Tennis Court: Determination of the size and subtlety of construction

March 16. Useful advice, Plot. Views 2288. 1 comment To the entry Tennis Court: Determination of the size and subtlety of construction

Nowadays, the country plot for many is not only a home or garden for growing vegetables, but also a territory where you can relax very well. The dacha builds pools, golf courses and even personal tennis courts. That we will tell you next.

General rules


  1. If you wish to make a court at your dacha, you first select a suitable place for it. For this, first of all, it is necessary to take into account that the dimensions of this building are large. According to the European standard, the size of the tennis court should be 18 to 36 m. Although the player is suitable for novice players.
  2. To be convenient to use the court, you need to build a fence around it. For this, the supports are first installed, and then between them stretch the chain grid or with funds - special anti-conflict screens. The height of the fence must be at least 2.5-3 m.
  3. So that you can use the site in the evening, you need to install lamps with a capacity of at least 200 W. Total need not less than 6 lighting devices. It is usually placed on a height from 7 to 8.5 m.
  4. In general, in order to be able to play on the court regardless of the weather, it is recommended to provide it with a special protective shelter. If the platform is also equipped with heating, it can be used all year round. Based on all this, the price of a tennis court is high enough.

Coatings for tennis courts

This part of the construction is perhaps one of the most important. After all, it is the coverage of the court affects the quality and duration of the game. To begin with, you must have a plot that needs to be aligned. Must be sure to ensure the outflow of moisture prepared the base-pillow, which depends on the type of selected coating. As for the coating options, there are several of them, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

Soil coat


It is considered one of the frequently used coatings. From his advantages it should be noted the following:

  1. Low cost.
  2. This coating does not create elevated joints on the joints and the spine.
  3. Low probability of injury.
  4. Tennis court with such a type of coating can be built fairly quickly.

The ground version has its drawbacks. I would especially like to highlight the following:

  1. Need to carry out special platform processing after the game.
  2. The field after the rain slowly dries.
  3. After each wintering site needs to be restored.
  4. Periodically it is necessary to purify the territory from various garbage.
  5. In hot weather, the field must be watered for at least 5 minutes.
  6. On the court can germinate unwanted vegetation.
  7. In general, ground platforms need to be repaired every year. For these works, a mixture of granite and marble, sand is approximately 4 tons.

To build a standard court, it is necessary about 40 tons of sand, which, as a result of the seal, falls with a smooth layer with a thickness of 35-40 mm. It is necessary to care for the playground so that it is not too dry or overly wet.

Herbate coating


Usually this option is used in the device of professional sites. The fact is that care for such a coating is a rather complicated business. Therefore, to maintain it in good form hire specialists. Undoubted advantages of herbaceous coating are:

  1. Low trauma.
  2. Attractive appearance of a shady court. Photos can be seen above.

We have already mentioned its main drawback - this is a complex care. If the grass does not meet the necessary standards, it may degrade the parameters of the game.

Carpet covering


This option is also called artificial grass. It is more accessible for the construction in the country area. It has the following advantages:

  1. The speed of construction.
  2. Easy care.

To date, there are two types of artificial grass for the court differing in the length of the pile:

  1. Fucking. Vault length 18-19 mm.
  2. Half-hearted. Pile length 9-10 mm.

Artificial grass, in fact, is a material on a latex basis, into which the synthetic fiber is woven. After laying such a coating, you need to fall asleep by quartz sand. Before building a tennis court with carpeted floors, it is recommended to carefully prepare a solid foundation. Thus, the following requirements are presented to the basis:

  1. The base should have a thickness of at least 600 mm. At the same time, 450 millimeters should be on bent crushed stone and sand, and the remaining 150 millimeters is usually concrete. With a sufficiently durable soil, the flowing layer is allowed to make a smaller thickness. The backfill is best sealing with the help rink.
  2. To make a drainage, you need to provide a small slope of the short side of the court. Professional workers for this purpose are arranged in the design special complaint.
  3. Such a coating requires periodic irrigation. This is especially necessary in dry weather. The fact is that not only its hardness depends on the surface moisture, but also how well the ball will bounce. The soil and sand will gradually have to shove, as it will be blurred by moisture, or you can simply align.

"HARD" and plastic coating


In the sports grounds, hard is often used as a coating, which today can be purchased almost in any color scheme. It is successfully used in the device of the court both open and closed type. Before it laying the platform is usually concreted or asphalted. The coating may have a different degree of rigidity, which depends on the number of laid layers. The rigid coating has a 3-4 layer, and the safe 7 layers and more.

In compliance with all recommendations on the laying of the base, it can serve for more than 10 years, without requiring special care. If there is moisture after falling out of precipitation, it is easily removed using rubber mops. To build a court with such a coating, it will take about 2-3 months.

An even simpler option is a plastic coating that is collected from ready-made modules. And this requires quite a bit of time. The basis for the installation of plastic flooring is a concrete screed. Of the advantages, it is also worth noting the ease of care for this material.

Important! Before purchasing a plastic coating, you must know what is the warranty period of its operation. Some types of material may be sensitive to temperature drop.

More information about the coating options for the court can be found from the video:

Court device with your own hands

If you decide to build a court on your site, then you should know several important recommendations. From the very beginning, you need to prepare for the fact that the site can leave 2 to 4 weeks. Depending on the selected coating, this period may be even more. In order to build a court, you will need:

  1. Plot of suitable size.
  2. Materials for the construction of the base and coverage of the site.
  3. The screen that protects the vehicle.
  4. Grid for fences and pillars for its mount.
  5. Required building tools.
  6. Construction rink.
  7. Lights and racks for their mounting.


For a comfortable game, the court should be located from the north to south. So the sun will not make players during the game. The size of the platform is usually customized under standard, but if desired, they can be reduced or increased. The quality of the game will largely depend on the density of the cortex surface. Directly the platform is separated by a special grid, which is machined on top of a white edge into which the cable is inserted for rigidity.

To install the columns, you will have to dug out a depth of about 1 m. After that, the supports are mounted, aligned in terms of the level and poured concrete. The height of the pillars should be the same as the grid height. If necessary, the supports are made removable. To do this, in marked places poured special "glasses" with concrete, in which the pipes will be installed.

Construction of the foundation begins with the fact that the recess is a depth of not less than 250-280 mm. In this case the bottom of the recess are settling drainage ditch which is filled with gravel. On top of the prepared base gravel layer was poured to 100 mm thick and 50 mm fraction. This layer compacted and then filled with water. Then stacked on top of the layer of gravel with a grain size of 20-50 mm. The thickness of this layer should be about 130-140 mm. After that the material compacted using roller construction. This also applies to indoor tennis courts.


The next step involves filling a mixture consisting of 70-75% granite dropout, 10-15% of powdered clay and 15% of the soil. The thickness of this layer should be not less than 50 mm. To improve the wetness indicators, per 1 sq.m. mixtures can add 0.5 kg of salt. In order to give the composition of a bright shade, it is allowed to add a tuff. Next, the surface is filled with a thin layer of sand. Then layer ukatyvayut and simply swept away the excess sand with a brush. According to the plan on the final site whiting lines are marked 50 mm thick and 100 mm end thickness.

Support for the tension netting and fencing need stain. Usually this is done using green paint. To court were easy to use, you will need the following accessories:

  1. Special brush for combing artificial grass.
  2. Cart for swords, tennis gun and a device for collecting swords.
  3. Roller or squeegee to remove excess moisture from the coating.
  4. Cleaning device marking lines.

Construction of tennis courts, no doubt, is a rather costly and time-consuming task, but, nevertheless, it's easy to pay off derived from the game happy.

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One Response to Tennis: determining the size and subtlety of construction

  1. victor wen:

    Artificial grass c China is widely used in landscape design, while the design of the garden paths, park alleys, the coastal areas of rivers and lakes. The coating has a smooth and pleasant color, which does not burn in the sun. Lawn made of synthetic fibers of polypropylene woven into a base of rubber. Against this it is not delayed water, because it provides drainage. This wear-resistant coating which can withstand high and low temperatures may travel indoors and outdoors.

    TEL: +86 13315950055

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