Window on the roof of the house: construction instructions

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The roofs of residential buildings are very different, but the greatest popularity are structures with slopes. They allow you to equip a spacious attic, provide a natural and rapid gathering of rainwater and snow, give the construction a cozy and complete appearance. In addition, in lower roofs, you can organize an additional window for ventilation, lighting and just for beauty. About how to make a window in the roof, read in this article.

Why do you need windows in the roof?

The windows embedded in the roof are attic and the auditory, but the essence of this, by and large, does not change. Initially, such windows were designed to ventilate the attic, but later they began to be used for additional lighting and visual expansion of space. So, when overpopulation was observed in Europe, people were looking for the opportunity to use every square meter of living space with benefit, so they did additional rooms from attic. And in order to spend less on lighting, expanded and modified small auditory windows, turning them into an additional source of natural light.

By the way, do you know why the auditory windows are so called? The video below will answer this question:

Interesting: In the Middle Ages there was a fashion lush to decorate the windows in the roof in accordance with the style of the facade of the building. They were called Lugarnes. After World War II, modest hearing windows were transformed and expanded - so farm windows appeared, which to this day are very popular.

So, why today many put hearing windows on the roof:

  1. They give additional coverage of the attic room.
  2. Provide regular and high-quality ventilation of the undergraduate room, which prolongs the operating time of the cake materials.
  3. In some cases, the attic window provides an additional output to the roof for its preventive repair.
  4. A beautifully decorated auditory or a mansard window gives the original appearance of the architectural composition.
  5. Can serve as an additional emergency exit.

Types of windows

Before installing the window to the roof, it should be understood in the varieties of such structures. Hearing windows look like small "houses" with two slopes. The attic of the same place is hollow with a row of the main roof and are not protected by a canopy, so they skip more sunlight. In other words, the auditory windows have vertically, and the attic - horizontally (repeated the geometry of the roofing rod). Accordingly, for vertical windows it is necessary to build an additional framework, which will be described below.


In most cases, the auditory windows look like triangles. The main feature is that the frontal side does not interpret inside, but is in a single plane with the facade. In acute-coronal roofs, it is possible to place the windows with large frames on the front of the windows using original parts similar to the columns. If you are going to put a window with a single roof, then it should be placed separate gutter. The minimum allowable slope of such a roof is 5-15 °.


Despite the fact that today many choose hearing windows, most still give preference to mansard structures. Since they are located in the same plane with the roof, they are able to skip more light, take less space, and it is much easier to make them.

Nevertheless, what type of window to choose? If you live in an old house with the characteristic architectural signs of your era, it is best to build an auditory window. Downtown windows are suitable for more modern designs. For the installation of the first, special niches are needed in the roof, since the frame of the rafter system and the sidewalls of the window needs a large number of fastening places from the main roof.


The mansard window is enough to fasten between the roof rafters. They will perform a barrier function for water streams, and therefore it is better to put them on lower roofs with an angle of inclination of 15-20 °. The attic type windows are quite complex structures with thoughtful protection from cold, wind and moisture. It is not possible to make such a window independently, therefore, it is reasonable to buy it in the relevant firm.

Installation of the auditory window

As the design of the hearing window on the roof is very complicated, before you begin to build it or go to the store for materials, you must compile a detailed drawing. The image below shows one of the possible arrangement schemes on the bartal roof.


Useful advice: To calculate the dimensions and the number of auditory windows necessary for full lighting and ventilation of the attic, use the simple rule: their total width must be greater than ½ width of the underpants.

It is absolutely optionally to place windows in one row, they will look beautifully at different levels. The lower edge should be located 90 cm from the floor of the attic, and the height of the window can be 1.5-2 m or above, how much allows the ceiling of the room. It is logical that the higher the window, the more light it will be skidding.


Making framework

Arrangement of the auditory window must begin with the development and arrangement of the frame system. It is best to do this simultaneously with the installation of the solid roof rafter system. In such a design there is its own skating beam, rafters and a doom, to which the layers of roofing cake will be laid. Speaking easier to get an auditory window, it is necessary to build another such roof in a miniature on the roof.


Specificity of installation work:

  1. Feed opening windows with rapid legs. For their manufacture, it is recommended to choose high-strength materials that can withstand the load from all design elements of the window, including double-glazed windows, crate and roofing.
  2. Place the transverse beams - the lower must be on the same level with the outer wall, and the top of the top fastening depends on how high you want to make the window.
  3. Install the vertical racks, the tops of them on the bottom beam, then tie them in the upper part of the cross.
  4. Longitudinal bars, cover the resulting frame with an upper beam, which rests on the rafted.
  5. As a result, you will have a framework, which later needs to be supplemented with a rafter system. It is built on the same principle as for the main roof of the house.

Important moment: When you fasten the jumper beams, you should not do anything in the rafting legs at the base, as it will make them less durable. Attach all structural elements with various metal fasteners.

When you have equipped the frame, check its location in space, adjusting the vertical and horizontal with the help of a construction level and a plumb. Dissonents should not be allowed under any conditions, even minimal. Only after that you can start laying a horse and rafters of the roof of the window. They should be cut out of the tree according to a predetermined pattern.


The sidewalls of the windows are recommended to be separated by hydrophobic materials. It is best to mount the roofing coating of the main roof and the auditory window at the same time, paying particular attention to the potential places of leakage. These can be various joints, angles, pipe outputs and ventilation holes. Do reinforced waterproofing with membranes, clamping planks and silicone weather-resistant sealants.

Installation of endand

The construction technology and installation of the auditory window seems very similar to the arrangement of the usual multi-line roof, but there are several weighty differences. So, usually skates in a multi-way structure are located at one angle. The slope of the window canopy is 64 °, and if it is installed on the roof with a bias of 40 °, then it will be necessary to build non-standard suspensages or endanda. At the same time, the top and bottom are built by different technologies. For the construction of the tops, the savory rafters are used and these are based on ninames at an angle of 64 °.


How do similar windows on the roof of the house:

  1. Transfer to the floor a central point of crossing the end beam with a skate.
  2. According to the line, swipe from this mark to the corner of the side wall and to the skate bruus. These two lines will be the projection of the skunk beam and the end of the horizontal.
  3. Find the angle between these two lines and under this angle, lay down the bottom end of the end beam so that it can clearly stick to the side wall.
  4. Tension the lace or fishing line between the skate and the corner of the sidewall and find the cutting angle of the top of the beam. Measure the distance between these points - this will be the length of the end beam.
  5. Transfer the line of projection on the side bar and measure the length of the lower ends.

When the measurements are completed, perform the layout of the workpiece at the point of installation of the beam, cut it along the length and take the pressure at the edges at an angle of 18 ° and 72 ° and put them in place.

Useful advice: For each such window, you need to make a pair of similar mirror rafting beams. For these narons, it is best to make a pattern in advance to not measure each time.

At the bottom of the window, where the inner surface of the soft roof is hidden by the side walls and invisible on the side of the attic room, experts resort to a simplified method of installation of the suspension. It is nodded onto the roof over the roof and rest on her ends rafted the roofing windows. Accordingly, this work is performed after laying the covering of the main roof of plywood or other sheet material. In order to increase the strength of such a trim, the sheets are best located from the side walls of the windows.


How to learn the dimensions and location of the support beam:

  1. Between the end of the rafting beam and the external end of the front, pull the special chalk lace.
  2. Remove the slave line with a cord.
  3. Measure the length of this line and cut the workpiece.
  4. Cut its outer side end at an angle of 64 °.
  5. Load the beam along the chalk markup.

The billets of the lower rafter are the easiest way to do according to the template, and before installation only to cut the ends to the desired size. After installing all parts, it remains only to sew the roof of the windows of moisture-resistant plywood and roofing material. Stop the Fanoire should be topped from the ski beam, especially if you work with steep slopes. Stand up on the top and place a solid plywood sheet, placing it clearly along the top end of the skate. After it is fixed, you can go down, measure and adjust the remaining corner parts.

Montage of mansard windows

Install the windows in the attic roof will be much easier, because for them they will not need to build personal "houses". But it is for this reason that elevated requirements are presented to such designs. Thus, it is necessary to observe the limiting accuracy in measurements, make a very rigid frame and trace so that all the window has increased thermophysical characteristics.

okna-Na-Mansarde - Svetloe-Pomeschenie

The design of the attic window resembles a puff pastry from all sorts of insulating parts, latches and lotions. We have already said earlier that it will not be possible to do this, so it is better to get acquainted with the market offers and choose the most appropriate.


To correctly set the window, you need to know from what it consists of:

  1. Marquiset - protection against external mechanical impacts.
  2. Salary - can be made of various materials and is selected depending on the roofing coating, which allows you to position the window to the maximum flush with the roof. The salaries are smooth, for the roofs of bituminous tiles with a wave of no more than 8 mm, 16 mm, 30 mm, etc.
  3. The mansard window is actually a glassy itself.
  4. Protective contour for heat and waterproofing.
  5. Blinds or curtains - often do not come in the kit and are purchased separately in accordance with the design of the indirar of the attic.
  6. Internal slopes.

When you have decided how many windows you need to install in the roof, and what will be their size, you should make markup. To do this, mark their location from the inside, putting the label with a reserve of 2-3 cm on the right and left and at 10-15 cm - from above and below.


How to put a mansard window:

  1. Cut a piece of waterproofing material according to the size of the window, leaving the stock of about 20 cm on each side.
  2. Remove the main roof sector, where the window will be located, or cut it out.
  3. Remove the details of the rafter system interfering with the work.
  4. Pribe at the bottom at a distance of 8-10 cm from the crate of the support bar with a cross section of 50 mm.
  5. Surface the bottom of the waterproofing cannon.
  6. The upper end of the waterproofing is attached to the top crate.
  7. Pull the lateral edges of waterproofing outward.
  8. The frame fasteners are carried out according to the design features. Since windows from different manufacturers are slightly different, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with the instructions attached or consult directly from the representative of the company.
  9. After installing the frame, attach the brackets to it. The lower lock fix it, and the upper immediately do not tighten the top, as they will also be useful to adjust the position of the sash.
  10. At the top of the frame, attach the insulation.
  11. Below the thermal insulation to put on the support bar.
  12. Install the sash and adjust the density of its fit with the top brackets. After that, they can be finally tightened.
  13. Attach the side ends of the waterproofing canvas to the frame, and then put the insulation there.
  14. At the top, install a drainage chute in accordance with the design features of this window model (perhaps the manufacturer's consultation again).
  15. Position the apron window around the window, which will protect it from leaks, and attach it to the frame, top crate, reference bruster and rafters. The edges of the apron shake under the crate, and put the upper part under the chute.

Useful advice: Do not apply a mounting foam for additional waterproofing of the joints, since its pressure can disrupt the correct location of the window. Use for this weather-resistant sealants.

As you can see, installing windows in the roof of the house is quite complex and conjugate with a certain risk. If you still decide that we will handle this work yourself, take care of personal safety and purchase high-quality equipment for high-altitude work.

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