependence. When the voltage is disconnected, it will not work. Therefore, if you use it for heating, you need to think about the backup heater.
  • Great electricity consumption. The power of electrocamines varies from 1 to 5 kW, depending on the heated area. Such energy consumption requires the presence of powerful wiring, which must withstand the load up to 25 A. In many apartments, the wiring is not designed for such currents, so it will have to be changed.

Electrocamine components

Modern fireplaces consist of two parts:

  1. Portal. This is a decorative framing of the fireplace. The electrocamine portal can be made of wood, drywall, steel, bricks and other materials.
  2. Hearth. This is a place of imitation of firewood burning, which resemble the furnace of the present fireplace.

The hearth itself in turn consists of several parts:

  • Electric heater. Designed to create a comfortable room temperature.
  • Flame imitation. This is a purely decorative part that does not carry a practical burden, and there is only for aesthetic pleasure.
  • Automation. Automation adjusts the power of the fireplace, the frequency of its turn on and off.

Varieties of foci for electrocamine

Modern manufacturers offer consumers a wide range of different devices from the simplest, and, accordingly, cheap, to electrocamines that fully imitate the burning of firewood with sound and light effects.

Foci for electric fireplaces can be divided into several groups:

  • Classic fireplaces. Small open models that can be installed on the wall and embed in the portal. They are usually cheap, from useful functions are often equipped with a remote control.
  • Wide. More expensive fireplaces that are already included with the portal. Open deep furnace with imitation of real firewood, as well as lined with decorative bricks, make it practically completely similar to this focus. Adds realistic built-in multi-level backlight. Such fireplaces are equipped with thermostats that will automatically adjust the operation of the heater depending on the ambient temperature. The cost of such models is much higher, but also the functionality is very attractive.
  • Panoramic. Such fireplaces are completed with the curved glass, which creates an effect of deep furnace with a small thickness of the fireplace itself. Often have the function of noise effects, recreation of the sounds of burning firewood.
  • With functions of smoking. Such fireplaces appeared relatively recently. The visual effect of the flame is achieved by special highlighting water dust, which is created using an ultrasonic steam generator. Such fireplaces look very realistic. However, they have one drawback. In the container with the steam generator, it is necessary to constantly pour water. On average one tank refueling is enough for 5-6 hours of operation.

By its functionality, fireplaces are:

  • Decorative. They are designed to imitate burning firewood. Serve as an element of decor in the room.
  • Heated. It is exactly what a classic fireplace is added to the decorative function for which the classic fireplace is intended.
  • With an air humidifier. This is mostly fireplaces with an ultrasonic steam generator that spray cloud water.

By type of Tan (tubular electric heater), foci are:

  • With a Tan from the sealed quartz tube.
  • With Tan from the biospiral.
  • With Tan from the nichrome spiral.

To improve the heating function, electrocamines are equipped with reflectors screens that focus infrared radiation in the desired side. To quickly heat the room, the fan is embedded in the center of the electrocamine, which improves air convection.

How to make a heater with your own hands

Basic rules and order of work:

  • For the manufacture of electrocamine it is best to purchase a finished factory tan. It will be the key to safe use of the device. Homemade beans often cause problems. They warm badly, often burn out and can cause a fire. In principle, any heating element can be used as a heater, even a spiral from an old iron or electric stove.
  • The main condition is the optimal pavement pavement depending on the heated area and the size of the fireplace itself. For average indicators, a sufficient heater with a capacity of 2-3 kW. In the manufacture of the heater, it is better to provide it with a power regulator so that the temperature can be adjusted, as well as the thermal sensor that can turn off the fireplace when the specified mode is reached.
  • To improve the efficiency of the heater, it is equipped with a reflector. This reflector that will focus and direct infrared radiation to the right place. Produce a reflector from galvanized steel 0.8 - 1 mm thick. It must have the shape of a truncated cone.
  • For the start of galvanized profiles, the reflector frame is manufactured, and then it is trimmed with sheet metal.
  • The heating spiral is attached on special brackets so that it does not touch the wall of the reflector. The dimensions of the reflector depend on the size of the furnace. It is necessary to arrange it in such a way that radiation from the spiral falls out into the room, and not on the structural elements of the portal, as this can lead to their ignition. For the manufacture of a fireplace, you can use old heaters or even windows.

How to make a pedestal and frame for electrocamine

The entire portal of the electrical fireplace can be collected from drywall. It is a very simple material processing, besides it is inexpensive and has very good structural characteristics.

The phased order of installation work is as follows:

  • Before starting work, you need to install a pedestal for installation of the portal. It can be made from the tabletop trimmed under marble or tree. The length of the plasterboard portals are often made from a steel profile, which is then trimmed with drywall and decorated.
  • The frame for a plasterboard portal is made of galvanized profiles. When planning the size of the portal, it is necessary to take into account the size of the furnace. Fastening profiles to the wall need reliably with fast installation dowels.
  • To ensure the stiffness of the design, it is better to use rack profiles. Corners It is advisable to do from a solid profile. Its side shelves in the location of the expected bend are trimmed at an angle of 90 °, then bend profile. This will noticeably increase the stiffness of the structure.
  • When mounting the frame, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the firebox of the electrocamine and its equipment. Since, when heated, steel may be subject to deformation, too weak design can bend under the weight of the furnace. Conventional self-tapping screws are used to assemble the frame.
  • After the frame is ready, it can be seeded by plasterboard. Features of the covering plasterboard are that this material does not like moisture. If the focus is used to simulate a flame based on the generation of a cold steam, then water-resistant plasterboard will be used to be better.
  • In the design it is necessary to provide a place for the hidden placement of the backlight, steam generator and heating elements.
  • After the covering of drywall, the whole design is putty, cleaned and painted. When using a powerful heating element, you must take care of fire safety. For this wall, to which electrocamine will be adjusted, is processed by flame retardant compositions, and the inner surface of the furnace is separated by the heat transfer material.
  • After finishing the fireplace finish, it is necessary to make the lower and upper ventilation holes to ensure air circulation. The holes are closed with decorative lattices.

Features of decorating electrocamine

It is possible to decorate a fireplace from drywall with practically any materials. It can be a tree, artificial stone, a gypsum brick and other materials. It all depends on the design concept of the premises, where it will be installed and the fantasy of the host. For open furnaces, decorative steel grilles are often used.

The most popular type of finishing of the portal of an electric fireplace is artificial stone. It will accurately repeat the shape and texture of this fireplace. Laying such a stone on plasterboard is not very difficult. The degraded and gifted surface of the portal is ground, and then decorative stone is placed on it. For laying uses usual CM11 glue.

You can decorate the portal of the fireplace plaster stucco. Decorative columns on the sides of the portal will look very beautiful.

How to create a focus for electrocamine with your own hands

Creating a focus with your own hands is the most difficult thing in the decoration of the electrocamine. The focus is something that distinguishes electrocamine from a simple heater. It is he who must create an atmosphere of comfort.

To create a simple seedliness of the focus, you can use decorative firewood and red-yellow LED garland with a specially selected luminescence mode. Garland is placed in a special box at the bottom of the portal, and the woods are installed on top. Decorative firewood do it with their own hands from Papier-Masha. For this purpose, real firewoods are taken, and turn around with swallow paper. After drying the latter, it is neatly removed, glue the layout of the pigs and paint. You can also use real firewood, previously treated by their special fire-fighting solutions and lacquered.

The most realistic is a hearth with a cold steam backlight system. To create it, you will need:

  • Water tank.
  • Ultrasonic steam generator.
  • 12 V. Electroventant It is necessary in order to direct the flow of the formed steam on the woodwaste.
  • LED lamps with special light filters that will pass a realistic glow. Thanks to the pair illumination with such lamps, a burning flame effect is created.
  • Transformers 220V- 12V for nuts of lamps and fan.
  • Galvanized sheet for making box.
  • It is better to use the finished design of the epoxy resin as a dry vessel. Real Firewood or Papier-Masha for this will not be suitable due to increased humidity. You can make them yourself using real coals. Epoxy resin when the lamp glow misses the light, which makes the "burning" of the fireplace more realistic.

Procedure for work:

  • Initially, it is necessary to make a mounting box in which all elements of the fireplace will be installed.
  • After that, the box is mounted in a niche.
  • Next, the water container is installed in it, in which the steam generator is immersed.
  • On the rear wall of the box, a mounting bracket is made to install the bases of the lamps.
  • The next step produces the manufacture and installation of a water container cover, which should have a guide. As a result, the formed pairs should go out exactly into the hole of the firewood.
  • The bracket with lamps is regulated in such a way that they highlighted steam.
  • The entire box with installed equipment is covered with a decorative lid, with a steam outlet hole. On this hole is stacked by firewood.

How to make electrocamine do it yourself: video

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