Garden in chinese style. Stylistic features and creation rules

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A Chinese style garden is an art that is distinguished by the uniqueness of the culture of the East and originality. Here you will not meet the neat contours of the French style, as well as ideal English lawns, since Buddhism, actively affecting the spiritual life and culture of the Chinese, made its features in the design of the landscape.

Philosophy and Features of the Chinese Garden


The Chinese people have always treated nature seriously. It was believed that everything in this life depends on it. Therefore, people sought to live in harmony with earthly elements and confessed the worship of the powers of nature.

As for local philosophers, in an attempt to withdraw the laws on which the universe acts, they created a well-known direction of Feng Shui. The garden, made in accordance with its principles, allowed the energy streams to harmoniously flow and fill the human creature and rest. Thus, the east gardeners began to recreate the unique landscape in miniature with all its energy, trees, lakes and mountains, combining all this with human living space.


Types and garden styles

Design Chinese garden - a diverse style that can hardly be called easy.


There are several types of gardens:

  • domestic, which are surrounded by a bamboo or stone wall and look at the gardens;
  • gardens designed for philosophers, that walking on them, are in search of the truth;
  • natural - for the simple contemplation of nature.

Also, Chinese gardens can be divided according to their mood:

  • laughing garden (a horizontal flat landscape);
  • threatening garden (the broken form has high trees and rock);
  • idealistic garden (it has a large pond with an island in the middle, on which the house or garden furniture).

Principles of creating gardens in China

1. Since such gardens have a small area, a sense of completion is achieved by using special techniques:


  • difference elements that detect a huge set of images;
  • counterpoint perspective, which forms the illusion of infinite space.

2. Garden - a self-contained world in miniature. It is possible to meet all the components and symbolic images of the universe yin and yang, which are interwoven and combined with each other in the drawing.

The key point is to provide the finished composition, where each element will be subject to the sole purpose - use of energy flow in the desired direction. In this case they should be directed to the center of the composition - the entrance to the shelter.

3. Landscape garden should look as natural and asymmetrically, as if he were created by nature itself. In the design of its spontaneity and should prevail in an arbitrary manner, as well as unpredictable.

Balance of Feng Shui


Organizing the space of the garden, it is necessary to take into account the fact that all its objects are in close and constant interaction, so offer you recommendations on the division of the landscape into zones:

  • in the south of the garden, which is associated with the people of the east and the red flames of fire, lights should be placed with the same shade of lampshades (this side is responsible for loving relationships);
  • in the northern part, which is associated with water, as well as blue and black, should be placed a pond or stream. They should have no strict and smooth geometric shape (this side is responsible for the work);
  • gardens West charge of friendship, which are metal characters and white color, it is necessary to equip traditional metal arbor;
  • in the eastern part - the accumulation zone, follow the preferences of your own soul. This side should be filled with greens and trees;
  • the center of the Garden is spiritual health, so healing herbs, coniferous plants and juniper should not be used.

Knowing such simple rules, you can independently affect a specific zone, thereby weakening or reinforcing its action.

Basic elements of the traditional Chinese garden

1. Trees.


In China's gardens, large old trees enjoy unusual honor, which grow here is not one decade. Almost everywhere you can meet a pine - a symbol of nobility, plum and peach - a symbol of happiness, as well as bamboo - the personification of strength and resistance. Other favorite trees in the Chinese are Sakura, Willow and Magnolia.

2. Water.


Water in the landscape style garden organizes a common space, and also divides it on the zone. It is a certain balance that balances the elements. For example, the waterfall, stream or fountain symbolize constant changes and movement, and the pond is peace and calm. Each reservoir needs to be made devoid of high banks and artificial facing, while the various arbor plan, located on the islands, should occupy almost the entire surface protruding from under the water.

3. Plants.



In China's gardens, blooming plants are quite not much, but each of them carries a certain symbolic meaning. Residents of the East give preference to the tree of peony, which is considered to be the king of all colors. You can also find lotuses, daffodils, roses and chrysanthemums here. Each flower, characterized by special nobility, is necessarily laid out the most simple plants. For example, a hips and rose are considered to be the best companion for Peon, chrysanthemums complement the begonia, and the plum is planted next to Camellia and Magnolia.

The traditional Chinese garden is always distinguished by a variety and wealth, while it is located south, the stronger its floral composition.

4. Stones.



Stones located in Chinese gardens balance the element of water, wood and the symbols of the presence of a person, that is, architectural structures. To their unique species, residents belong to an extraordinary trepid - listen, put hands and admire the gifts of nature. From the stones, the Chinese arrange slides, without having been sitting next to any plants. Creating garden sculptures, they prefer the annoyed time and strange shape of the lump. Such unique stones are required by limestone rock and active water influence.

In addition to limestone, granite is often found in such gardens. It is used for paving tracks, courtyards, during the construction of bridges, as well as as a pedestal.

5. Building.



Gardens in China cannot be imagined without the presence of buildings in a traditional oriental style - various tea houses, terraces, arbors, etc. They are located in such a way that being there, a person could enjoy harmony and contemplate the surrounding space.

The Chinese garden is not only the kingdom of plants with several structures, here the main are unique architectural elements that are surrounded by water, greens and stones. Without such bizarre pavilions and arbors, the landscape of the East will simply not be by itself. Many core buildings are an unusual garden decoration, which is wonderful viewing platforms from which you can admire a great picturesque view.

The Chinese style garden is "penetrating" into the house through patterned grids and windows whose walls serve as a background for a detailed collection of plants.


The architecture of the Eastern Garden includes the following types of items:

  • xoyan (Studio, which is located in the courtyard, intended for drawing and calligraphy);
  • ting (gazebo, intended for rest);
  • tang (main construction);
  • shui-KSI (Pavilion, located on the water);
  • kiao (bridges);
  • lowe (the house used for the housing of unmarried young girls);
  • lang (indoor bridge or path);
  • fang (pavilion, which has a boat form).

To determine the boundaries in the Chinese garden, walls are built, which are laid out of the stone. They must be combined with the surrounding vegetation without creating a hard impression. The outer walls are made of stones of light tones and high enough, thanks to this there is an excellent background and they become weightless. The main task of the inner walls is the focus on a certain viewing point, which fully discloses the uniqueness of the landscape.

In addition to stone fences, the in-style is actively used by paving, which is distinguished by a huge variety. Also, the Chinese are used for the garden various items - not very large lanterns, carved bridges, unusual pebbles, etc.

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