Installation of the air conditioner with your own hands: Rules, Tools and Installation Stages

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If the heat in the summer does not give you peace, and with the onset of cold weather it becomes unbearably cold, then it's time to think about buying an air conditioner. Unlike conventional heating and cooling systems, it is capable of maintaining the temperature in a wide range of values. This is not a cheap pleasure because the air conditioner has a rather complicated mechanism of work in which expensive details take part. If you have already acquired the desired unit, you can save on the installation by making everything with your own hands.

Review air conditioners

The modern home appliances market is very diverse and wide. Due to the environmental situation and constant climatic changes, which recently deteriorate, more and more people have preference to arrange the arrangement of the air conditioner. To change the fan that stands on the floor, overlapping free space, while "chase" warm air around the room, modern ventilation systems came. They are much more convenient, besides they will not take a lot of space. To determine the choice of the necessary air conditioner, it is better to consider all its views, paying attention to the features of the functionality of this device.


Principle of operation

The air conditioner is a compressor connected to the evaporative unit using tubes. Usually, the evaporator is indoors, and the compressor is outside. There are also variations with several blocks that are connected to a single compressor.


To obtain the necessary temperature in the room, the refrigerant enters the evaporation unit through a special nozzle under high pressure. Once in the evaporative unit, the refrigerant begins to boil and expand, highlighting the steam, which in turn begins to choose heat. This process involves an inevitable selection of condensate, which is subsequently remains on the evaporator radiator. In the process of operation, condensate accumulates in the tank, after which it is derived from a special tube.


The liquid in the reservoir during operation highlights evaporation, which absorbs the compressor. This increases the pressure behind the pump, as a result of which the refrigerant turns into a dense fog. In a dense fog-shaped state, it enters the radiator of the condenser chamber, after which it goes into a liquid state by cooling. Now the refrigerant can again be supplied to the nozzle, passing the entire path from the evaporative unit before turning into the liquid.

Types and method of accommodating air conditioners

If you decide to equip an apartment with an air conditioner, but you can't finally decide, it is better to consider all kinds of this unit. Relate all the indicators of each type of air conditioner, pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages, then you can pick up an excellent air conditioner that will fulfill your function fully.

To determine the selection of the air conditioner, we suggest to consider all existing views of this device, such as:

  1. Window. To install such an air conditioner, a hole is cut in the window or thin wall. In the resulting niche, the air conditioner unit is mounted in such a way that most of the unit is located outside the room. Through the front part, cold air enters the room, through the back - the warm one is displayed. This type is considered already obsolete, because in the process of air cooling the compressor has a very loud sound, and the air conditioner dimensions overlap the access of natural air into the room. Few window conditioners are able to heat the air, but simpler models will become an excellent budget option in the summer.
  2. Mobile. This type of air conditioner is easy enough to install, since the work does not have significant features. By connecting the air conditioner to the network, it is enough to withdraw in the window or a special hole of the channel of the air vent. Often mobile air conditioners are equipped with wheels with which the location of the unit can be changed. Choosing a device of this type, keep in mind that it will be more expensive than the window, while it is quite loud to noise. But you will not have to spend money on installation work, since the assembly of the functional has a fairly simple scheme.
  3. Wall. Perhaps the most popular type of air conditioners. It is used in the arrangement of most residential premises with an area of \u200b\u200b15-70 m². It has enough compact look and diverse design, which allows you to install it in the living room or bedroom, without harm to the interior solution. Often the internal unit is located in the upper part of the wall, and the outdoor - under the window, which significantly reduces the length of the communications. You can also meet models in which the evaporative unit is disguised as a picture. This solution is perfectly suitable when choosing an interior design. Due to the wide range of wall air conditioners, this species is most in demand in the modern market, and it is also inexpensive. However, note that it is not always possible to install in the place you like.
  4. Channel. Excellent option for office or large apartment. The air conditioner unit is located behind the suspended ceiling, and the air is distributed over a special system of air ducts located ibid. Channel air conditioner simultaneously performs the function of ventilation of the room. When installing, you need to calculate air exchange and static pressure. To achieve temperature difference in different rooms, you must additionally install thermostats, and this can already be attributed to disadvantages. In addition, such air conditioners require the mandatory presence of a suspended ceiling and ventilation. But it can serve several rooms at once, while feeding fresh filtered air.
  5. Cassette. Performs a similar function with channel. Usually the internal unit is located in the ceiling, while distributing air at once in four directions. Often used in the Ceiling Systems of the Armstrong type. It is perfect for cooling the room of a large area, besides will not stand out in the interior, since it has a decorative grid.
  6. Ceiling. The air conditioner is usually 18-25 cm in depth, while set at the bottom of the wall or on the ceiling. This location allows air to be evenly distributed around the room, without falling on the people. In this case, the stream moves along the surface of the walls, as if enveloping the room.
  7. Column. Applied for rooms that require high cold performance. It has a lot of weight and dimensions, which eliminates the use of such an air conditioner in residential premises. It is powerful enough, but it requires a lot of free space, while it can ruin the whole interior.

Choosing an air conditioner for your room, pay attention to those or other features inherent in each type. If you have gathered to equip an apartment, such as a channel air conditioning, then you will consider that it will require additional work related to the installation of the ventilation system and the ceiling. Choose the optimal option, then any changes in the temperature of the external environment will not give you discomfort.

Selection of conditioner design type

In the process of producing cooling and heating systems, various materials are used, which over time are improved and modified. To better understand how air conditioning converts air, it is better to carefully examine each type, then you can choose the necessary option for yourself.


The design features of all types of air conditioners can be divided into three types, among which:

  • monoblock (to this type include: window, mobile and column air conditioners. All processes occur inside a single case. Since all parts are in one block, the production does not require additional costs associated with the manufacture of secondary functionals);
  • split system (to the air conditioners of this type can be attributed: cassette, channel and wall species. The design is an internal and outer blocks, connected by the tubes for which freon passes. Due to this, the bulky compressor can be taken out of the room, having robbed itself from Permanent noise. If you decide to install a split system, then only the ceiling view of the air conditioner will be suitable for residential premises. The remaining species are customary to install only for industrial purposes or for premises with a large area. Most of these air conditioners are equipped with remote controls that allow you to change air temperature with interval in 1C °);
  • multi Split System (has one external compressor and several (2-5 pieces) of internal blocks. Such a system is used in cases where the building size does not allow several compressors to install. In this way, several rooms can be equipped with evaporating blocks, while setting different temperature modes . Systems such as in the finished sets and the setup) are produced.

As you can see, the selection of the air conditioner is due to the features of the room in which it will be installed. It is important to pay attention to the power of the device and the air cooling area. For apartments, we advise you to use the Wall-mounted Split System, which will optimally fit into your budget and interior, besides last.

Rules of installation of air conditioners

Any electrical device has its own features of installation and operation, air conditioning in this case will not be an exception. Before starting an independent installation, pay attention to all the features associated with the works of this kind.

To install the correct air conditioner, pay attention to the following rules:

  • do not place air conditioning near heaters. This may lead to the fact that the compressor will spend more energy, and will subsequently fail;
  • cut regular wet cleaning. Dust, which fell by the air conditioning system, can spoil the operation of the device;
  • do not cover the internal block, and do not put anything on it;
  • clean the filter regularly in accordance with the operating performance of air conditioners;
  • well, close all the joints and connections that arose during the installation process. This will help exclude the likelihood of refrigerant evaporation;
  • the outdoor unit is better to arrange under the cornice so that it covers it from the sun and rain;
  • the internal unit must be set below the external relative to the horizon level. This will allow condensate to drain faster without accumulating in the capacity.


Observe all the rules when installing the air conditioner, then it will work without interruption, providing a comfortable temperature in the apartment. Do not forget also about safety regulations when working at height. Be sure to use safety mechanisms and other protective equipment.

Installing the air conditioner with your own hands. Phased instruction

If you take advantage of our recommendations and chose a split system suitable for your apartment, you can start installing all components of the device. We want to immediately warn that non-compliance with the basic installation rules may entail the harmful consequences that will reduce the service life of the air conditioner, or will bring it out of action. Take advantage of this issue with all seriousness, then comfort in the apartment is provided.


Any installation work will be much faster if you use various auxiliary means. For our case, there is not enough standard set, which is available from any self-respecting owner. We advise you to immediately purchase everything you need if you are going to mount air conditioning personally.


To install air conditioning in the apartment, get the following tool set:

  • perforator, screwdriver, wrench;
  • drill on concrete required length, fastener;
  • vacuum pump, eccentric;
  • tester for electricity, pressure gauge, indicator;
  • truborez, collapse, rime;
  • scaffolding, safety system.

Installing an external block

Choosing a place to mount the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, we recommend that you stop your choice on the balcony, if any. It is best to hang the block so that it does not interfere with the neighbors, while in the limit of manual reach, it will significantly simplify further maintenance. Also note that condensate should not fall on the facade of the building.


To secure air conditioning on a wall surface, special brackets are used, which are attached to anchor. Follow the places where the brackets will be attached. It often happens that the facade is insulated. Consider the thickness of the insulation and the weight of the compressor to choose the anchor bolts of the required length. Install the external unit on the mounted frame and secure bolts. Please note that the distance between the radiator and the wall must be at least 10 cm. To carry out all communications, it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of 8 cm. Use the boron on concrete or the crown nozzle.


Installation of an inner block

To correctly mount the internal block, please note that it cannot be fastened behind the tulle. Make sure the absence of a similar arrangement of electrical appliances, they can output the block processor. Special instrument Check the wall surface to make sure that there is no wiring and other communications that you can spoil during the installation process.


Please note that the place of the future location of the block must be connected. Please note that it is better to install before starting the finishing of the apartment, since the process is sufficiently dusty. Use special attention to the selection of space for air conditioner, and do not forget that it should be placed above the external block.


When you found a comfortable place, start installing the plate. Apply all sizes on the wall using a building level. Start screwing the bar, then install the internal block on it. Drill through a hole in the wall to connect the subsequently both block using communications.

Electricity eyeliner

To connect the internal unit to electricity, take into account its power. Do not forget that such a device should have your own machine in the electrical protection. Use a cable with a cross section of at least 1.5 mm². To insulate the cable, place it in PVC corrugation. Use the indicator to determine the phase and zero. Usually in instructions for air conditioning is attached to the connection scheme. Connect the internal and external block according to the scheme by connecting the corresponding wires with clerks.


Pipe installation and rolling

Before describing the whole process at this stage, we want to pay attention to that it requires some skill and excerpt. To learn how to felse copper tubes, practice first on small trimming.


Locking copper tubes use the following actions algorithm:

  1. At this stage, it is necessary to cut off the copper tubes of the required length with a margin of 1 m on bends. To bend the tube, use special tools that do not give the tube to crack or tortinate in the bend place.
  2. Wrap the copper tubes into polyurethane foam isolation of the required diameter. Do not use the foam rubber, it will not last long.
  3. Turn the threaded flanges on the pipes so that the carving is from the end of the tube.
  4. Now the collapse tubes with the help of eccentric. For accurate rolling, secure the tube in the vice, but do not clamp a lot so as not to drive it. Tighten the nut with the dynamometric key so as not to squeeze the collapsed connections.
  5. Connect the tubes with fittings of the corresponding diameter. Scrupting seats Do not shift not to damage the tube.
  6. Connect a metal-plastic tube to the stock pipe. Out it away from the wall so that the drainage waters do not fall on the facade of the building.
  7. Get all the tubes in advance drilled hole, and connect to the outer block of the compressor. Lubricate the connecting points of the tubes with soapy mortar, followed by pump. This will help identify loose connections.
  8. Place the foam hole to fully sew the pipe with wiring.
  9. Connect the vacuum pump to the system and roll out all the air to remove all the excess dust and moisture. This process will take about an hour. Some do not conduct evacuation for one reason or another, but we still advise you to do it.

Refueling and performance

If all previous steps you spent correctly, then it remains for small. Before proceeding with the final stage, check the tightness of all connections, make sure that all the mounts are reliable.

To refuel the refrigerant air conditioner, you need to connect a pressure gauge to a special cylinder, after which it is connected to the system through an adapter. After downloading, you can turn on the machine to check the system for performance. Give the air conditioner to work in test mode to ensure uniform air circulation.


As you can see, installing the air conditioner in the room with your own hands provides many complex processes requiring some experience and skill. We advise you not to hurry, acting in this way, then the result will be qualitative. Pay the choice of air conditioner special attention, carefully prepare the entire tool. Do not forget that the air conditioner is better installed in the room where the finishing finish has not yet begun, although it is not excluded.

Installing the air conditioner with your own hands: Video

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