Garden paths with their own hands with low cost

August 11. Plot. Views 970. Comments To record garden tracks with your own hands with low cost No

For millions of people living in the territory of the CIS, Garden, a garden or a summer cottage - these are the very places that are tremendous importance. In these territories, it is possible to spend time with the benefit, while completely forgetting about the most worries that worried during long month.

For the owners of such sites, the most important is the comfort, which can be achieved by relatively simple events. To date, on the Internet you can find thousands of ways of how with the help of a limited monetary budget to turn the "gray" plot in a really attractive place. Frankly, such advice often look ridiculous, as the savings often move all reasonable boundaries, but it is worth recognizing that individual recommendations will be more than useful for people who do not have extra money.

First of all, we are talking about garden tracks. Practice shows that garden paths are the very objects that can be equipped with their own hands using a wide variety of resources. It makes sense to note not only the common building materials, but also the healthy resources, which may have long asked them to be sent to the garbage tank. It is those people who are sorry to throw out old things, often and have the most opportunities to create high-quality and inexpensive garden tracks.

In this material we will focus in detail on the question related to the creation of low-cost garden tracks. Also, we will not bypass the very specific details that usually occur when arranging decorative paths.

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Features of garden tracks

First of all, I would like to note that if we are talking about garden tracks, then there are small paths whose widths are just enough to move one person. It becomes clear that it is not necessary to have too many building materials to create such tracks. And in general, if the path is not very long, then there will be quite some money to such events.

Despite this, today the cost of building materials is growing rapidly, and the quality of this product is often falling. Based on this information, many owners understand that the most reasonable thing is to create tracks based on breed materials. In addition, budget versions of building materials cannot be excluded, which are also very much today.

Practice shows that most owners have infirm materials that are just waiting for their starry hour to make a plot even more attractive and flowering. Ultimately, on the basis of the fused materials, it is quite possible to create an original design style of the territory. In any case, even if nothing good of this came out, you can always remake everything, or give up your idea at all. After not the most successful attempts to realize something worthwhile, you can try to acquire the appropriate materials in the construction supermarket. Often, if the owners of the site are guided by the ready-made options they found on the Internet, there are no special problems with the design of the territory. However, it is necessary to understand that even garden tracks, whatever the tiny, they should correspond to the surrounding area.

I would also like to say a few words about the fact that garden tracks can have a variety of variations that can be attractively looking in certain conditions. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to consider several options for designing the site to choose the most appropriate style.


Advantages and disadvantages of cheap garden tracks

Before making a choice in favor of inexpensive options for garden tracks, it makes sense to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of such solutions. Based on this information, you can make some conclusions that will make the final choice.


  • Price issue. It is not a secret that many people who have a garden or a garden are trying to do everything possible to save money on construction or repair events. Ideally, the creation of garden tracks can be free to be free, since it is often about the use of girlfriend. It should also be borne in mind that often garden tracks occupy a small area, therefore, even in case of laying some materials (tile, paving, etc.), you can do a small monetary budget. A completely different situation, if the garden tracks are wide and long.
  • Practicality, simplicity of work performed. Often, work on the creation of garden tracks is extremely fast. Moreover, it is important to draw attention to the fact that such events can be carried out alone. Despite the fact that the garden tracks can be the most diverse, and the materials used to improve the surface also have different dimensions, often the process is characteristic. With additional working hands you can spend the process in one day. However, it is not worth a particularly hurry, since even with such simple events you can allow serious errors.
  • Appearance. As we have already spoken, garden tracks can be the most diverse. This concerns their appearance, the forms of the main material, as well as the strength and some other characteristics. It is also obvious that such a variety and freedom of action will definitely have to taste creative people who try to create something worthy of a minimum opportunity. Indeed, the worst for creativity is definitely present here, and it is extremely important to remember that garden tracks are not certain monolithic objects that cannot be corrected if it suddenly need it. Therefore, it is always worth creating an original style that will emphasize the attractive atmosphere on the site.
  • A variety of materials used. This aspect can also be attributed to the paragraph about the practicality of the creation of garden tracks. As mentioned earlier, there are many materials on the basis of which successful garden tracks are created. Of course, it is possible to get a decent result only if we are talking about a certain combination of garden tracks with other objects on the site. Unfortunately, tasteless variations of the design of the territory are found too often, therefore it always makes sense to pay attention to ready-made design options, as well as on all sorts of recommendations from experienced people.


  • Low strength and reliability. Garden tracks created on the basis of primary materials are often located directly based on the soil. This situation prepares that it is not worth counting on the excellent durability of such a coating, even if the operation of the track is inactive. Of course, there are variants of tracks that are created on the basis of a cement mortar, but these are an additional cash costs that many owners try to avoid.
  • Inappropriate style. Earlier, we said that the appearance of the tracks is the unambiguous advantage of such solutions on the site. But at the same time do not forget that the hosts are not professional designers who are capable of helping to create a unique garden track without help, we successfully combine with the surrounding area. Thus, tasteless coatings are often obtained, from which it should be unambiguously get rid of, even if there were a lot of strength on these works. There are also situations where the owners like a track very much, but for the rest she is extremely unsuccessful. In such situations, only one's own opinion should be guided.
  • A variety of girlfriends. Practice shows that often the area owners have no sufficient amount of one type of material to fully hold the process of creating garden tracks. In such conditions, people often combine various materials, and often, ultimately, the tracks are extremely unattractive. Such situations should be avoided. If the material is missing, you should consider possible ways out of this impasamy situation.


Walkways from improvised materials

As we have already spoken, the cheapest options for garden tracks are those surfaces that are created based on breeding resources. It can be wood elements, plastic waste and more. Interestingly, but many variations of such garden tracks are worthy of attention, but only if a single style was observed.

Wooden garden tracks

Surely everyone knows that wood is a universal building material, which in almost every individual case demonstrates its positive properties. In the case of garden tracks, I would like to note that there is also a huge freedom of action, since without any special problems you can create just such a wood surface, which is thinking from the very beginning.

The most common and successful option associated with the use of wood for garden tracks is definitely the use of identical boards. Their width must approximately equal to the width of the future track. Ultimately, the boards are located along the entire length of the track, while you need to set a small step (5-10 cm) between the wood elements.

It is best to lay boards straight on crushed stone. In this case, you can count on an attractive, as well as a durable surface. For additional reliability, woody products are advisable to deepen a little in crushed stone, so that over the entire period of operation, the surface has not been exposed to deformations.

Often the hosts make a choice in favor of the tracks from the cut. Such surfaces are quite good solutions, but only if they are well combined with the rest of the site. Under cutters, there are relatively thin layers of the tree trunk, which can be easily combined with each other when creating a track. Practice shows that in this matter, much depends on the wood of wood, since the color and other visual differences create some originality among all sorts of garden tracks. In this case it is also important to choose the most optimal diameter of the log cabin so that the surface looks attractive.

Solid garden paths from wood also have a place to be. In this case, the basis is created (you can use all the same crushed stone), and from the top to have a knocked design from the boards. In this case, it is also necessary to understand that all these shot down wooden structures should be qualitatively treated with sandpaper so that the surface is different smoothness. In addition, you need to create a coating of a varnish or paint so that the track does not become unusable for a record short period of time. Even if high-quality care for such a track is applied, it will not last long time. Under the action of precipitation, the surface of the boards becomes fragile and unattractive outwardly. Approximately the same situation with the above coatings.

Tracks from unnecessary materials

Surely each owner in the garage or economic premises there are quite a few girlfriend, which, of course, is not already absolutely needed, but they can be applied to create simple garden tracks. Practice shows that almost all resources are suitable for creating tracks that do not come into disrepair for long-term operation.

  • Car tires. Many motorists have old tires that can be cut and put along the garden path. In this case it is also important to create a kind of frame consisting of wooden boards. Such a track will look completely unattractive, but for several years this surface will serve as faithfully.
  • Plastic lids. This is a peculiar classic for those who regularly engage in the creation of garden tracks. Information about plastic caps from bottles to create tracks can be found almost on any site about construction and repair. To carry out such events, you need to have a huge number of lids, and it is desirable to have a similar color cover, so that the surface has some kind of defined style. Most often for such a surface, a dense sandy base is created in which lid places. With high-quality traaming, such a plastic surface should serve at least a couple of seasons. Many owners who have decided to realize something like this, take the lid of different colors and create whole compositions. It is difficult to say whether there is a sense in such actions, but it is safe to say that there are certain freedom of action for creative people. Again, the main disadvantage of such a path is its low durability.
  • Battered tile. This is another material that can be successfully used to create a garden path. First you need to understand that the broken tile often remains at the owners after various repair activities. Ultimately, the broken material can be positioned in such a way that the surface will look very attractive. Most often the base of sand is prepared, after which there are broken parts of the tiles. Here the creative should be applied, since the process resembles the compilation of a mosaic. It is necessary to leave a small distance between the parts of the tile so as to ultimately pour it with a thin layer of cement. For a more reliable result, you can first fill the tracks with cement mortar, and then there is already a paw tile. Surely the most attractive side of such a garden path is its reliability. Practice shows that the cement surface is characterized by high durability, and this is a definitely important advantage compared to other paths from the primary materials.


Paving Tile for Garden Track

If we talk about creating garden tracks at small material costs, it is clearly worth paying attention to the paving slabs. To date, this material is universal. It is based on sidewalks, passage parts, houses of residential buildings, etc.

It is also worth keeping in mind that to create garden tracks based on paving slabs you do not need to have a lot of experience. Just just a little navigate in this matter. In general, this repair process is simple and understandable.

Good news is also in the fact that it is possible to produce pavement tiles in handicrafts. Moreover, there are several options for such events at once. It remains to choose the easiest and reliable to get the optimal surface.

  • To obtain the highest quality tile, vibration equipment is often required. The bottom line is that first it will be necessary to create a mixture that will be at the heart of the future tile. Most often for the production of 1 square meter of tile, it is necessary to use 1 cement bucket (Mark A-W-400), 3 sand buckets, plasticizer - about 200 g, as well as dye (if necessary). The need for dye is definitely available, as an attractive tile is created based on it, and it takes very little at all. Thus, you need to mix all these components and pour into the forms for the production of tiles. It is desirable to have several forms at once so that the production process can be as soon as possible. It is extremely important to keep in mind that after filling the forms, the solution needs to be seal, and it will require either vibrationtol or vibrationboard. After some time, which is necessary for a set of tile strength, the material can be laid in the site.
  • If we talk about another way to create a tiled surface, then here you also need to mix the above mixture, but the step associated with the seal should be skipped here. The process goes directly to the site. It should be armed with a large form that is located in the right place, and the mixture will be filling from above. It is important to control the emptiness inside the future tile, because of which the surface can be extremely fast. Often, there are sufficient dimensions to spend the whole process in short temporary framework. You can combine various dyes so that the tile is the best combined with the site where the entire process is carried out. Along with this, the mixture can add stones, fine glass and other components that can make the surface even more attractive. However, it is not worth spending too dubious experiments, and sometimes it is better to leave the tile in its original form.


Other details

In some cases, when you need to create a garden track as quickly as possible, it makes sense to pay attention to large concrete slabs corresponding to the dimensions of the future surface. Accordingly, everything is limited to laying plates in the right places, and the surface itself does not differ in external attractiveness itself, but there will be a long time to serve its owners.

In those cases, if the garden track is also too narrow, it makes sense to think about the idea of \u200b\u200brefusing to improve the surface on the basis of certain materials. Often, a regular path or grass is the best basis for the site.

If you need to create a large platform, which has not so much in common with the garden tracks, the use of breed materials is better and not to consider at all, since nothing good will bring it. In such situations, the large cash costs for the purchase of materials will definitely follow.

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