Hozblok for giving: design options

July 15. Construction Views 4513. Comments To recording hoverings for giving: design options No

Camping-hozblocks for giving are a small universal structure having a light wooden or metal design with or without insulation.

Types of households


Depending on the purpose, the following types of hozblock distinguish:

  • wooden or metal hozblock for cottages (designed to store various garden-garden equipment, harvest);


  • trailer cabinets;
  • building households;

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  • hozblok for giving with a shower (includes a set of pallet with drain, heating device, barrel or shower cabin);


  • movies - guard posts;
  • toilet Hozblock for cottages, etc.


In addition, all of the above designs can be combined in one Hozblok, putting additional partitions and doors. Also, from such a household, many owners create a summer kitchen or temporary accommodation for workers.

Such household hooks can be used as:

  • hozblock toilet for cottages;
  • garage;


  • warehouse for firewood, coal and kitchen utensils;


  • a warehouse for a coincenter;


  • vegetable stores;
  • warehouse for garden furniture;
  • hozblock soul for cottage;


  • workshop;
  • booths for posting various types of communications, etc.

Features of the hozblocks for giving

Wooden hozblocks for giving


Module differ in a certain size, cost and construction materials used. However, the simplest and most inexpensive option is considered hozblok frame. Its walls are made of timber or lining, and then sheathed with other building materials. The roof is made of trapezoidal sheet and floor boards. The foundation made of blocks arranged on a sand cushion. This shed can be bought in ready-assembled and set in the most convenient place for you. However, in this case it is necessary to provide for the passage of trucks, which will take her. If the area is planted with plants and erected a fence, you can buy it in a disassembled or build their own hands.

The windows in the suburban hozblok can be with a double and single glazing - it all depends on the purpose of the structure and the customer's wishes. Doors generally pose frame that sheathed top hardboard. If necessary set a more robust and durable. In addition, many shed fitted with various amenities, heating equipment and electrical wiring.

Metal hozblok to testify


Metal cabins unlike wood is more robust and durable. It is used as a barn or as a dwelling. In addition it can be finished wooden lining, lining MDF, hardboard panels or PVC, to create the optimum level of humidity and temperature.

The frame of such a metal block container is sufficiently rigid metal frame which is welded from the bent channel and the corner posts. The walls, floor and ceiling are usually made up of sheet metal with a layer of insulation. In addition, the optional equip their toilet and shower.

Advantages of metal hozbloka:

  • such hozblok for giving is quite inexpensive;
  • flammability is;
  • easy-going;
  • it has an unlimited service life;
  • it does not attract rodents;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • it does not require special care;
  • it fits perfectly into the landscape of the site and allows reasonable use of its territory.

How to build a cottage hozblok


Construction of cabins with their own hands includes the following steps:

1. Initially, should prepare the site:

  • free it from foreign debris;
  • uproot stumps and bushes;
  • create gravel or sand bed.

2. Then you need to draw a plan, weighing all the details.

For your convenience, you can recommend the entire length of the construction from the front side to lay a small covered veranda. At the same time, most of the square usually remove under workshop or shed. The bath department can provide a place for the dry lad.

3. Construction of the foundation.

The most optimal version of the foundation for the Hozblock is a columnary, since it is the most economical and simple in arrangement.

For its construction, concrete pipes can be used about 40 cm in diameter and up to 1.5 m.

To install them, you need to drench the pits of a certain depth, and at the bottom arrange a sandy-gravel pillow. Next, the pipes are fixed with a metal rod and concreted.

4. Establishment of walls.

Because the country's Hozblock is not a place of permanent residence, the easiest way to build frame walls is the easiest.

To do this, in the base, we laid a square cross section of a wooden bar (15x15 cm). Based on the rack from the same bar, only smaller size (10x10 cm).

The top of the racks is fixed with the assistance of the strapping, and between them we mount the separation. The number of racks is usually determined by the perimeter of the future structure. The building material for the walls is also nailed for them.

The walls are best done double - outside the profiled board, and inside the clapboard.

5. Construction of the roof.

The roof is recommended to do a single one. For this racks, which are located in the front of the structure, are created a little greater height than the rear by 50-60 cm. Cutting board or thick rails can be used for the crate.

The coating itself is better to make a two-layer, using roofing and galvanized iron.


  • starting the roofing floor should be from the bottom of the roof. Putting it the right overlap of about 10-15 cm;
  • galvanized iron is recommended to fix the wooden slats, which are stacked on top of the roofing material.

Obtained in this way will help protect the roof structure from rain and hozblok cost quite inexpensive. The only disadvantage - in this case, a clearance between the supporting structure itself and the roof, into which moisture may penetrate. To avoid this, it should be nailed to the sheathing board and both sides make a wind eaves.

Rules setting hozbloka to testify:


  • consider lighting and produvaemost areas;
  • orient cabins windows so they do not overheat in the summer, and in winter to stay warm;
  • hozblok set so that he was not a hindrance for the future of capital construction;
  • do not place it in wet and lowlands.

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