We make a thunderwood with your own hands. Types of rags for home

March 8. Useful advice Views 789. 1 comment To record, make a thunderbreaker with your own hands. Types of rags for home

In each settlement there are a couple of stories about dramatic consequences after getting into the house of lightning. Therefore, it is better not to wait for trouble, but choose the appropriate way to build a gross roller with your own hands.

It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and you can do without expensive installations and professional assistance. You will need patience, calculator, apparatus for welding and shovel.

Rolling robes do it yourself. "Lightning" defense

  1. There are several levels of grossing protection: 80%, 90%, 95% and 98%. With the protection against lightning, it is also important not to overdo it, otherwise it will attract lightning from all over the county.
  2. Lightning conduction redirects the discharge of an electric current into the ground in such a way that the object itself does not suffer. The grinding device works for lightning for the house and household buildings. Especially carefully need to take care of protection during a thunderstorm to owners of houses with a metal roof.
  3. The house needs both in the external and internal protection of the house from lightning.

External protection of the thunder

  1. The external device that protects the house from the thunderstorm is the grinding. The rod, cable or mesh can be based on the design of the threshold.
  2. The most sought-after version for the private house is a rod. Such a device is easiest to construct yourself with the help of remedies.
  3. Lightning conduction based on the cable consists of one or more metal ropes, which are attached to the supports above the roof.
  4. The design of the grid has a grounding and stretches throughout the roof area.

Internal protection of thundering

  1. The internal device is necessary to neutralize the lightning strike into the house, if it still happened. A strong discharge can be significantly losing in power if the external device works on its path, but the negative effect of the impact will still be.
  2. In the zone of lightning damage, gas and water pipelines, heating systems and other engineering structures are automatically provided.
  3. Inside the building it is desirable to establish a limiter of overvoltages. It is necessary to ensure the protection of electrical appliances from pulsed overvoltages as a result of the likely formation of a high-power electromagnetic field.
  4. To reliably protect the house from lightning, you need to establish both external and internal level of lightning tracks.

Principle of operation of the threshold

Standard lightning consists of several elements. This is a lightning discharge receiver, discharge removal and earthing.

Rolling robes do it yourself. Lightning message

  1. The lightning discharge receiver takes on the current. This element can be made in the form of a pin, grid or cable. Even the roof itself, provided that it complies with some requirements, can act as a lightning game.
  2. The pin can be purchased ready for suitable dimensions and fastening. It is most suitable for grossing on a small summer cottage, a bath or a small building.
  3. The grid can also be purchased in the ready form. This is a frame of 6 mm thick, divided into cells from 3 to 12 m. This option is used to protect from lightning of multi-apartment buildings and other large buildings.
  4. The cable is suitable for private houses and household buildings. Its minimum diameter should be 5 mm.
  5. The roof as a lightning game will be effective if its coating is from a professional flooring, metal tile or other metal material. In addition to the material, its thickness is also important - no less than 0.4 mm. Under the roof should not be stored flammable substances.

Rolling robes do it yourself. Toko separation

After the metal receiver, the current is turned on to work, guiding the powerful bunch of energy into the ground. Most often it is a wire of copper, steel or aluminum, which should be isolated from other metal elements of the building and pass through the shortest path to Earth.

Rolling robes do it yourself. Ground

  1. The earthing is a rod from metal, for which the electric discharge goes into the ground. It represents 3 profile segments, one end flowing into the soil and connected to each other as a triangle.
  2. All parts of the design form a single device using a welding machine or bolts.

Rolling robes do it yourself. Technical requirements for lightning protection elements for home

  1. In order for the threshold to cope with its task qualitatively, he must meet all the necessary technical specifications.
  2. Lightning message is the first to take a blow, so it should be reliable. If it is made in the form of a rod, then it is best for this rolling steel - pipes for gas pipelines and water pipes, metal bars. The diameter of the pipe should be at least 100 mm sq. M., and its length is at least 2 m.
  3. The mesh lightning protection from the rod must have a cross section of 8 mm, flat steel strips with a cross section of up to 20 mm are also well coped with the task. Mesh lightning message, which is connected to the grounding circuit using several individual conductors, is the most efficient.
  4. The wire for the current should have a diameter of at least 6 mm in the above-ground part. The wire laid in the ground cannot be less than 10 mm in diameter.
  5. As an earthing, a metal sheet 1x1 m or a pipe, as well as a rod, deepened to the ground to a depth of about 2 m.
  6. The entrance is best made from copper or stainless steel. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil is moistened, as it is the key to the effective passage of the discharge.

How to make and install a threshold yourself

Install the ready-made device is not difficult. Mathymatic calculations require much more attention, the determination of the most optimal installation location and the choice of design materials.

Formula for calculating thundering

  1. The purpose of the settlement is to determine the optimal size of the lightning lifting for a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe building. If you approach the task with full responsibility, then you can guarantee 98% that the thunderstorm discharge will consume your home.
  2. The rod device is applied in a cone-shaped form. With the help of experimental calculations, the optimal height of the device was displayed: H \u003d (RX + 1.63HX) / 1.5, where H is the height of the lightning protection device, HX is the height of the house, Rx is the distance to which the device should be distributed.
  3. This formula gives the correct result for lightning lighters high to 1, 5 m. This is enough to ensure that the device effectively protects a small private house from risks during a thunderstorm.

Material for a grinding device

  1. It is best suited to create a system for the protection of the house from lightning steel, copper or aluminum structures.
  2. At the same time, copper has the best indicators of protection against electrical discharge, and the steel structure of the device is cheaper than just create yourself.
  3. The optimal option will use the same metal for all structural elements.

Where is the best to establish the protection of the thunder

  1. When installing, focus on the fact that the protective device should be above all the other parts of the site. It is important that the entire building falls into its cone-shaped area of \u200b\u200baction.
  2. In other words, the larger the distance from the device to the house, the higher you need to place a lightningival. It is most profitable to attach it right on the roof of the building, so as not to spend strength and time on the installation of support.
  3. However, the roof center is not the best place to install lightning message. The edge of one of the walls is better suited for these purposes.
  4. The earthing man must be in such a place so that at the time of the likely lightning strike next to the device, no one was guaranteed. It is important that the entrance to the building is not less than 1 m, and the distance from the tracks and sidewalks was at least 5 m.
  5. If you do not find places where no one goes, then additionally protect it or post the corresponding icon.
  6. Lighting message can be placed on a tree, standing near the house. At the same time, the embodiment of the grinding tree should be higher than the building, and the device itself must be installed above the crown.

Stages of the grower installation

  1. If everything is clear with the preparatory stage, you can go to the installation of a lightning protection device. To install the threshold with their own hands, you should follow the standard scheme.
  2. Installation of the lightning conduction begins with works on Earth.

Install grounding for a thunder

  1. First, the swing pit for the earthing. The grounding device can be different, so the pit must correspond to its dimensions. For the earthing in the form of a triangle, you need to make a recess in the soil of a similar form. Linear grounding is set to a yat in the form of a trench.
  2. No need to dig the land deeper than 1 m, even if the length of the electrodes is greater. The rods of the grounding device will be drove into the soil.
  3. The trench should begin in a place where the current is connected to the ground. The inner part of the protective system also needs grounding. The shield will be connected to the grounding part with the wire under the ground.
  4. Therefore, you will have to dig another trench in which the grounding will be attached to the protection against overvoltages in the power grids.
  5. The soil should also have specific characteristics of electrical conductivity. Sand soils are not very suitable for grounding grounding. In this case, the land is additionally enriched with saline.
  6. In the heat of the soil over the grounding dries. It is not worth it, so it is better to have it in a shaded place or water the Earth as needed.
  7. If you make grounding with your own hands, then use parts of the steel profile, and with the help of the welding machine, connect them to each other. Material for grounding Take more than you need at first glance, since under the influence of moisture in the ground it is covered with rust, it flies under the influence of corrosion and is pranged in size.

Instructions for the external constructions of rasters

  1. Now go to the installation of the lightning. Its support must be fixed very firmly so that it can withstand the power of powerful gusts of the wind. We prepare the rod lightning game with the length that was determined by the formula.
  2. The desired length can be formed from several elements using a welding machine. If you pose a pipe with void inside, then welded a metal cork on its cut.
  3. Fasten the lightning client on the support. Suitable wire attach to the lightning. For these purposes, you can take both a wire and a strip of steel.
  4. Clakes need to be isolated from metal roof elements. The entrance also should not have a point of contact with metal elements of the building. In the opposite case, the discharge of lightning in 200 thousand amps can go on another way.
  5. The current sequel must be accelerated to ground at all its length. The entrance must be scored in the soil, after which all the recesses should be filled.
  6. To make it easier to figure out the setting of a gross ride for the house, see the video clip on the link above.

Coming over a threshold

  1. Since the protection device is made of metal, it has a tendency to damage under the influence of the environment. To minimize and delay the emergence of corrosion, you need to check and inspect the design from time to time.
  2. In the process of installation, all bolts need to be treated with a special solution that prevent corrosion. It is better to do it once a year. Welding places need to be painted.
  3. In the spring, it is worth visually inspecting the contour, check the contacts and their stripping from the oxide. It is extremely important, because the damaged contact of the lightning protection system can lead to its failure and even to fire.
  4. Grounding and the current requires at least once every 3 years to reflect and check if they are damaged by corrosion. If necessary, it is worth changing the damaged parts of the structure.
  5. Incorrect installation of lightning scroll or its damage carries a greater danger. Therefore, any independent actions should be carried out very accurately and carefully.

Setting the grossing is capable of keeping your property and even life. In modern conditions, when weather conditions are becoming increasingly extreme, such a device in the country or in the house becomes very popular.

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One answer to the threshing dogs do it yourself. Types of rags for home

  1. ket3112.:

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