Solvents for concrete with their own hands: how to clean the surface from the frozen solution

November 14. Repair and construction work Views 845. 1 comment To record solvents for concrete with their own hands: how to clean the surface from a frozen solution

By construction, it is not always possible to remove concrete from equipment and tools upon completion of work. The solution dries quickly, as a result of which areas covered with a layer of this stone building material appear. The easiest way to bring such surfaces is in order is to dissolve concrete.

Solvent for concrete: composition and action


  1. Concrete is well unlocked with many types of surfaces, which in some cases can become a problem. With random finish contamination, the appearance of the interior can be strongly spoiled, and the blurred tool will not be used in the future without preliminary cleaning.
  2. Today, the market is replete with a choice of different solvents that are able to cope with the careful and aggressive cleaning of concrete composition. The main thing in this situation is to correctly choose a substance in accordance with the nature of the surface of the polluted area.
  3. Any solvent for concrete may consist of 3 main components:
  • highly concentrated acid, it is needed to destroy the stone layer;
  • substances providing chemical protection of metals;
  • inhibitors to accelerate the processes of physical decay.
  1. Solvents allow you to easily and quickly clean the tools and any types of surfaces from concrete. Immediately after the solution is applied to the polluted concrete, the acid begins to destroy it, penetrating into all the inner layers.
  2. As a result, a mass is obtained in the form of a foam porridge, which is very easily washed off from the surface with water or veosh.
  3. If necessary, remover can be removed using a spatula, and then bring to complete purification by additional application of the solvent.

Concrete Solvent: Views


  1. Substances feeding the stone base of the building material are quite safe for humans and nature, because:
  • they do not distinguish any poisonous compounds into the atmosphere;
  • these substances are absolutely fireproof because there are no combustion processes at all;
  • the smell allocated by them does not cause irritation of mucous membranes, which is very convenient when working with extensive contaminated surfaces;
  • when entering the ground, such solvents are quickly decomposed, but do not apply a tangible harm to the environment.
  1. With the help of such compositions, it is safe to clean the surfaces covered with varnish or paint, without fear that they will spoil the fragile top layer.
  2. Usually, production solvents are distributed through cannons or bottles, which are equipped with sprayers for convenience. There are also ready-made compounds and concentrates that need to be pre-diluted with water.
  3. Nevertheless, precautions in any case will not be superfluous. When cleaning with concrete, it is recommended to work with a solvent in gloves and to ventilate a good room in which work is performed.
  4. In the event of a solvent from entering the skin, it needs to be simply washed with a large amount of water and soap.

How to remove concrete: Procedure


While working with solvents of construction mixtures of stone composition, you need to adhere to some rules and stages of work. Consider more.

  1. Surfaces contaminated with concrete must be cleaned from large parts of the composition, garbage and dust first by mechanical method.
  2. It is necessary to apply the solvent using a special sprayer or a large brush on a dry or wet surface, it all depends on the solvent.
  3. After a short period of time specified on the packaging of the composition, it is necessary to remove the foam foam that appeared foam. If necessary, you can apply the brush to work with metals.
  4. It may be necessary to re-apply the solvent if the concrete was not completely removed from the first time.

The most efficient to buy solvents in the form of a concentrate. This will prepare the desired amount of the mixture in the most suitable proportion, which will depend on the degree of contamination of surfaces. Consider the features of removal by concentrate.

  1. Old traces need to be removed using undiluted composition.
  2. To eliminate fresh cement mortar, you will need a concentrate diluted in the proportion of 1: 3.
  3. The limestick with objects is recommended to remove the mixture in proportion 1: 5.
  4. The equipment is easily cleaned with a solvent with a concentration of 1:10. It is best to add detergent chemicals in a small amount in this case.
  5. Some types of surfaces after cleaning from concrete can change their shade, so before use you need to check the tool on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe material.

We select a means to remove concrete and cement

concrete Mixer.

  1. You can use different means for cleaning surfaces from cement. Each of them has its own composition and features. The required amount of solution for applying and the period depends on the component set, when the composition should act. Some of them can be applied to dry pollution, others - only on a wet surface.
  2. The means for removing concrete must be selected according to the type of contaminated surface. More attention should be paid to those options that have the following characteristics:
  • fast cleaning of contaminated cement surfaces;
  • incompatibility with rubber materials, which means restrictions in use;
  • the presence of protective components against metals corrosion;
  • ensuring the prevention of the formation of a concrete laid.
  1. Such formulations and means must be stored in a room where there is no moisture and necessarily in a tightly closed bottle. If possible, it is necessary to prevent direct sunlight to the container, and protect the solvent from freezing.

Removal of paint with concrete: instruction

Often, professional builders and private home buildings face the problem of paint removal from a concrete surface. This is not difficult, consider the phased technology.


  • putty knife;
  • wash;
  • respirator;
  • hot water;
  • technical hair dryer;
  • wide brush.

Sequence of work:

  1. Determine which paint is applied to the surface. If the item is covered with a water-based coloring agent, then you will have to work with a spatula. Oil paint need to be removed from concrete using a special washing.
  2. Calculate the desired amount of cleaning and place the container with it in hot water in the open form, where to leave for a while.
  3. Jump the respirator.
  4. Using a wide brush, apply washing onto a concrete surface.
  5. Walk along it with a spatula, cleaning the stone composition.

Old oil paint can also be removed using a technical hair dryer. After its use, concrete needs to be cleaned with a thick brush.

Concrete removal fluid


  1. Often to remove the stone mortar, use chemical liquid compositions. It is easier to work with them, rather than hovering with a hammer. For this use different types of solutions:
  • special solvents;
  • sulfuric acid solutions;
  • solutions of hydrochloric acid;
  • mixture of detergent with glycerin.
  1. Each variant can be used to remove concrete from different surfaces. Solvents and acid solutions are most often used to clean solid items, and the cleaning agent with glycerin is to remove concrete from the surfaces of the tissues and carpets.
  2. If liquids are prepared at home, it is important to comply with the correct proportions. Otherwise, you can harm the material under concrete or it may not be possible to dissolve cement at all.

Concrete removal with brick: instruction

  1. Clean the brick from the stone building material can be mechanically and chemical methods. You need to choose a certain method in accordance with the type of surface, the number of bricks and the degree of contamination.
  2. If the basis is strong enough and harm it is not so simple, then you can use the hammer and chisel. In another situation, chemical compounds can be applied. It is important to remember that the second way cannot be used to clean the white silicate brick, since under the influence of chemical elements it will begin to collapse. If it is necessary to remove concrete from such a surface, you can use the old method - the friction of another brick.
  3. To clean the red type of cement cladding, we will need the following tools:
  • trowel or spatula;
  • the hammer is ordinary and construction;
  • chisel;
  • paper essay;
  • glasses and gloves for safe operation.
  1. Before removing cement from the surface of an artificial stone, the surface must be well wetted with water so that the bricks began to absorb water. Then the solution will be a little softer, so it will be easy to remove it.
  2. Flat cement surfaces can be cleaned with a spatula or trowel. With large and volumetric areas it will not be possible to cope without chisel and hammer. You can use the chisel - its unevenly sharpened parties can become more convenient for such work.
  3. From the surface of individual stones, the removal of concrete can be made by a building hammer. When applying each impact, the tools are important to keep parallel to the brick basis, thereby reducing the risk of metal damage.
  4. After removing large pieces of cement, the brick is processed by sandpaper. To make it easier and faster to cope with a polluted surface, it can be fixed on the rails.
  5. Silicate bricks are cleaned using the following tools:
  • perforator or drill;
  • emery paper.
  1. Working with such an inventory should be neat so that there are no deep sneakers and damage on the surfaces. Such a toolkit is more suitable for removing volumetric cement residues. For the small layers of concrete, it is possible to use a grinding machine. After surface treatment, it is necessary to carry out the finishing work of sandpaper.
  2. Ceramic bricks can be purified by chemical solutions. Before applying, you must be sure to read the instructions and while working clearly to follow it. Each solution is applied differently depending on the composition and nature of pollution. The concentration and exposure period also differ from which the sequence of work depends on.
  3. In order not to buy finished substances, you can independently make a solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. They are bred with water in a ratio of 1:10. These funds are applied to the wet surface and are not cleaned about 15 minutes or 30 minutes if the layers of concrete are large enough. Such a means is removed by water or the tools described above.
  4. Sometimes after the use of chemicals on the surfaces of bricks, white traces appear in the form of sublishes. They can be eliminated using special means for washing facades.
  5. After cleaning the surface of the brick from concrete, it must be treated with a hydrophobizer. This impregnation for concrete is characterized by water-repellent abilities that are needed to protect against moisture.

Concrete solvent: Clean the surface with your own hands

Cleaning from the remains of the stone building material is easy to perform yourself. To do this, you can use several methods.

  1. You can apply a mechanical or chemical method. The chemical method is universal, since it is suitable for cleaning most types of surfaces. The most important thing when working with substances is to secure the result with a hydrophobizer.
  2. Typically, concentrated solutions of sulfur or hydrochloric acid are made at home. The ratio of the acting component with water should be 1:10.
  3. Most often use another method that can be used even on tissues and carpets. For this, the following tools will be needed:
  • sponge;
  • acetone;
  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • stupid knife;
  • plastic film;
  • vinegar table;
  • toothbrush;
  • solvent;
  • paper towels;
  • dishwashing detergent (liquid);
  • alcohol isopropyl.
  1. The dried solutions are removed from the carpets with the help of a sponge that is moistened in the solvent. Instead, you can also use acetone, alcohol or glycerin, mixed with detergent.
  2. In the first and second case, a moistened sponge is applied to the stain and covers with a film. This is done to prevent the evaporation of the composition. The sponge must be left on the concrete for about 1 hour, and after this cement is easily wet cloth.
  3. In the third situation, Glycerin needs to be mixed with a detergent in a quarter ratio to a quarter. This composition must be diluted with 2 glasses of water. It is recommended to mix components in a bottle for more convenient subsequent application. Loose such a composition will be convenient with an old toothbrush.

Concrete solvent Barrague

  1. Today, the building materials market offers a large selection of different solvents of concrete. One of the most popular manufacturers of such products is Barracuda.
  2. The composition of the means for removing the stone solution from this company is quite safe for use and does not contain harmful acids. It does not cause skin irritation and the mucous membrane of the respiratory. With it, it is impossible to spoil the lacquered and painted surfaces, which is very convenient. In addition, this agent does not contribute to the occurrence of corrosion, biologically absolutely completely decomposed and is suitable for reusable applications.
  3. In addition to cement, with it, you can remove the water stone, tiled, lime raids and zip.
  4. The average consumption of substance within one application is about 10 square meters. m / l. This tool is completely synthetic, it cannot be stored in an open form for more than 12 months. We produce it in the canisters and barrels of 1, 10 and 200 liters, respectively.

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One answer to solvents for concrete with your own hands: how to clean the surface from a frozen solution

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