How to grow asparagus from seeds

May 19. Plot. Views 2034. Comments to record How to grow asparagus from seeds No

Asparagus is one of the most delicious and healthy vegetable crops, but the cost of the product is not always available. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to grow it yourself.

The plant has many attractive properties, the presence of a large amount of amino acids and vitamins makes it indispensable in the diet. In addition, the first crop can be removed in April, respectively, culture is an early product.


Doctors recommended this vegetable to use kidney and vascular system. Because it contains substances that have a diuretic and blood purity. Young, green shoots are suitable. As soon as leafy kidneys bloom, the plant becomes unsuitable for food due to density. Then asparagus is used in decorative purposes - flower compositions are often decorated with chirops with orange berries.

Features of culture


If we consider the main varieties of asparagus, then for cultivation there are two types - the royal and argentor. The first species is characterized by high yield. Sparge shoots grow in the middle end of May. The product of the second type is characterized by a tender pulp and a pleasant taste.

The plant also has a division into men's and women's instances. The feature of the first is yield, the second is the softness of the trunk, they are much more tastier. Asparagus is a long-term culture, a full-fledged harvest is obtained only for the fourth year after landing. With proper care and regular soil treatment, up to 15 fees can be obtained, while the duration of fruiting is about 20 years.

In the photo you can meet green asparagus, or so-called soup. Culture is distributed due to the simplicity of care and unique properties. It is rich in nutrients, the composition of the product is much larger than the vitamins of the group in compared with the bleached asparagus. Therefore, this species is used to prepare first courses and side dishes.

The planting of the green grade is carried out in shallow grooves so that the kidney of the tops do not reach the surface of the earth for 8 cm. The soil should be not cold, normal acidity. The shoots that have reached the length of 20-25 cm are cut off with a bleeding of 2 cm. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.

It is difficult to grow an argentist asparagus from seeds on its own, a lot of space is required to ensure proper development. For the season, one copy gives 9-12 shoots, which is enough only to prepare two portions of the side dish. The high cost of vegetable is due to the need for large areas in the cultivation, manual harvest and a short product storage period.

Plant requirements


In order to ensure the growth of asparagus from seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The plant develops well in a dry climate. It is important in the autumn period of the soil to fertilize with manure, and in the spring to use compost. If the soil is characterized by increased acidity, then loving is carried out. Directly in the process of planting culture use superphosphate and potash salt.

The cultivation of asparagus seeds can be in two ways:

  • in open ground;
  • previously in greenhouse conditions.

The first option is carried out at the end of April - early May. Then carefully prepare the soil, for which the screaming grooves are hung up, ash with superphosphate. The next layer should be manure, foliage and turf. After burying the fertilizer, the ground loose. In such a soil, they fall asparagus, for which the prepared grains are deepened by 3 cm, while the distance between instances should be at least 5 cm.

The second situation allows you to create a generating sphere as much as possible conditions, then the cultivation of asparagus from seeds is most effectively. With the help of greenhouse conditions, you can adjust the lack of light or the presence of drafts. Therefore, inherently cultivation in the room is carried out by residents of the northern regions. But, as a rule, the greenhouse only serves as a place of receipt of seedlings, and the strengthened plants transplanted into already prepared grooves.

Preparation of seeds and landing


At the end of February, the seeds of asparagus are soaked in warm water - it will accelerate the period of germination of culture. The temperature of the water must be monitored, the optimal indicator + 30 ° C. Touch the specimens within five days, while the water changes daily. Next, the seeds are covered in a wet fabric, constantly wetting it. A week later, sprouts should appear.

After planting, the second period of plant development begins - for the month of Asparagus, it is necessary to stretch for 10-15 cm. It is important to regularly water and loose soil. In addition, it is necessary to break the plants when the length is 15 cm. In the end, only strong and healthy sprouts leave, the distance between the instances takes 15 cm.

When growing asparagus, seeds on the windowsill are necessary in a pair of seeds to put in peat pots. It is important to rotate to the light by different sides, then the copies are normally developing. Approximately in the middle of May, the sprouts reach a length of 15 cm, they are transplanted to a permanent place. After that, to obtain the first crop, you will have to care for the plant for two years.

Landing asparagus seeds can be carried out under the film - it will speed up the plant development process. For this, at the beginning of April, on top of the asparagus, they put the framework for which polyethylene stretch. Thanks to this, the soil quickly warms up, pulls off. Then the plant begins to grow. With proper care, the harvest is obtained earlier, approximately 10 days. When the environment is heated, the average daily temperature will reach + 10 ° C, the film is removed.



The shoots are formed in a month, they begin to cut them in May. After the ends of the head reach the edge of the crew crew must be collected. For this, each escape is filled, cut off with a special knife at the base. It is important not to damage nearby instances. Then the comb is again filled with earth removed, seal it.

The shoots cut off every 2 days, in the first fertile year the collection lasts 20 days, in the next - 1.5 months. At the same time, to preserve the fertility of asparagus 3 years from one plant, a maximum of 5 pieces is removed, in the future it is allowed to increase their number up to 16 pieces.

The harvest sorted, the ends are necessarily cut off. To preserve the initial taste and appearance of the culture, it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator at T 0-2̊ C.

Surveying asparagus


Behind the seedle care is easy, it is enough to water and loosen the earth. The young plants feed immediately after the first weeding or a cow (it is bred by water in proportion 1: 6) or ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 m2). During the summer, the same compositions are used for feeding, only 40 g of superphosphate on the fertilizer bucket is added.

To save plants in the cold period, the surface of the soil is covered with reworked manure or straw compost. With proper care, seedlings should be healthy, have a developed root system and 5-7 shoots.

After the transplantation of asparagus for the summer time, the land loosen only 2-3 times, they are regularly stolen and watered. If necessary, handle the area from pests. Speakers will help to accelerate the growth of plants as in the case of a sediment. In the late autumn, the stem is cut under root, burning with diseases of diseases. The remaining furrows fall asleep or compost layer 5-8 cm.

For the second year after the shoots rise above the ground level, scatter the saltper and align the plot, removing the ground from the rod to the furrow. The remaining space can be placed by a sealing culture. It can be vegetable beans or celery. Due to the peculiarities of these cultures of the soil is additionally enriched with useful bacteria. In the fall, the stem is completely completely cut and burned, and the soil is covered with humus.

On the third year in the spring, in the direction of the ranks, it is equipped with a ridges up to 30 cm high. To accurately determine the arrangement of the asparagus, it is necessary to knots in advance and the end of the furrow. The grooves are dipping, gaining the ground from the rod. It is important to compact a little soil, then in the places of the cracks of the cracks on the surface will be ready for cleaning shoots.

Once every 3 years, lime or chalk contribute to the soil, then the manure costs to replace the composted peat.

Protection against pests

Before growing asparagus from seeds worth knowing the main foci of asparagus lesion. The enemies of this culture are considered:

  • spores of the fungus, subsequently, the plant turns yellow and slugg. Then it is worth removing the contaminated shoots immediately and burn them;
  • asparagus fly, which in the spring on the scales of sprouts laying eggs. After ripening the larva, shoots are burned, they become unsuitable for use. In the case of young plantations, it is necessary to treat the plot of chlorophos or sevin. And damaged plants are important to delete and burn it on time;
  • beetles that can be collected manually. For this, water is poured into a small container, and a literality is discharged. After cutting the shoots, the plant is pollinated by a pyrethrum.

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