Welding pipe heating with your own hands

October 15. Repair and construction work Views 1576. Comments To record welding pipes of heating with your own hands No

The correct connection of the heating pipes is a warning heat loss and a guarantee of the quality tightness of the system. However, the specifics of their installation depends on the following parameters: building materials from which the coolant is created, the length of the pipeline, etc.


How to choose pipes for heating


The selection of pipes for installing the heating system should be based on its type, features of the room where their installation will be created, as well as the presence of special knowledge and skills in working with one or another material.

Being before choosing, what pipes prefer, it should be considered as much as difficult, the labor-intensive process will be the installation process, whether the help of professionals will need either you can cope with it yourself.

Today, building materials manufacturers for heating offer a fairly wide range of products - it is polypropylene, and metal-plastic, and metal pipes. At the same time, each of these species has certain advantages and disadvantages. The most optimal version of the specialists consider the first.

For example, welding metal pipes of heating is characterized by technological complexity, and the material itself is high cost and nonstability to corrosion.

Metal-plastic pipes are simple in the installation, are quite inexpensive, but are characterized by low strength and unreliability.


Polypropylene is a high-quality building material that cannot be corrosion and resistant to the effects of chemicals. It is great for mounting the heating system, and is also a wonderful option for water pipes.

Features of pipes for the heating system


For water pipe, designed for cold water, heating and hot water systems, there are separate types of polypropylene pipes that differ significantly in their technical indicators.

So do not use pipes intended for cold water to install the heating system, since their material does not make high temperatures.

If you need to purchase pipes for installing a warm floor, you should choose special products well adapted for these purposes.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

This building materials received a wide range of use thanks to its incomparable characteristics, namely:

  • affordable cost;
  • repairability;
  • simplicity of installation;
  • resistant to chemical impacts and corrosion;
  • durability;
  • ecology;
  • reliability, etc.

In addition, mineral deposits do not settle on the inner walls of such pipes, and the welding of heating with them has a low price.

The only drawback of polypropylene is low refractory. It easily flashes and is unstable to very high temperatures.

Welding of heating pipes

The welding of heating is the process of fixing several pipes (plastic, steel, metal). It turns this system into a monolithic design, preventing the formation of various leaks.

Welding of steel pipes of heating is a fairly complex method of fastening, which involves the presence of special skills. That is why it is better to trust specialists.

As for welding plastic pipes, here only the presence of a special welding machine (soldering iron), nozzles and scissors for cutting plastic.

Welding pipe heating with your own hands

polypropylene-pipe welding

Technology welding pipes of heating from polypropylene:

1. Fix the apparatus on the table and firmly secure the nozzle of the desired diameter.

2. Expose melting point 260 ° C.

3. We prepare the elements of fittings and pipes that will need to solder. To do this, measure the length of the pipe and cut it off with a knife.


4. On the melted end, create a mark, thanks to which you will control the depth of the placement of the material on the nozzle.

5. Clean the edges of the sliced \u200b\u200bpipes from burrs.

6. Turn on the network soldering iron. After 2-3 minutes he is ready to work.

7. We take the elements of the connection and put them on the tip of the soldering iron. All actions produce as much as possible and neat.

8. For 5-10 seconds we melt the inner layer of pipes or fitting, after which it carefully and quickly remove them from the nozzles.

9. Insert the details into each other without turning around the axis.


  • so that there are no problems with the future exploitation of pipes, it is recommended to choose optimal pressing. So weak can lead to the formation of a pipe of a pipe with a thin wall, and a strong - fraught with an occurrence of an obstacle from frozen plastic inside the connected place;
  • upon exceeding the permissible amount of time, the polypropylene can soften and deform, and with insufficient heating - to form clearances, so it is necessary to clearly follow the instructions for the operation of this equipment;
  • if the plastic pipe is reinforced, then the layer of aluminum must be removed before soldering, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve uniformity of the material when soldering;
  • try not to melting the material more than 10 seconds, since this may lead to deformation of the connected elements and sections. For pouring polypropylene and the occurrence of the monolithic connection is quite a few minutes. This can be verified by cutting the connected section.

Welding pipe heating video:

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