Installation of aluminum radiators

November 23. Repair and construction work Views 1540. Comments to record installation of aluminum radiators No

To date, universal instruments for the heating of premises are aluminum radiators. Aluminum batteries have good thermal conductivity and easy to install.


If you set radiators correctly, they can work regularly for many years. Manufacturers provide a guarantee for heating radiators - ten years.

Aluminum heating devices are installed on such heating systems:

  • one-tube;
  • two-pipe;
  • heating with horizontal and vertical water supply;
  • in systems with natural and forced circulation of the coolant.

Choosing radiators

Before starting the installation of aluminum radiators, you must select the desired unit. If you choose radiators correctly, then they will serve longer and more efficiently, subject to the installation rules.


The first condition when choosing instruments for heating of premises - working pressure. Each device is designed for a certain pressure. So, if the radiators are installed in a private house where there is an individual heating system, then it will be enough to install a radiator with a pressure of six to seven atmospheres. In the case of connecting aluminum radiators to central heating, they must withstand a large pressure - at least ten atmospheres.

Two types of radiators are presented on the modern building market:

  1. Standard.
  2. "European" (common name - reinforced, because the heating device is withstanding high pressure).

Aluminum radiators are distinguished by a high price, so if you value the family budget, then it is better to perform battery installation on your own.

Reinforced aluminum radiators are able to withstand the working pressure reaching twelve atmospheres. When installing aluminum heating radiators, it is desirable to choose instruments with such a characteristic to a centralized heating system.


In addition, when buying heating devices, you need to decide on the number of sections. You need to make calculations of heat consumed: the number of rooms for heating (residential rooms plus a bathroom, a kitchen and a corridor) should be divided into the heat transfer of a single unit of the radiator section.

In another case, when it is necessary to calculate an approximate amount of heat, one can be guided by such a formula: Ten square meters of the area are equal to one kilowatt. If your apartment or private house has a non-standard layout, it is better to use the power table of radiators:


It should be borne in mind that if the diagram needs to connect a battery consisting of twelve sections, the system must be diagonal, double-sided or saddle.

With a one-sided connection of an aluminum radiator consisting of twelve sections, in the opposite side (where there is no pipes), a plot with cold water will be formed ("pocket"). Therefore, unnecessary sections may not be involved, and it will be a harmful ballast.

If you use forced injection, you can "enlarge" a battery to twenty-four sections, and even with water supply on one side. But this condition will work if you install a reinforced radiator.

Remember that the coolant can be supplied to the enhanced radiator operating under high pressure if metal pipes are used. Metal-plastic pipes are not able to withstand strong pressure. If this is not taken into account, then there may be serious consequences.

It is also necessary to take into account that only the actual heat transfer of the device can be specified in the radiator passport (to work with one-sided or diagonal coolant feed). If the lower heat powder is applied, then the ten or fifteen percent of heat should be subtracted.

When installing radiators in the house with their own hands, you can choose the installation of the heating circuit - two- or one-tube.

Device of the heating system

A system consisting of two pipes is much more effective than a single-tube. At the same time it is much more expensive and more difficult in installation. It must be applied if there is a large number of rooms in the house.

For centralized heating systems, it is advisable to choose the second option - a single-tube scheme.

What both schemes look like, you can look at this image:


Methods of radiators wiring:

  1. One-sided side connection. Popular from specialists. This is as follows: the supply tube is connected to the upper nozzle, and the discharge - to the bottom of the pipe. With this method, good heat transfer is ensured. If the coolant (hot water) is supplied to below, the supply pipe is attached at the bottom, then the radiator power will be reduced by five to seven percent. When the lateral unilateral connection of multisective radiators is applied, the last sections may not warm well. Then there is a need to install additional water flow.
  2. Connecting from below. Effectively when heating pipes pass under the floor or hidden under the plinth. Pipes of receipt and return of water are located at the bottom in the vertical position and are sent to the floor.
  3. With a diagonal connection, it is advisable to install multisective radiators (more than twelve sections). The radiator is connected to the top pipe on each side of the battery, and the reverse feed pipe of the coolant is removed from below on the other side.
  4. Sequential connection involves the movement of hot water under pressure of the heating system. To remove the excess air, the Maevsky crane is installed. Among the shortcomings of the connection are noted: if necessary, replacing the radiator or its repair, it is necessary to completely turn off the heating system, and in winter it is inconvenient.
  5. With parallel installation of radiators, water should flow through the heat pipe, built into the heating system. Cranes need to be installed so that the radiator can be replaced, without disconnecting the overall heating system. Of the minuses, there is an insufficient heating of the radiator, when low pressure is present in the heating system.

Visually ways to connect aluminum radiators can be viewed on this scheme:


Required tools and materials

To perform installation of aluminum radiators, it is necessary to have such a set of tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • passsatzhi;
  • level;
  • construction roulette;
  • marker;
  • key (to twist nozzles);
  • shock drill.

To perform the installation of sections, you must have a special key, it is desirable to purchase it together with radiators. In addition, you should purchase all the necessary materials according to the scheme: clutches, shut-off valves, cranes, adapters, sleeves, flax, packing paste, dowel, brackets.

Installation of aluminum radiators

When choosing a radiator location, it is necessary to take into account that the device must be located fifteen centimeters from the floor and five from the wall. Most often, the battery is placed near the window or in those places where there are no furniture.

First you need to decide on the installation site of the radiator and install the brackets. With the help of a drill to prepare holes, insert a dowel in them to screw the mounts. With proper markup, the battery should be tightly "sitting" to support.

The next step is to connect the radiator to the heating pipes.

Important! By purchasing a set for the installation of radiators, you should buy a crane adjustment, which will allow you to fasten the battery to get rid of the heat or if necessary, overlap heating.

When assembling the radiator, it is necessary to accurately follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. So, it is necessary to delay the connections well: if you are not shifted, you can "provide" in the apartment of the flood, but too overdo it - thread threads.


Installation of radiators:

  1. Connect the battery with the selected method (one-sided, diagonal or lower). Available unnecessary holes muffle the corks and set the battery side of the Maevsky faucet. It will make air from the radiator.
  2. Seat all the connections to the packing paste and flax.
  3. Install the battery under the slope relative to the wall. This technique will avoid delighting.
  4. Connect the radiator using pipes-Signs to the heating system.
  5. If it is possible - check your work and run the heating system.


As the installation of aluminum radiators is performed, see the video:

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