How reliably and safely pave electrical wires. Useful tips, photos, video

February 21. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 3371. Comments To record, how reliably and safely pave the electrical wires. Useful tips, photos, video No

A few years ago it was difficult to imagine such a set of household appliances. The load in the electrical network increased several times. Often, old electrical wiring does not withstand such loads. For this reason, at the first opportunity that appeared, the electrical wiring should be replaced.

Several types of wire styling

There are three ways to lay wiring:

  • open;
  • hidden;
  • combined.


Laying open electrical wiring is carried out along the surface of the ceiling and walls. Her main advantages are:

  • the minimum time spent on its creation;
  • easy repair.

Despite these positive qualities, this method is not in demand today. Open wiring worsens the aesthetic properties of residential premises.

Hidden wiring is invisible to human eye. It is inside the walls, considering the safest. On the one hand, such a cable is reliably protected from mechanical exposure, and on the other - in case of damage, it is more difficult to find it.

When combined laying, the electrical cable is placed in a special box or channel.

Planning the location of electrical fittings and cable

Before doing the electrical wiring in the house, you need to decide on all the devices and equipment that will consume electrical energy. It is necessary to determine their total power.

The next step is to drafting the wiring scheme. It should be considered:

  • arrangement of furniture;
  • placement of lamps, switches and sockets;
  • the location of the thermal controller of the warm floor.

The number of sockets must coincide with the number of devices. Carrying and tees should be completely excluded. Special attention should be paid to the rosettes in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Some make grounded.

The wiring project is necessarily applied on paper. First, it is needed during repair. Secondly, the scheme of laying the cable may be needed in the future.


Based on the number of sockets and switches, the number and location of the branch boxes is determined. Almost always one box is installed in the same room. It provides for:

  • two wires coming into the room from the distribution shield;
  • two wires going to the lighting devices located in the room.

Special attention is paid to the exact calculation of electrical wiring. It is to implement the right choice of automata and cable cross section. Acquisition of household appliances leads to an increase in the load. And in the case where the machine with a capacity of 16a begins to knock out, many prefer to replace it with a new 25a machine.

But this option passes when copper wiring is installed. If there are a cable from aluminum current passing through it, causes insulation heating. And this is fraught with fire. For this reason, it is recommended to use the copper cable for wiring. For sockets, a cable with a cross section of 2.5 mm², for switches - 1.5 mm² is purchased.

Distribution shield - Mandatory element of power supply system

The electrical wiring scheme in the apartment provides for a distribution panel. On the one hand, the availability of approach to it depends on its correct location. But on the other hand, I do not want to spoil the appearance of the room in the house where the shield will be located.


In order for the distribution shield to be in full harmony with the interior of the room, it can be hidden in a niche. The niche is done in such a way that the shield cover is a bit in-depth in the wall. You can hang a picture or mirror over the switchboard.

There are several more rules for placing the distribution shield. In particular, it is impossible:

  • cabinet;
  • place in wet and dust;
  • position the wardrobe with things or clothing in front of it.

The distribution shield is recommended to locate in a separate room at an altitude of up to 1.5 m.

As for the diagram of the shield itself, it should be guided by some principles. Effective will be the distribution of electricity with the installation of individual automata for power supply:

  • air conditioner;
  • warm floors;
  • kitchen sockets;
  • electric stove;
  • bathroom and bathroom;
  • corridor;
  • lighting;
  • separated boiler room;
  • outlets of the rest of the rooms.

Selecting a wire type

Nowadays, only copper wires for wiring are used at home. They are divided into stranded and single-core. In multicore wires in one shell there are two (or more) veins, which are isolated from each other. The veins themselves can be both single-robes and multi-breeds.

The main difference of electrical cables is the structure of the shell. It protects insulation lived from the adverse effects of moisture, ultraviolet and various chemicals. Also, some wires consist of armor preventing mechanical damage.

The most popular when laying electrical wiring in the house do with their own hands are these types of copper cables:

  • WEGN;
  • NY;
  • PUNP.

Wire VOGng is an unarround cable, which has a shell and insulation of polyvinyl chloride. Used both in dry and wet rooms. Its veins are covered with multi-colored insulation.


The last two letters of the name of the wire (NG) indicate that it is practically not lit. Thanks to the refractory plastic, in the event of a cable ignition, it does not extend to other wires.

NYM cable is made of two shells. One is made of rubber filled with chalk, and the second is from polyvinyl chloride isolation. For this reason, the use of the NYM wire is possible in air. True, it is not recommended to enter it sunlight.

The most optimal option is to connect several powerful consumers and connecting switchboards:

  • from the floor to the apartment;
  • from the room to the room.

The PUNP cable is less likely. It is 2-3 copper single-run veins made of plastic and insulation from polyvinyl chloride. This cable is made of flat shape and in most used to supply electricity to lighting devices.

Highlights when laying wiring

Installation of wiring is better to start in the longest room with a gradual transition to a distribution panel. Such a process, how to make electrical wiring consists of several stages, the main of which are:

  • marking work;
  • stroke of the walls;
  • creating holes for boxes, sockets and switches;
  • warm flooring device (if provided);
  • laying cable on walls and ceilings;
  • installation of peasants and boxes;
  • connection of wires with a distribution shield;
  • isolation of all wiring in the apartment;
  • installation of lamps, switches and sockets;
  • testing the power supply system.

Marking and stroke

Placement works are:

  • in conducting lines on the walls for sticking;
  • in determining the location of sockets, switches and branching boxes.

For this purpose, you can use a building pencil or chalk.


After that, you can proceed to the stroke of the walls. There are several tools that can be done by this work:

  • strobreter;
  • perforator;
  • bulgarian with a diamond disk;
  • stroboresis.

The most suitable device is the strokesis. It is equipped with two cutting disks, which are located in parallel to each other. In the Tool, the distance between the disks can be adjusted for the required cable thickness.

At the end of the walls of the walls, holes are made under switches, sockets and branch boxes. After that, the submersers are placed in them. They are fixed with gypsum.


After creating grooves and holes for the socket and the switches are carried out by laying electrical wiring with their own hands. Modern cable does not need additional protection. Therefore, it stacked directly in the stroke. Its fastening can be carried out with:

  • aluminum mounting strip;
  • alebaster;
  • dowel-Khomutov.

Wiring harness using an aluminum strip provides its bolting to the bottom of the groove. For this purpose plug with screw. The wires are placed on the strip, the ends of which are bent pliers. This forms a reliable and tight lock.

When electrical wiring is done with the help of plaster, you'll need to carry out work at high speed. Fixing the cable should be performed in the shortest possible time, because the plaster dries quickly.

The most popular way cable mount in Stroebe is the use of plug-clamps. He has a special loop that keeps the wires. To lay cable, you need to make the wall a few holes and insert a plug-clamps with the wires.


Sockets and switches

In most cases, switches and sockets mounted using screws that are provided by structure Escutcheon. Self mounting process comprises the following stages:

  • alabaster processed hole;
  • podrozetnik inserted;
  • alabaster is grasped;
  • fastened to the body.

Slightly different technology mounting electrical fitting on the partition walls, made of gypsum board. In this case, not used alabaster. Fastening switches and outlets occurs with the help of special tabs for clamping.

junction boxes

Junction boxes to prevent the negative impact of external factors (moisture, dust and mechanical damage) on the connected cable cores. It begins with a repair wiring them.

Ways to connect cable boxes are quite different. Typically, this soldering or terminal block. There are commercially available boxes which include ready-made terminals for wiring.

There are several recommendations for the installation of junction boxes. The most important thing - it is absolutely affordable to them. They must not be blocked or dispose of tile different designs. In the case of a stretch ceiling boxes must be placed underneath.


Junction boxes do not need to over-cramming cable cores. they cover must fit tightly and do not open. If the wires are not placed, it should be replaced with another box, which has a large size.

After the final installation of all hardware and wiring is carried out testing of the power system. Voltage is applied to all the rooms and checked the availability of food in all sockets and switches. In case of circuit interruption disadvantages are eliminated.

Video on laying the wiring:


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