How to make a sloping rock garden in the garden?

April 2 Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2567 Comments to write How to make a sloping rock garden in the garden? No

Landscape design of the device provides for a picturesque land that will transform the appearance of the garden view. One of these parts is the alpine slide. It is a combination of stone and rock and flowers.

types hills

The stones are the main component. Depending on their size and placement of the specifics of the following types of rock gardens:

  • rock;
  • mountain valley;
  • mountain slope;
  • slope of the terraces;
  • wall;
  • forest ravine.


Large boulders at the bottom of a steep hill in combination with stones of medium and small size - it's a rock. And small stones are placed at the top, and the whole emphasis in the interior is done on large boulders.

Unlike the rock in the horizontal mountain valley all the stones (both large and small) are placed in a free manner.

A distinctive feature of the mountain slope is that it has a slope. With the largest stones are close to the highest point of the hill, and small stones - at the foot.

The main "highlight" of the terraced slopes are small steps, which are supported by a huge stone blocks.

Rocky wall called a rock garden, the greater part of which is laid flat Curbing way.

Location of forest ravine is a deepening resembling a shell form. It is drawn up by such a mountaineering by large boulders with a moss whirled on it.

There is also a concept as a rocarium. This is also one of the types of alpine slide. The main difference from the Alpinaria is the selection of stones. The creation of rocaria is carried out not only with the help of mountain stones, but also river boulders and a large pebble of a rounded form.

How to arrange an alpine slide

When choosing a place to accommodate inclined alpinaria, it should be repeated from the main purpose of its creation. The slide must embellish the countryside. There are several criteria for improving the garden attractiveness by the Alpinarium device.

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The basic principles of its location include:

  • open space with an overview available on all sides;
  • south side;
  • in the central part of herbal lawn;
  • lack of adjacent buildings and large trees.

An absolutely right decision will be the placement of oblique mountaineering in the already existing land landscape:

  • in the ravine;
  • on a canopy slope;
  • in other types of elevations or lowlands.

Trees and shrubs should be behind the slides and in color to be monophonic, without excessive varnish. In any case, the first eye should fall on the front of the Alpinaria. For a more spectacular perception, it can be complemented with a variety of designs and other attributes: a staircase, a bench, artificial waterfall, garden paths.

Preparation of the site

Creating a mountaineering in practice begins with marking works. Determined:

  • location of large stones;
  • sizes slide (height and diameter).

The alpine altitude calculation is made on the basis of the alleged base size. Conditionally hill with a diameter of 1 m in height should be at the level of 0.15-0.2 m. The maximum alpine height is 1.5 m.


It is best to start work on the arrangement of the Alpine slide at the autumn time. The playground is cleared and removed the upper layer of the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm. Next, the drainage is created, with which excess water will be discharged from the mountainaria. In the pita, layers are poured:

  • broken brick, ceramzite or gravel (10 cm);
  • coarse sand (5 cm);
  • fertile soil (10-15 cm).

When creating with your own hands, the alpinearia, close attention is paid to the removal of weeds on the site. This is especially true of perennial plants (drinking), which are capable of destroying it from the inside. The plot on which the hill is laid is recommended to be treated with herbicides.

Selection and laying of stones

The basis for any kind of alpine slide are stones. Their choice is carried out depending on the form, size and features of the site. Alpinarium is filled with stones that are characterized incorrect, but natural features.

Alpinarium in the photo and in reality should be similar to the Alps mountain landscapes (albeit in a miniature form). For these purposes, it is quite suitable:

  • sandstone;
  • limestone;
  • dolomite.

The most valuable copy is the forest boulder, which thrust a lichen or moss.

It is worth noting that when using limestone, the soil between stones is characterized by an increased alkaline component content. So that the soil is suitable for all plants, it will need to be treated with oxidative preparations.

For inclined mountaineering, it is desirable to choose the same type of stones of a wide variety of sizes (large boulders, medium and small pebbles). Also, you should be flat stone stones. They will act as steps for more comfortable hillside.

Laying of stones occurs in the distance from the bottom. Moreover, they must first be overlooked by a third or half of their height, and then reach the fertile land in an equal proportion with humus, sand and peat. Place stones need in chaotic order. Only in this case the area will become similar to the natural outlines of the mountain landscape.


When creating a stone composition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the correct decoration of the alpinearia in terms of harmony with the environment. To do this, in the process of work should be left from the slide on 5-6 m and consider it. After coating stones, the land will be trambed and watering with water with spray nozzle on the hose. The laid ground should not be washed.

It is not recommended to plant plants in Alpinaria immediately after creating a composition of boulders. The slide must give a little shrinkage. For this reason, the most optimal version of stacking stones is autumn, and planting plants is produced in the spring.

Criteria for plant selection, landing and care

After the winter you can enjoy planting plants. In most cases, green plantings are selected, which grow in the Alps. There are main groups of plants for Alpinaria:

  • fall and coniferous shrubs;
  • rhizome grassy perennials;
  • soil plants;
  • bulbs;
  • semids.

Among the coniferous shrubs, preference is better to give rise, which are characterized by small dimensions and a low growth rate. These are the Tui, juniper and some varieties of ate. Falling shrubs can be represented by barberries, pallet, Henomelis.


The volume of mountaineering will give such rhizomic perennials:

  • badan;
  • metroke Multicolor;
  • avens;
  • hosts with small leaves.

The basis of the Alpine slide is the soil plants:

  • flox Shiloid;
  • arabis;
  • own;
  • surcharges;
  • carnations;
  • camery and pr.

Preference is given to the varieties that have a foliage with a variety of color.

Together with soil plants, bulbous plants are planted. They are designed to decorate the alpine slide in early spring. For bulbous plants, an additional place is not given, because after flowering disappear from the surface.

Semids can not land. Many specialists are inclined to this. But there is one nuance. It lies in the fact that most of the plants in the mountaineering flows in June-early July. Thanks to the sediments, it is possible to stretch the process of flowering slide in the garden.

The choice of these plants is carried out, based on the presence of imitation properties under the soil colors. It is quite suitable:

  • lobelia;
  • seaside cyclery;
  • sea \u200b\u200balissum, etc.

There is such a sequence of plant landing in the mountaineering:

  • shrubs;
  • herbaceous;
  • soil-level.

When planting plants, a hole between stones rushes in the ground. A little gravel is embanked to the bottom to strengthen the walls. The land is stacked and the land planted plant is stacked. The land is subjected to the rambling and mulching with gravel.


Inclined alpinarium care includes the following steps:

  • weeding;
  • removal of dried flowers;
  • watering the slides;
  • putting fertilizers.

Falker of plants is carried out by making potash and phosphate fertilizers. And this is done in the fall. So that the plants are not extincting, in the cold winter days, the alpine slide is covered with chips or burlap. When falling out snow, it is necessary to monitor the presence on the hill of the snow cover.

Such an effect should be achieved so that the mountaineering look beautifully regardless of the year. It should be equal to the blossom of early representatives of flora, soil colors and coniferous evergreen plantings.

Video on the device Alpinaria:


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