Roof repair at home: features and ways

June 19. Repair and construction work Views 1761 1 comment To write roof repair at home: features and ways

Each roof sooner or late needs to be repaired. Over time, under the influence of temperature drops, atmospheric precipitation and mechanical damage, any roofing material may be disretened. Depending on which the scale of damage is, it may be necessary to either reconstruct the roof of the house, or a small repair. Moreover, than the roof is older, the more strength and materials need to repair the old roof. In any case, repair work will be able to still extend the service life of the roof.

Highlights on the inspection of the design


Before proceeding directly to repair, it is necessary to inspect the roof. In particular, it is necessary to climb the attic to find out the state of the floor, rafters and a layer of waterproofing. Be sure to check whether the mold did not appear and does not pull dampness from there. If the wood is strongly fused or dark spots are noticeable on it, then the reason for this is most likely a permanent humidity.

The old roof can be considered worn if the ceiling and walls in the rooms have traces of moisture. Although it is not always the reason for this is the impact of time. In some cases, this is due to the fact that the pipes occur. There are cases when moisture falls from the outside of the wall through an inter-storey joint. As for checking the roof, it is advisable to do during the rain. At another time, you can not notice the places requiring urgent repairs.

From the outside of the roof you need to examine the horse. He himself and his moisture-proof layer should be in order. In addition, you should look at the places of the roof adjoining to the pipes and other vertical details. These sites are considered the most vulnerable. You still need to check metal aprons. It is also important to inspect endanders. If they have garbage, such as branches and leaves, need to be cleaned. The cornice board is also needed to check. She can share over time. In this case, check whether the lower part of the cornice itself is.

After that, you should carefully examine the ventilation channels and drainage. Available garbage must be removed. It is advisable to explore each funnel, a drainage pipe and a chute. On the external rope of roofs can be mosses and lichens to remove. In addition, it should be checked if there are no bubbles on the roof, holes, dents or chips.

The diagnosis of the roof condition is better to carry out in the fall or in the spring, and the repair work - in the summer, after the spring rainy season. At the same time, by the time of the repair you should already know how much material you need.

Varieties and reasons for breakdowns


Of all possible stops, only a few species occur most often. First of all, this is a disruption of the integrity of the roof. In addition, the roof flows can occur in the event of a disruption of its tightness at a connection site with vertical elements. Frequent breakdowns in the form of failure of drainage systems.

The reasons for the occurrence of such damage are several:

  1. For example, you should not hope for a long service life if fasteners and material of poor quality are used.
  2. In addition, the cause of the roof breakage can be a violation of the specifics of laying of flooring. In this case, very large loads arise that destroy the roof.
  3. The roof and drainage may be damaged if the ice and snow and snow are not carefully removed.
  4. Moss and fungi, which are often set on the roof, can also spoil the roof. So that it does not happen, you need to carry out technological maintenance of the roof.

Any roof, even very high quality, inevitably with time will begin to collapse. Therefore, her dismantling will have to be carried out over time.

Repair of the rafter system


The rafting system, in fact, keeps the whole roof, it is rafters that take the entire load from the threads of the rain, snow and wind. At the same time, it accounted for the severity of the roofing material. Quite frequent causes of damage to the rafter system are cutters in its design and installation.

As a rule, problems with the roof frame arise due to the inconsistency of the size of the bar of the load, which it will carry with a certain coating: so, for the tiled roof of the rafyl, should be mounted from a brute cross section of at least 100x60 mm and with a certain step. If these conditions are not suppressed, during the operation of the rafter, cracks can be cracked over time. The damaged section of the design ceases to perform its functions, and the load will be distributed unevenly, which can lead to failure and other elements of the solo system. Therefore, it is not worth slowing with the repair of rafters, if they are damaged. The problem must be solved as quickly as possible. Below will look at one of the options of how to carry out such a repair.

Work on the preparation for the repair of the rafter system is carried out in the following order:

  1. Disassembly and heat insulation rafters.
  2. Dismantling of waterproofing.
  3. Dismantling.
  4. Dismantling the crate.


Consider a Read more:

  1. If it turns out that the rafter design has fallen, then the affected place must be well cleaned.
  2. After that, on both sides, it should be stuffed with long nails of a board with a length of 0.9 to one and a half meters and a thickness of 40-50 mm.
  3. Sometimes part of the rafter support rotches to the core itself. In this case, this piece must be carefully cut and installed in its place the design of the rods, which should be 2-2.5 times larger in length than the rotational part.
  4. At the edges of the support put over a lining. After that, the entire design is connected by nails with a length of 110-155 mm.
  5. For the period of repairing under the rafter, it is necessary to substitute temporary racks. They are removed only after the prosthesis is installed.

Another version of the breakdown occurs, when the rafted the whole, and the dryness is damaged, which can no longer withstand the severity of the roof. In this case, you need to eliminate the defignments and cracks by replacing the crate or by enhancing it. To do this, between the rafters in new boards, the high-quality timber is stacked.

Repair of the roof of a residential building from slate


Such material as slate is often used for the roof of a private house. Over time, under the influence of moisture, moss grows on it and cracks appear, which is why it begins to leak.

Repair options for various varieties of damage:

  1. Large damage to the sector, and it is one of the most fragile roofing materials, can cause hail. Often, after the loss of large hail, the slate roof has to be changed completely.
  2. This material can also harm the nails covered with rust. In this case, the repair must be made as quickly as possible. In particular, it is necessary to replace nails affected by corrosion. It is desirable instead of steel to take stainless things. Perhaps this is the simplest thing you can do. With more complex defects, it will be more difficult to cope.
  3. So, in order to get rid of the slate on the slate surface, it will be necessary to use a metal brush. When the surface is cleaned from dust and dirt, slate should be treated with primer. Cracks can be treated with cement and asbestos.

If slate sheets can not be restored, then they must be replaced with new ones. To block the old roof from slate is not too complex task, however, requiring certain skills and skills. It is necessary to undermine the nails of the damaged sheet to dismantle the old roof or its elements. A new sheet is stacked on his place. It must be remembered that it is categorically impossible to use old screws or nails - they can cause rotting rafting boards and clamps. Therefore, it is better to establish a new fastener of stainless materials. In order to extend the service life of slate, you can apply a special paint to the surface. It can increase the operation time of the roof for another few years.

Repair of the old roof of the tile


The tile has long been used as roofing material. If earlier ceramics used for the manufacture of this material, then there are other materials in addition to it today.

Repair options for various varieties of damage:

  1. The tile is characterized by quite high reliability, but despite this, individual elements with time may well be damaged or fail. For example, for one reason or another, the plate can be won. In this case, it needs to be replaced. To do this, we drive wedge into the tile located above, and with the help of a trowel or a spatula, we use damaged. Next, try to remove it. When replacing the multi-tile tiles, it is best to move back-up.
  2. Another possible breakdown can be a torn piece of waterproofing under the tile, which also needs to be restored. We do as follows: We remove the nails that rake are attached to the rafters, then under them put a piece of thin plywood sheet (it can be solid cardboard), after which it should be moved so that it closes the damaged waterproofing. If the patch cannot be put from the inside, you will need to cut the rail. For a normal connection, they are cut at an angle. It is important that the patch is in size more than the damage itself.
  3. If only the rack is damaged, then it needs to be restored. For this damaged edges are cut off at an angle. The cut line will be focused for inserts. Insert the inserts correctly, before making them, you need to find out the length of the missing piece. In this case, the cross-section of the rails from which the inserts are manufactured must coincide with the sections of previously established. Wood inserts will need to be treated with an antiseptic, and then strengthen them in place with stainless steel nails. When it is done, the elements of the tiled roof are installed in place and secure nails.

Repair of soft roof houses


Flat roofs can be overlapped only with a soft material, when styling it is recommended to ensure its tightness. Naturally, with a zero corner of the roof of the roof, a solid flooring cannot be used, since the moisture accumulating on its surface will be seeded through the leaky joints. Basically, the soft coating is placed on concrete floors.

The overwhelming majority of roofs of multi-storey houses are covered with a soft roof. This method is quite popular among builders due to the ease of installation and relative cheapness. However, such a roof is often spoiled. Soft material, such as a rubberoid or a rupture, is subject to mechanical damage, as a result of which there are leaks in it. Repair of this roof is usually carried out completely. However, if the scale of damage is not too big, then you can perform a partial disassembly.

Order and specificity of work:

  1. The material must be cut in such a way that the bottom layer unfolds without any problems. If liquid has been formed there, it will need to be dried. Best of all after examining the roof, put marks to the place of damage and carry out repairs in dry weather when the material is dry.
  2. After that, the spatula is applied to a putty made of mastic and large dried sand. Then the open parts of the old material are stacked on this place and pressed tightly.
  3. When bitumen is warm up, it should be applied to this place and then apply a patch from the frontierdoor. Its size must be 11 cm more (this is at least a damaged area.
  4. Finally, with the help of bitumen, you need to process the edges of the glued patchwork and sprinkle them to the sand to create a protective layer. After such works, the flat roof will be able to serve for a few years, but overhaul still needs to be held.
  5. Sometimes the patches are placed on the surface of the damaged area, however, in this case, it is necessary to ensure the sealing of the seams. To do this, they are sealed with a special ribbon and lasted with bitumen mastic. From above, the piping can be covered with a melted resin.

Although the soft roof, as we have said, does not have such reliability as pitched roofs covered with tiles or slate, but its repair does not require high costs. Brigade of 3 people can replace a soft roof area of \u200b\u200bmore than 60 m 2 In just one shift. Therefore, it is the soft roof that is the leader among the materials for the roof of houses.

Preventive work


The rule is "easier to prevent, than to treat" acts in almost all spheres of life and the roof care is no exception. In order for the coating to serve a long time, it requires attention and careful exploitation. What you need to do to extend the time of the "life" of the roof.

At least two times a year, examine the state of the rafter system and the crate. Do it better in spring and autumn. If there is fungus, rot, cracks affected areas of wood need to be replaced. Regularly you need to open rafters and a crate with antifungal agents, they will significantly extend the service life of the tree.

Check the integrity of the coating. It is necessarily at least twice a year to clean the water-gravy systems from dirt and garbage. This is especially important on flat floors, where the water deserted can cause damage to the roof. Do not allow the hint of large branches of trees above the roof, while cutting them off. Otherwise, they can cause damage not only flooring, and the roof frame.

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One answer to roof repair at home: features and ways

  1. Igor:

    To make the roof qualitatively, reliable and beautiful you need to trust this business professionals.

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