Adjusting the plastic window with your own hands

January 21. Interior decoration Views 2697. Comments To write the adjustment of the plastic window do it yourself No

Modern plastic windows are a rather complicated well-thought-out system, which involves periodic care and attention from the owner, as over time, even good windows may require a small adjustment.


For what you need to adjust the windows:

1. Natural shrinkage building

In this case, the walls slightly change their own position, and the sash ceases to adjust the frame normally. This process is considered normal, especially in new buildings.

2. Natural window wear

As a result of long-term operation, the window seal dries or simply erased.

3. Initially, an incorrect installation of the window and the like was made.

All these factors can cause the formation of drafts, fittings will begin to eat, thereby making it difficult to open the sash. Accordingly, noise insulation is disturbed and the window stops open at all.

In order not to occur such situations, it should be regularly carried out special adjustment of plastic windows about once every six months or a year.

Adjusting the windows accessories is created in case:


  • There is a draft due to not very dense fitting of the sash (in this case, it is necessary to adjust its clamp to the window frame);
  • During operation, the sash hurts the fittings or frame (here is the problem in the shitting of the sash).

Thus, the adjustment of plastic windows in winter and summer will avoid various problems associated with insufficient thermal insulation and separation of mechanisms.

Of course, the various production and model of windows, as well as the fittings used can lead to the fact that there will be some nuances, but it is not worth upset, since general principles for all occasions are the same.

Adjusting accessories will affect the three main elements:


  • shut-off eccentric pin (shut-off mechanism of the window sash);
  • lower loop;
  • top loop (scissors).

Adjusting the plastic window with your own hands

Initially, pay attention to the fact that the design of the PVC profile must be adjusted in the 2 axes of rotation (vertically and horizontally) and in 3-planes. At the same time, in winter, observe the sash to fly well to the frame, and in the summer it was slightly released.

The tool that will need:

  • aerosol WD-40 or machine oil;
  • Passatii or pliers;
  • Cross screwdriver (size 3 or 4);
  • a set of nozzles in the form of a star (TX, T);
  • Hex key (4 mm).

Of the total tool, a hex key is most often used, having a form "g" or similar view. Specialists also use a slightly specified version, but it is also suitable for both standard.

Nozzles are needed only in some models of fittings, but it is better to have them at hand. As for fixing the fittings to the profile, they will need bolts under a crusade screwdriver.

Plastic window Adjustment Instructions:

1. Replacement and installation of the handle, creating an opening limiter


Replace the window handle is quite simple:

  • First, turn the plate at the bottom of the window, about 90 °;
  • Then the screws are removed, fixing the handle itself;
  • Next, the old handle is cleaned and the new one is set;
  • Under its base, the opening restriction controller is mounted.

2. If the window does not open


The reason is when the window is open, the handle was turned down, that is, it turned out to be in the wrong position. To correct the situation, you must first determine the brand of fittings.

If there is an inscription AUBI on metal constipation, we do it as follows:

  • We are looking for a metal plate sticking in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle;
  • Click it with your finger towards the seal;
  • After that turn the handle.

Note that in this situation the sash should be vertically.

If there is a guarantee of GU, WINKHAUS, ROTO on constipation from metal, then:

  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle, you should find a metal tongue sticking at an angle to the frame;
  • Press it so that it stands in parallel with respect to the gum of the seal.

3. There are difficulties when turning the handle

The reason is a dried lubricant or a seashest. The easiest way to fix the first option is:

  • It should be lubricating with penetrating special lubrication absolutely all movable elements;
  • If it does not help, then you need to adjust the loops.

To make it necessary to take a hex:

  • creating the adjustment of the upper loop, you should open the sash so that it is perpendicular to the frame;
  • Next, we find a screw adjustment and scroll through it with a hexagon until the problem does not disappear;
  • If you need to adjust the bottom loop, scroll through the screws that are responsible for its position - lift up, lower down, right to the left.


4. Throwing out of the seal


Plastic window adjustment scheme:

  • Determine the problem place (open the sash and inspect the end);
  • There must be one bolt head or several;
  • Next, scroll your head (respectively, the bolt will move, and adjust the pressure level).

Completion of work

At the end of the independent adjustment of plastic windows, check. If the scheme was chosen correctly, all faults will be minimized or completely disappeared.

Correctly adjusted plastic window for the winter should:

  • have equal clay throughout the perimeter;
  • Easy to open.

Most often, recommendations for carrying out such a type of work are painted in the instructions, but should not avoid specialist services that can do everything as quickly as possible without damaging the profile design.

Plastic windows Adjust video:

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