Plastelling a house of aerated concrete. Instructions for decoration of aerated concrete

January 29. Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions, Building materials Views 684. Comments To the record plastering a house of aerated concrete. Instructions for decoration of aerated concrete No

Over the past decades, fuel-concrete blocks are actively used in construction. Of course, the main advantage of this material is its low cost. Ultimately, the use of this resource allows you to carry out a general construction process much cheaper than on the basis of other resources. As for the reliability of this material, even in practice it becomes clear that with normal exploitation, even after a dozen years, the material remains in its original state.

Obvious is the fact that today the demand for aerated concrete blocks has increased dramatically. The main reason for such a tendency is to reduce the living standards of people. Unfortunately, any products, primarily construction, depends on the course fluctuations in relation to foreign currencies, and at one point almost all materials went up. Of course, aerated and aerated concrete, but it still remains affordable.

It is used to build small houses, country structures, and even industrial facilities. Due to the relatively low weight, aerated concrete blocks are easy to transport, and, accordingly, it will significantly simplify the construction process itself.

In this article, we will consider the main features of the aerated concrete, as well as analyze the process of plastering at home erected on the basis of this material.


Features of aerated concrete

  • Many people perceive aerated concrete as a new material that is still too rarely used in construction. But in fact, everything is completely the opposite. Every year the popularity of this resource is growing, but for more than 15 years ago, this resource has become actively used in the most diverse works in its idea. Accordingly, those at home erected on the basis of aerated concrete, and now serve as faithful to their owners. As practice shows, this material, of course, has its drawbacks, but they do not significantly affect the situation with accommodation or the overall reliability of the structure.
  • The important dignity of the material is its thermal insulation. All thanks to the porosity, which in the industry best affects this issue, just like other insulating resources. It should be borne in mind that the material itself is not capable of providing the highest level of thermal insulation, and in a pair with one or another material intended for insulation, the situation will significantly improve.
  • Despite the sufficiently modest weight of the aerated concrete blocks, they are massive units of material that actually differ in high strength. In some cases, experts note that the small weight of the blocks only positively affects the general construction situation, since there is no major burden on the foundation that is often critical.
  • Outwardly, the concrete blocks look too presentable. If the most ordinary brick is the basis of the house, then no additional work related to the design of the structure is simply not required. Often, the hosts simply do not pay attention to how their house looks, therefore, the fetal blocks may be "face" of the erected object. You need to know that the masonry solution used in the construction process leaves ugly traces in blocks. Often the sharp task before the owners becomes plastering of external walls at home. This is the best way to bring the facade in order. As practice shows, a lot of time goes to the process of plastering walls, especially if the house has a large area. Ultimately, we will get a beautiful externally house that does not need other actions related to the design.
  • You should not ignore the information that without plaster, a house of aerated concrete will quickly lose its original appearance, as well as properties. Accordingly, the dwelling will begin to fall apart by the influence of external factors, and, first of all, from regular rains.


The need for plaster walls from aerated concrete

  • Contrary to many misconceptions, first of all, plaster is needed to confront external influences (precipitation). An attractive appearance of the facade here goes to the background.
  • Interestingly, high-quality plaster is easily coping with any sharp drops of temperatures. The situation is such that in the spring period the temperature can sharply move from a minus value in the plus. Such a stop has a positive effect on the destruction of the material, which is the basis of the house. If the usual brick is quite resistant to this situation, then blocks and aerated concrete can easily be covered with cracks or other flaws. In addition, the self-concrete blocks themselves are quickly gaining moisture, which, after the arising of the minor temperature, simply destroys the material. Accordingly, it is possible to draw conclusions that without plastering the surface, the material will quickly come into disrepair and the entire structure will be at risk.
  • Well, of course, an important factor of plaster is the overall transformation of the facade of the house. Practice shows that even the most elementary actions associated with the application of plaster on aerated concrete blocks allow you to make a dwelling really attractive. Moreover, there is a lot of freedom of action, thanks to which the plaster may be truly a good solution in terms of design. Even the most uncomplicated ideas created on the basis of plaster can be perfectly implemented. If the house is large, and it requires certain implementations in terms of creating a certain style, then without experts, it is unlikely to do without specialists. Practice shows that newcomers are better not to try to implement something large-scale without sufficient experience. It is worth saying that on the Internet there are a huge variety of recommendations and other materials, on the basis of which you can implement good ideas.

Other plaster requirements

  • Frost resistance. We have already said that low frost resistance of aerated concrete blocks can be simply a catastrophic factor. The thing is that during freezing and thawing, the material slightly loses its initial properties, and, directly, in the aerated concrete blocks in this case everything is very bad. Literally for a couple of winter seasons, visible changes may begin due to poor frost resistance. In turn, the plaster must create all the conditions so that this negative side of the aerated concrete is not felt during operation. Often, plastering for the outer walls of the dwelling can boast of excellent frost resistance.
  • Adhesion. When applying plaster, excellent adhesion should occur between plaster and aerated concrete blocks. This feature will say that the outer surface of the dwelling protrudes the high-quality protective layer for the main material. If adhesion is not the best, then it is impossible to exclude the most banal surface collapse. Obviously, today to purchase a worthy quality material is not such a difficult task, and in this case should not save, because the creation of the house, and the exterior decoration, are essential factors that significantly affect the durability and the external presentation of the structure. Unfortunately, it is easy to check the quality of adhesion will not work, so you only have to trust the quality of products from well-known manufacturers.
  • Compressive strength. This is another requirement for plaster, which should withstand certain loads, which in normal conditions can manifest itself in the form of various weather conditions and other external factors. High compressive strength shows that the material is quite easily able to withstand large loads, and even with time the plaster will not have any external changes. It is not necessary to ignore the information that it does not always depends only on the above characteristics, since no one has canceled the variety of external factors.

As for the plaster of the inner walls of the house, this also has an urgent need. Of course, inside the house walls will not suffer from the most external factors present on the external walls, but at the same time, by itself the appearance of "naked" walls from aerated concrete from Rodney something disgusting. In addition, you should not forget about thermal insulation and many other factors that have a considerable effect on comfort in the dwelling, as well as its external component.


At the same time, experts focus on the fact that the inner walls of the housing first need to be finished, and then external. The essence of this question is that during construction work we are dealing with moisture and water, which through the pores of aerated concrete passes inside the room or out. Accordingly, if you first hold the plaster of the external walls, then the whole moisture will come inside the house. This can create extremely unpleasant conditions, due to which some of the works may be at a serious threat. Experts note that if you first finish the external walls, then during the internal work, the already applied plaster on the outer surface can simply be compressed or disappeared.

Resources for plastering aerated concrete

  • Experts note that the use of the simplest cement-sand plastering solution may be a failure. All this is due to the fact that the application of such a solution will mean sufficiently low parameters of vapor permeability, if comparing them with the fuel-concrete blocks themselves.
  • Thus, a special plaster should be found, which is ideal for aerated concrete. Practice shows that today an assortment of such products has a huge scale, so it will be easy to find the most suitable material.
  • The price issue here is also of great importance. In fact, the plaster, released directly to decorate aerated concrete surfaces, will cost somewhat more expensive. This factor is seriously hit by pocket, if we have a major housing requiring many resources to carry out the entire amount of work. Of course, the only way out of this situation is to pay the full price for the products necessary for the quality and characteristics, as it is obvious that even a small savings will then come sideways. It is only possible to consider as an option for certain companies engaged in the production of products. On this basis, you can choose the resource cheaper, but it is not worth the difference too large.

Primer work

  • First of all, the primer of the walls is carried out, and for this you need to use the firming hydrophobic primer. Combinations of this product are more than enough on the market, so it should be borne in mind that the choice should be done quite seriously, going through different manufacturers. Practice shows that it is almost always possible to save on primer compositions, and significantly. But at the same time, attention should be concentrated on the purpose, which should correspond to those aerated concrete blocks. Most often, this primer is intended for loose surfaces, and it is ideal for aerated concrete blocks.
  • The need to use primer, of course, is the need to protect the surface from moisture, as well as in general strengthening plaster. As practice shows, the "naked" layer of plaster quite quickly comes into disrepair, while the primer absorbs many negative factors.
  • Before applying primer, you should check the dryness of the surface. If you apply on a wet wall, then the primer may not be the most efficient. In addition, experts focus on the fact that the material applying should occur at a temperature of +10 to +25 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, it is best to engage in such matters in the second half of spring or at the beginning of autumn. If you violate this recommendation, then problems with the plaster are quite likely.
  • Also before applying the primer it is worth checking the surface of the wall for cracks or other flaws. All of them, unfortunately, can be implicit, but at the same time seriously influence the overall situation with the integrity of the surface during further operation. In addition, it will not be thoroughly cleaning, which allows the plaster not the largest layer. This needs to be given a lot of time, since the overall attractiveness of the facade plays a big role.


Reinforcing mesh for plastering aerated concrete

  • It should be understood that just so the plaster will not hold on to the surface, especially if we are talking about a large layer whose weight is more than large. Accordingly, in this case you need to use the reinforcing grid. Experts advise the use of fiberglass material, which demonstrates the greatest efficiency in long-term operation.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the non-coherent mesh can quickly come into disrepair, and with this scenario, the plaster may begin to fall apart, but at first the surface will cover cracks and other flaws.
  • An important aspect is the quality of the grid. As in any other case, it should be made by an authoritative manufacturer, as little-known companies often use cheap raw materials, not suitable for a responsible project.
  • As for directly fastening the material, everything is happening here on the basis of the most common self-tapping screws. In this case, there is nothing complicated, so newcomer will easily cope with all the amount of work.



  • In this case, a special mixture is used, the characteristics of which we said earlier, but it is worth paying attention to some other characteristics of this product. The material fraction should be up to 4 mm. Also, attention is paid to the class of sustainability to compression, here it is CS I. Incorrect material also matters, and here this class must comply with the standard A1. Again, the water absorption coefficient should be low.
  • Material application occurs with a spatula with small portions. It should be paid to the uniformity of the layer, since the substantial differences of this value can negatively affect the overall quality of the surface.
  • It is not worth a hurry with applying material, since there are clear problems because of the rush, which is not possible to remove the material after drying.
  • First, you can apply the material "NOT HORICAL", after which everything is the same spatula or rule, correct the layer to the necessary flight. Many types of plaster dries quickly, so it is worth paying attention to this and carry out the process quickly quickly. If the house is large, it is almost impossible to cope with the full volume of work, so there will be no extra work hands.

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