How to make slips from drywall

August 30. Interior decoration Views 1393. Comments to record how to make slips from drywall No

When replacing windows, it is necessary to install and finishing the slopes. It is worth saying that such work is not so complex, as it seems at first glance. When plastic windows are put by experts, then they usually do sloping. But sometimes windows decide to put selfishly. And then there is a choice than to separate the slopes. Most often for this, plastic and plasterboard panels are used. The first option has a lot of flaws. For example, this material is easy to damage and stain, which will require additional costs for replacing panels. As for plasterboard, it usually does not occur with such problems. Read more about the technology of installation work, we will describe further.

Basic moments


An order to install plastic windows by experts will help to save on finishing work. Although, the slopes from drywall can self-mount anyone who has the skills of using the simplest construction tools. It is good and the fact that quite a bit of time is most often out of time.

Previously, the slopes of the windows were separated by plaster, which created even for masters with experiences enough. In addition, for drying, plaster required several days. This largely depended on the thickness of the applied layer. As for plastic slopes, they do not like any other owners for any other reasons. For example, because they are in their finishing and structure similar to windows in the office. Therefore, the majority preferring the installation of slopes on the windows of drywall do it yourself. Such a design can be mounted even a newcomer. In addition, modern material available on the shelves in construction stores allows you to achieve the desired result without applying special efforts. In addition, today there are not only slopes on the windows, but also the slopes on the door of the plasterboard. It can be safely called the most suitable finishing material.

If windows are used made of wood, then the hyposocarton panels on the slopes you will be put in any case. This material is currently sold at an affordable price. And if scratches or potholes appear on the surface, they can be eliminated without any problems using putty. Or simply you can replace the damaged panels with new ones. After all, their price is relatively small.

The panel itself consists of dense cardboard and a gypsum core, which is considered an eco-friendly material. Therefore, it can be used in the decoration decoration, where people who are prone to allergies. In addition, the window slips from drywall are aesthetic in appearance, rather durable and do not require careful care. They also perform the role of additional thermal insulation for windows.


In total today there are two types of plasterboard:

  • normal,
  • moisture-resistant.

The last option, as is clear from the name, resistant to moisture. Therefore, it is like no other material suitable for finishing window and door slopes. When using conventional plasterboard panels, they will have to be treated with protective composition from fungi and moisture.

Today it is possible in several ways to make slopes of slopes with plasterboard. Some craftsmen are successfully used by metal profile used when finishing walls and ceilings. This method will be discussed below. Another option is to glue the plasterboard panels on the mounting foam or suitable putty for this purpose. Some masters can combine the techniques above.

Next, some of the finishing options will be analyzed in more detail, but first consider the procedure for preparing the opening of the window to finishing work.

Preliminary work

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The device of slips from drywall begins with careful preparation of the window opening. The most important thing is to clean the surface before the slopes are installed, and better before the installation of the windows themselves. Moreover, after installing plastic windows, it is dangerous to work near the glazed windows with construction tools, since it is possible to damage them by negligence. Therefore, preparatory activities are still recommended to be carried out in advance.

Preparation itself includes several stages:

  1. After extracting the old window from the opening, glasses and frame should be removed. They are most likely no longer need. Moreover, they can interfere with subsequent work.
  2. When the window opening is empty, you need to knock off it old paint, stretch out of the walls available nails. In the presence of rubber fillers, they smash them.
  3. If there was an old rag, which the windows were insulated and sealed, then it should also be removed. Next, it will be necessary to remove the foam protruding from the seams.
  4. As a result of the preparatory work, a pure window opening should remain. After that, you can proceed to the trim of slips from drywall.

List of tools

  1. To work on the decoration finishing, you will need a ladder - a stepladder, tools and a moisture-resistant drywall panels.
  2. In addition, you will need a P-shaped profile of flexible plastic, high-quality mounting foam and primer.
  3. Also will need an acrylic sealant and glitter for drywall.
  4. To cut, you will need a saw or a simple construction knife is suitable.
  5. In addition, there will be a short power screw.
  6. To carry out measurements and layouts, you will need a roulette, a marker, plumbing and level.
  7. For painting, you need a roller, painting tape, as well as a suitable spatula.
  8. To fill large voids, a mineral wool or other suitable filler may be needed.

Metal Metal

Consider how to make slips from metalwear based plasterboard. This is the best way to use in the event that with the help of the profile, the walls of the room was carried out.

First, a single carcass is created from metal products. The material in this case is fixed by the same scheme as it was done on the walls. It is important to do everything in a certain sequence.

Procedure for conducting work:

  1. Initially exhibit profiles over levels (vertical and horizontal).
  2. Then the measurement and the drywall is cut off. This can be done with a building knife.
  3. Next, as a heater, you must lay out a layer of mineral wool.
  4. Then, with the help of self-tapping and screwdriver, the plasterboard is screwed into place.
  5. After that, the jokes between the plasterboard panels are rushed with a glasswork, called sickle. The next step is applied on top of it.
  6. Next, the angle between the slope and the wall is needed using a stapler to close the angle with the pre-done holes.
  7. Then the entire surface of the slopes need to be covered with putty, and when the mixture hardens, it should be sanded until it becomes perfectly smooth.
  8. Finally, the slope of the drywall is covered with paint.
  9. Sometimes the insulation is better to take the mounting foam. Only in this case should be borne in mind that foam is capable of expansion. This type of insulation is most suitable in the event that the gaps between the sheets of drywall and the walls have small sizes.
  10. This is a quick and relatively clean method of installing slopes. This is his key advantage. But at the same time, the slopes installed in a similar way reduce the size of the window opening. In addition, in this case you have to fill the emptiness insulation.



Now consider how to make slips from drywall using mounting foam. This method is usually recommended in the case when other options for any other reasons cannot be used. For example, attaching plasterboard panels on the mounting foam, if there is not enough space to securely install a metal profile. This may be due to the porous structure of the walls, as a result of which dowels are not held in them. In this case, the clutch of the surface with the splock is very bad. In addition, it is recommended to mount the slopes on the mounting foam in the presence of wooden windows.

To align the slope in this way, it is recommended to fix them with the help of tapes with long hats until the foam becomes solid. When the mixture hardens, the screws are twisted, because They do not have more need. This method is good because it is suitable for any surfaces. In addition, the foam not only glues the slopes, but also serves as a kind of insulation.

This method has a significant disadvantage - when fixing in such a way it will be difficult to equalize the surface of the drywall slope, since the mounting foam when the expansion begins to displace the finishing material.

Installation of slopes for glue

If the walls are flat enough, it is possible to install plasterboard sheets on glue. It does not require any unnecessary elements. This method is fairly economical, taking into account the costs of the adhesive used for installation. However, it requires some skills and skills. For example, during work, you will often use the construction level, which may be very uncomfortable.

Installation on the planks and glue


Now consider the method of mounting slips from drywall using slats and glue.

Procedure for performing work:

  1. It is initially carried out surface measurements. To do this, you will need to use the tape measure and the level.
  2. Next should be marked.
  3. Then the L-shaped plank is installed on the metal. Using it, plasterboard is fixed from the glass window.
  4. On the back of the leaf of plasterboard glue. The adhesive composition should be applied only in the place where the plasterboard panel leans to the wall.
  5. Next, the bar is aligned and pressed against the wall with a dowel.
  6. After that, the angles are closed with a special election. This element is called Perfouge.

If the process and its main stages are understood, you can begin work. It is important to comply with the correct sequence. That is, the planks must first be installed, after which the plasterboard panels are mounted. Then they are glued and fixed. When the slopes are installed, you need to finish work. But before this it is necessary to wait until the glue inside the design will dry.

Installation of slopes on putty


Consider how to make slopes on the windows of plasterboard directly to putty. This method is perhaps the most common. After all, he is quite simple.

Procedure for conducting work:

  1. In order to attach the slopes with this method, you first need to trim the foam. The surface of plasterboard slopes is perfectly cleaned from the old plaster, paint and wallpaper.
  2. Then, with the help of primer, the surface is processed to secure the slope. If you live on the first floors, it is recommended to additionally process the material with anti-grapple primer.
  3. After that, you can proceed to sticking plasterboard slats. For this, any gypsum putty is suitable.
  4. If there is enough deep slots on the work surface or potholes, they must be elapsed before the slopes are glued. If the damage is small, then defects can not be taken into account. Putclone when applied should hide all irregularities and roughness.
  5. Next, according to the necessary dimensions, the billets of future slopes are cut. They are usually made from a leaf of plasterboard (better than moisture-resistant). So that it happens more accurately, the top paper shell is needed to cut with the help of a conventional construction knife, after which the slope is down and break through the cutting circuit. Next, with the help of the same knife, the lower shell of cardboard is trimmed.
  6. Now you can install slopes. Start better from the top panel. With the help of a spatula on the workpiece, a layer of putty is applied. On the rest of the surface it is distributed point. It is necessary that there are about 25 cm between the places of its application.
  7. Next, the blank is applied to the top panel. At the same time, it will be necessary to insert a centimeter groove, which must be prepared in the mounting foam.
  8. If you need to fix the glued plasterboard panel, then you need to use the backup or screws. After that, you should wait until the mounting glue or putty dry dry. Moreover, drying time for each material is different. The exact value can be clarified in the instructions.
  9. The next thing you need to do is attach corners with holes. They can be fixed on putty or glued with a stapler. Next, all the joints close up with a glasswork (serpanka) or putty.
  10. Before painting the slopes, you need to apply at least three layers of putty. Moreover, the last layer must be aligned with the help of a small grinding brush.
  11. Next, the spacion layer is thoroughly checked for defects. This can be done with the help of light lamps aimed at tangentially to the slope.
  12. In the process of operation, emptiness may remain, for example, between the wall and the windowsill. They must be filled with mounting foam. Due to the expansion of the mixture during frozen in the future, the surplus is most likely formed, which will need to be cut. After that, the seam is sweeping.
  13. After that, you can proceed to staining. For this, they mainly use an acrylic or oil type of paint. Alternatively, you can not paint drywall panels, but to cover with tiles or wallpaper.
  14. A seam is formed between the slope and the frame, which is recommended to be treated with acrylic sealant. Thanks to this, the putty will not be peeling for a long time. But before doing this, you need to remove the protective film from the frame.
  15. After work, a wet cloth is useful to you, with which you can easily remove excess acrylic sealant.


Finishing of slopes of windows

First of all, it is necessary to prey to cubs the material and give it to herself. After that, perfokers are installed. Sucks need to be carefully passed. In addition, internal and external angles need to withdraw strictly by level. When the putty gets up, it will take a grout. It must be done until the screaming surface is perfectly smooth. Then it is possible to apply a decorative finish.

Slopes of plasterboard: video

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