How to build a barn (cow padded) do it yourself

April 2. Repair and construction work, Construction 18466 views 2 comments to write how to build a barn (cow paddle) do it yourself

Before you replenish the household. It is worth considering the conditions of animal content in advance, for example, the cow is considered sufficiently pleasant. They react to any changes, dampness, stuffing or cold usually arise problems with a dome or weighing.

Therefore, you need to take care of a good barn or a farm, which is really done with your own hands.

Main issues initially

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Among the main points allocate:

  • determination of location;
  • selection of material for design;
  • terms of Use;
  • ensuring ventilation;
  • remove lighting;
  • drawing up a project.

Building Location - An important criterion convenience

Erect the building for livestock stands at a certain distance from home, neighbor buildings and water sources. It is better to place a barn from home is not closer than 15 meters, and no less than 20 meters should remain in advance of wells and wells according to the requirements of sanitary standards. The last condition is necessary for the preservation of purity of drinking water. There are specially designed norms for such cases that are advisory in nature. The optimal solution remains the location of the barn next to the garden or garden, it saves the time subsequently on the elimination of manure.

Material for designs


Before starting the construction of a barn, it is worth deciding with the materials used. The choice depends on the natural conditions, but experts are recommended for the walls to apply wood - logs or grip boards. In addition to wood, you can choose a brick, foam or aerated concrete - they also have good thermal insulation properties.

The floor material also plays an important role, concrete is considered an ideal option due to its durability and hygienic properties. If desired, global coating is equipped - it is convenient for animals and keeps warm well. At the same time, wooden floors are not recommended to be applied due to their impracticality, except that all odors are absorbed, the surface is quickly destroyed.

To preserve heat in the room, the barn project can provide for the arrangement of a attic that has many advantages:

  1. A comfortable place for the Sena warehouse, so that it retains its useful properties.
  2. It remains the opportunity to serve the hay on top directly into the feeder, which is not difficult.
  3. There is an additional ceiling insulation.

But to build a barrier with their own hands much easier without a attic, in this case the ceiling is performed from tightly laid boards. For insulation, all joints are scrupped with clay, then use the insulation. This role can perform sawdust, dry land or slag. The layer should be at least 10 cm. The roof is made of slate or rubberoid, while the roof cornice must limit the water flow under construction.

Room size


In the ideal embodiment, a shed with dimensions of 18 m2 is built for one cow, such an area is enough for an adult individual, a calf and a different inventory with feeds. But in the case of the content of several individuals at once, it is calculated on the dimensions of at least 6 m2 per cow, in the case of replenishment there is an extension to 9 m2. These borders include a place on the feeder, which is placed ahead of the stall and passage. It is important to consider the stock for waste, which will be taken into a cesspool.

Achieving normal conditions

To create favorable conditions, the ventilation is thought out, which is placed at the height of the walls of the 2.5 meters. You can also install a special pipe that provides permanent air flow. It must have a special damper to protect against precipitation and low temperatures.

Organization of the process


In order to build a building, you first need to get acquainted with the drawings of the barn. Ready options can be found on various resources - in the construction literature, and modern portals offer access to a set of interesting information.

Directly work starts from the foundation device, for a small building it is quite suitable for a tape view. It refers to reliable grounds that will withstand a fairly load. With no bulk soil, the base is plugged at 50-70cm, then they put a formwork and poured with stone-cement mortar. Concrete foundation will protect against the destruction and rotting of the structure in the future. From moisture, the upper part is protected with insulation in the form of a gasket from a toly or bitumen.

Next, walls are erected, brick structures are well ventilated, which beneficially affects the microclimate indoors. However, you will have to use additional insulation to create the necessary conditions. The saman brick is considered optimal in all parameters, in addition to the availability of the material, a warm and dry building is obtained.

Flooring is starting from the creation of a level, which should be higher by 10-15 cm of the Earth Indicator - this ensures suitable parameters. At the same time, you should not forget about the slope towards the sump, it is enough to 1-2 cm on the temporon meter. The surface of the concrete floor is covered with wooden shields that should be removed if necessary for cleansing. At the end of the slope, the groove or tray is equipped, the depth must be 10-15 cm, the width is 25-30 cm.

The project of the barn provides for the reduction of harmful substances in the air due to the removal of the Jiji. The manure chute must have a small slope toward the drain of urine, then it will go to Zizher. From there, it is periodically removed by urine a bucket. Capacity should have sufficient sizes for the accumulation of classes for 20-30 days, for one cow and a calf, there is a volume of 1 m3 tank.

The roof is made of stranded boards, drive in the process for full fit. The heat-insulating layer is filling from above, presses the slate. It is remembered about a small bias to remove precipitation.

Arrangement of the room


In order to properly equip the barn, you need to take care of:

  • fresh air. The optimal indicators of the temperature for cattle are considered to be 8-10 ° C, while the deviations of 4-20 ° C are allowed. Then there is an optimal distribution of energy in the body of the animal, respectively, enough resources goes to the growth of mass or milk production. It is important to protect animals from drafts where diseases arise. To ensure the ventilation, the ventilation pipe is built with a cross section of 15x15 cm from the boards, it is displayed above the skate;
  • lighting. It is important to provide windows in the design for periodic ventilation and sunlight. In this case, the building is recommended to be located in length from the west to the east, then the windows will go to the southern and eastern sides. The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bwindows lead in proportions with a floor area of \u200b\u200b1:10. Operactions should begin at a distance of 1.2 m from the floor level.

In a typical barn, there is a clear distribution of space, the construction of such a building does not require large financial investments. The arrangement scheme for cow and calf may look like this: hozblok-korovnik3.

  • A - feeders for vegetable feed;
  • B - compartment under salt-lisunets;
  • B - compartment for liquid feed;
  • G - drivingler;
  • D - window;
  • E - the disposal of manure from the room;
  • Z - waste ditch coated with metal mesh;
  • Z is a dividing lattice into two departments;
  • And - the entrance to the separation with the calf;
  • To - entrance to the room.

For example, we offer several photos of cowshes and video of prefabricated buildings.

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2 replies on how to build a barn (cow paddings) do it yourself


    Good article, thank you!

  2. It is still better to warm the cowpers - so animals are less ill.

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