Install sectional doed with your own hands

July 29. Useful advice Views 813. Comments Setting down the sectional doors with your own hands. No

The automatic sectional gate every year becomes more and more popular, and the reasons for the set. In addition to the fact that it is convenient and beautiful, the gate reliably protect the room from hacking and penetration of outsiders. The high level of security provided by the Sectional Gate makes it possible to install them not only on the garages, but also on production buildings, service centers and commercial premises. However, the installation of the sectional gate is often worth almost half the cost of the design itself, so many economical hosts think about independent installation. On how to make it right and high quality, described in detail below.

Features of construction

Mass popularization of sectional gates occurred due to a unique design, providing protection and sealing of the room. The standard system may also include electronic elements for remote control and other mechanisms like alarm and motion sensors. As a rule, the design of the sectional gate includes springs, several guide modules for which "drives" canvas, as well as a system for balancing this web.

For the garage, sectional doors are best suited, since the area there is quite limited, and the design allows you to significantly save on the space. Take for example the classic swing gate: when you open the flaps you need a lot of free space before the garage, as well as a smooth and clean platform, so that the bottom edge of the door is not cling. Sectional doors simply "go" under the ceiling, occupying an unused space from above.


As for the aesthetic component, it is also one of the root causes of choice in favor of the sectional gate. Panels from which consists of a canvas, you can pick up any color. There are also surfaces with textures under wood, masonry or stone, with painting and 3D paintings. The manufacturers themselves are treated with a special polymer substance that ensures reliable protection of metal from corrosion and an increase in service life. Inside the panel filled with thermal insulating foam capable of withstanding serious temperature differences.

The safety of the functioning corresponds to a special gate system that allows you to automatically block the gate in the omitted position. With careful operation, the design will last 10-15 years without replacing components.


So, we highlight the main advantages of the sectional doors:

  • the convenience of use;
  • saving space;
  • reliable protection against hacking and penetration;
  • additional insulation of the room;
  • long service life;
  • aesthetics;
  • the ability to independently install.

Installing section gates with your own hands

Many people carefully consider sectional doors with the optimal option to protect the garage, trade and technical sites, and the possibility of self-installation without professional knowledge and skills makes the demand for similar designs even more. Despite the fact that the installation of the professional intermediary team or the manufacturer gives an additional quality guarantee, many prefer to collect the gate itself, saving at this considerable amount, sometimes reaching 30% of the total cost.

Similar sets of "Gather Sam" can be found almost every company. They take into account the standard inlets of garages and in accordance with these data offer a wide range of finished solutions of various colors and with different fittings. And thanks to detailed information and numerous video instructions, you can easily learn how to collect the gate of any company.

Finding the garage sectional doors in two ways:

  1. Buy the finished set for self-assembly.
  2. Order a design with original dimensions directly from the manufacturer.

The last option will be more expensive, but if you think about the same amount of money you spend on the fitting of the non-standard input opening under the standard dimensions of the purchased gate. That's just forces and time to go much more. It is much easier to contact the manufacturer and order a set of the desired size.

Measurement of sectional doors

The dimensions of the section gate must be chosen, pushing out from the dimensions of the mounting plane. Performing accurate measurements guarantees the avoidance of a huge number of problems and linings that will pop up in the installation process.


Measuring the height, be sure to remove the indicators in several places to eliminate the probability of error. The same rule concerns measurements in width. If you discovered substantial differences in height or width, focus on the largest indicators. Installation of the gate will occur from the inside of the room, which will allow for additional thermal insulation.

Another important point is the parallelism of the walls on both sides of the input opening. Height Podolok - distance between the ceiling and jumper - will allow you to know, the gate with which installation will be suitable for you. The optimal height of the prolok is 20-22 cm.


After performing measurements and rechecking data, you can buy a gate or order their manufacturing at the factory.

Preparation of the installation site of sectional gates

After buying or making a sectional gate of suitable sizes, it is necessary to make a high-quality installation. To do this, you will need a number of tools and detailed instructions.

What instruments are needed to mount sectional gates:

  • building water level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer drill;
  • set of drilling for concrete and metal;
  • set of wrenches;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • passatia;
  • tools for personal protection (glasses, gloves).

Next, you can proceed to the preparation of the installation site. Proper preparation of the input opening is one of the main components of a qualitative result.


How to prepare a place to install a lifting-section gate:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the old cladding or paint coating from the opening.
  2. Then you need to install an amplifying metal structure. It is a kind of frame made of metal profiles.
  3. To make it convenient to work, and the gate in the future could function freely and smoothly, around the input opening it is necessary to leave some free space. On parties, 45-60 cm will be enough, and from the upper face of the opening to the ceiling must be 30-45 cm.
  4. When the opening is ready, you can transfer the installation scheme from the manufacturer to an existing plane.

The decisive factor of high-quality installation is the observance of the strict verticality of the opening. Sectional structures are extremely sensitive even to meager skewers, and if you allow this, they will often break, and you need to spend money on the replacement of power units and movable components.


In order to avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to accurately note the fixation points of the vertical and horizontal framework profiles. Their task is to hold and the direction of movement of the gate panels. With simple building measuring instruments, prepare and place the locations of all carrier structures.

Installation of sectional doors

When installing an automatic sectional gate, in no case cannot align the horizontal and vertical of the guides or frame with the help of construction foam, wooden or steel pegs. Such methods are applicable for any stationary designs of the type of windows, door boxes, window sills, but in our case we are talking about the guides for the canvas that will be regularly exposed to mechanical loads. Any backups in such operating conditions quickly fall out and fall out, and when this happens, the gate will break. For such purposes, special metal gaskets are used, which firmly fix all the details.

Useful advice: During installation, check with the instructions from the manufacturer of your gate for the technical features of the design. Consider that the installation instructions outlined below are universal and generalized, so it can be considered as an approximate procedure.


How to install sectional doors with your own forces:

  1. Secure the bottom lamella.
  2. Fix all the bearing items in accordance with the step-by-step instructions from the manufacturer (instructions on the package or in the documentation for the goal).
  3. Collect the canvas.
  4. After fixing all sections, check whether the sash fit tightly, which is located at the very top of the design.
  5. Adjust all brackets.
  6. Install and secure all the gate control mechanisms (automation, sensors), as well as hinged accessories (locks, clamps, knobs).
  7. Tensioning the cables and adjust the springs tension.
  8. Secure the wiring and set the sections of the sections.
  9. Take a test start to check the quality of the gate. Open and close them several times - the canvas should move smoothly and smoothly, it should not interfere with it.

If you are all fulfilled in accordance with the instructions, you can not worry about repair the next few years. Nevertheless, it is worth regularly checking the main nodes, lubricate and clean them if necessary. Then the gate will serve you at least 10 years. During operation, try not to allow mechanical damage to the frame and the canvas.

Used accessories

In conclusion, I would like to mention the fittings used in the installation process. Experts strongly recommend using the used parts, even if you are proposed by the task. If you want to take accessories from another manufacturer, first check its compatibility with the main design.


The most important thing is to collect doors, following the instructions in the "native" drawings from the manufacturer. Standard set includes over 25 elements of fittings. Carefully check this time when you purchase (the list of accessories should be specified in the documents to the goal). Additionally, you can buy and install the system to the gate, which prevents the random pinching of the fingers, the insuring the rupture of the cable and the springs.

Alone collecting sectional doors, you are not only saving money on the installation, but also get a great opportunity to equip the design by any automation and decorate it in accordance with personal tastes. When using decorative elements, the gate can be a real decoration of the facade of the house. It is not necessary to install the classic smooth white sections - can be replaced with scribbled or wavy. You can also install small decorative windows in them, which not only "revive" appearance, but will become an additional source of light in the garage.


The experience of self-installing section gates will be extremely useful to any owner of such a design, as it will save time and means for subsequent maintenance. Simply put, when breakdown, you will know what is the reason and how to fix everything.

Video about sectional doors will summarize all the above information and will allow to obtain a more detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe installation process:

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