How to choose the electrolaw

March 22. Instruments Views 1316 Comments to record how to choose the electrolaw No

The usual planer has become electric not so long ago - just over 55 years ago, and since then, its design has practically changed. And at least the principle of operation of the device remained the same, many new features and improvements have been added that significantly expanded the range. And before choosing electrolaws, it will be worthwhile to understand the features of its work and functionality.

Eleklabokanka device

Electric planer is a powerful and high-performance device created for wood processing, selection of fold and chamfer. The main differences between the electrical ruble from the usual are highly productivity, the best quality of the result and meager labor costs. The master working with the electrolaws does not attach almost no effort. Even such a simple task, as the alignment of the timber, in the case of a hand tool, will require at least an hour of non-stop reciprocating movements.

The entire secret of the operation of the electrolabanka is precisely in the change of the principle of the blade - instead of reciprocating it makes rotational actions. Instead of the muscular drive, electric was installed, and the result was a fairly powerful and functional tool that could save an incredible amount of forces and time.


With the development of technologies, the design of the electrolywood is improved, and today there is a mass of household and professional models with a wide range of possibilities. That is why it is impossible to immediately say which electrolake is simply impossible.

Household or professional electrolacks?

First of all, when choosing an electric paper, like any other construction tool, it is necessary to determine why you need it and with what intensity you plan to use it. So, if you are going to do some work, and in the future the rules will be used a couple of times a year, it makes no sense to take an expensive professional model - it is better to limit the household class. On the contrary, if the Rubancom is used regularly and perform large amounts of work, an inexpensive household appliance will not cope with such a load and overrigence. In this case, a professional model is needed. We will not consider the industrial instrument class, since such products are used on carpentry and woodworking factories.


So, what electrolake can choose: household or professional? The difference between these classes is the engine power, wood planing depth, the size of the treated area and the rotational speed of the drum. The rest of the device is approximately the same except for additional functions. Obviously, the low-power planer is not able to cope with large volumes of work, so immediately pay attention to the engine power. For home use it is better to choose tools with a capacity of at least 600 W and a speed of rotation at least 10,000 rpm. Optimum option: Power in 700-900 W, speed of rotation up to 15,000 rpm. Tools with smaller indicators will not be able to guarantee the result of high quality and long impeccable work.

Useful advice: In the passport of models of some manufacturers, two capacity can be specified immediately - maximum and efficient. In this case, pay attention to efficient power - it should not be less than 350 W. If the indicator is below this value, the electrolaws will not be able to cope with a solid or bitch material.

The second important factor when choosing an electrical ruble is the number of engine speed. It depends on the total productivity of the tool and the ease with which it will process the surface. Motors of household grade engines operate at 100,000-120000 rpm, which is quite enough to use the house or even their own workshop. If you need a planer for work or large-scale construction, the number of revolutions can be selected up to 15,000, and the power of 1.2-1.5 kW. Determine the professional model also helps its weight - such a tool is heavier than domestic and weighs about 10 kg.


The planing depth of electrouruk can be adjusted. For conventional models, this parameter may vary from 0 to 2.5 or 3.5 mm. Professional it comes to 4 mm in a step of adjusting 0.1-0.25 mm. Look at the reading step testing - than it is less, the more the settings range will be, and the more accurate you can choose the planing depth. When tuning, consider that the deeper the planer will be plane, the more it will have to consume power - 1 mm depth ranges from 100 watts of power and several kg of weight. Knowing this small secret of work, you can easily calculate the fakes. For example, if a tool weighs only 3 kg, it has a capacity of 600 W and at the same time you assure that it easily plasters by 4.5 mm deep - this is a hoax.

It is useful to know: the weight of the instrument plays a significant role, but only if you purchase a planer for intensive use - it is difficult to work regularly with a heavy tool. And if you process a couple of boards per hour, then the mass of the Ramp has not been playing a significant role. As a tip - the household instrument of medium power weighs about 4 kg.


A distinctive feature of all high-quality professional electric belts is the presence of electronic control of the established revolutions. This allows maximum performance when working with any variety of wood, even the most solid and bitch. Household models do not equip such function. It is mostly possible to meet only on expensive models from well-known manufacturers.

On household electrical rules, it is often possible to observe fixtures for fixed instrument fixation. They fix the planer up the sole, which makes it possible to use it as a wood processing machine. As for professional models, they must have this feature.


As we have talked above, it is helped to distinguish the professional electrobuck from everyday and cost. Good, but the most ordinary and unassuming household tool costs at least 3.5 thousand rubles, you can buy more than 6-8 thousand. The price of professional models begins from 10 thousand.

How to choose electrurulanok

There is a lot on the market, if not to say too much, models, and the newcomer does not remain anything except to rely on the advice of the seller-consultant. But in most cases, such assistants are repelled not from your real needs, but from what is profitable store. That is why it is important to study the whole theoretical part as you can study, before you go shopping.


Here we will tell, which parameters are worth paying attention, and why:

  1. Carefully inspect the tool housing - it should consist of two parts: the main one (closes the sole and the engine) and removable (drive cover). The main body must be performed in a solid block with a handle and a nozzle removing sawdust. If you chose a model with a fixed lid, you will understand how uncomfortable it is, with the first replacement of the belt. Moreover, such a configuration can be safely considered a sign of flawlessness and imperfection of the structure. Usually, the non-removable cover of the nozzle is on cheap models of little-known manufacturers.
  2. Take a hand tool into the working position and appreciate how much it is balanced by weight. The planer must be comfortable in the hand, and the power button must be conveniently located at the workpiece of the brush with the grip of the handle. If you need to intercept the handle or at all for pressing the start button, do it with another hand, choose a more convenient model for yourself. Even if it is ideal for the cost and technical indicators, it will be uncomfortable to use it, which will affect the quality of the result.
  3. Inspect the tool sole - it should be a small groove. It is necessary for processing the beams and the leading of air flow from the working area. And if the first can not be interested at all, then the airbag in the working area can be reduced to no pleasure from working with modern technician - it interferes with the equally smooth layer over the entire thickness of the surface being treated (a wavy surface is obtained).
  4. The planer must necessarily be equipped with a pipe for the chip assignment - in one or both sides. Specialists recommend choosing models with a bilateral assignment and switch. Separate models can be equipped with a bag for collecting wood chips, which is very convenient to work indoors (reduces cleaning after work to a minimum).
  5. Extremely useful will be on the front side of the sole of the V-shaped deepening. It is necessary to remove the chamfer from the corners.
  6. The width of the sole also plays an important role. According to experts, the most reasonable to give preference to models with a wide sole. Even if you work with narrow lumber, this does not mean that in the future you do not have to strict wide boards, and this will have to do the narrow plans. So you risk getting overcasts and complicate your work. Narrow details are perfectly processed and a wide plan.

Video how to choose electroveanka will help you decide:

Overview of manufacturers of electric bellates

In conclusion, I would like to mention the most popular models of famous manufacturers presented in the domestic market. Electrolake is so popular tool that almost every famous company has already managed to produce at least 3-5 models. How not to get lost in all this manifold of proposals?

The first thing that is worth understanding - the products from Makita are considered to be the highest quality. This manufacturer was a pioneer in the promotion of electrical rules, drills and perforators, and therefore we can assume that the models of all other firms were created "in the image and similarity". The first Electrolake Makita appeared in 1958, and since then this Japanese company remains the leader in its field.


Of great success in the production of high-quality and durable techniques reached the German company Bosch, as well as Americans Skill and DeWalt. Their products are highly appreciated in the market and among professional builders. Electrowanka Rebir is also in demand from homemade masters and professionals.

IMPORTANT: Specialists are recommended to be extremely wary of the models with Russian titles such as Electrolake "Zubble" or "Grad". With a 99% probability, these tools are made in China and differ from each other only by the color of the case and stickers, and their quality leaves much to be desired. However, if you are looking for a cheap tool and are going to get it out of the storage room a couple of times a year, this option is fully justified.


When choosing should not look at the product brand, for example, the same Bosch electrolake can be collected in China, since this company has production in almost all countries of the world. It would be not entirely correct to say that the Chinese assembly is much worse than the original German, however, the established stereotype of low quality Chinese products is not completely groundless. Therefore, if you need a good professional runette, it is better to find the original and pay a little more. By the way, in the case of electrurucks, Bosch can be quickly and unmistakably choose a professional or household tool: household have green body color, and professional - blue.


For domestic use, Elekroweak Interskol, Energomash and Fiolent have proven well established. They differ rather loyal cost and give quality results.

Warning: There is a mass of Russian companies masking under European or American: Sturm, Stern, Milwaukee, AEG. Despite satisfactory product quality, they have nothing to do with high Western standards. They work properly until time, but have a very limited resource of work - just a few tens of hours. After that, the devices often begin to clutch, and later it turns out that they are practically at the zero maintainability. The blades are quickly blinking, the mechanism of adjusting the depth of planing breaks, the drive belt is stretched, often burns out the engine, even with moderate load. Usually, models with such "symptoms" cost less than 3,000 rubles.

On the video below, the specialist will tell how to choose the right electrolabuck:

Naturally, any owner is unofficing to save and get a high-quality tool for adequate money, but in the case of the plans, the cost and name of the brand are quality indicators. Need a professional tool - Electrolake Makita, a good "eternal" Assistant for the house - Electrolake Rebier or Bosch. Beware of Chinese fakes, domestic "European" masterpieces and do not hesitate to thoroughly inspect the device in the store.

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