Plastic playgrounds - how to choose and install

April 8. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2364. 2 comments To record children's playgrounds from plastic - how to choose and install

In the courtyard, where there are children, as a rule, caring parents set the playground. It can be done with his own hands, ate all the details of the tree or buy ready-made in the store, which is most preferable, especially due to the employment or lack of any skills in the joinery. Moreover, modern manufacturers of playgrounds offer their customers a huge selection of such goods.

Advantages of playgrounds from plastic

Plastic playgrounds every year are becoming increasingly popular. It is easy to explain, because plastic compared to metal and wood has such advantages as:

  • resistance to corrosion, temperature differences, humidity, ultraviolet rays and precipitation, which is especially important for playgrounds located in the open space;
  • hygiene and unpretentious care;
  • environmental safety, since most of the playgrounds of this kind are made from food polymers that do not emit harmful substances into the surrounding space;
  • a variety of color schemes and forms, which will allow everyone to choose such a platform that is most suitable for him;


  • full streamlord of construction, no sharp corners, which reduces the risk of random injuries during the game;
  • lightweight, which makes it possible if necessary, without problems, to transfer it from one place to another and also to mount it easily;
  • plastic does not require coloring in contrast to wood or metal;
  • warm material, which even in cold weather will provide the necessary comfort.


How to choose a playground from plastic

Choose a playground is not as easy as it may seem at first glance.

  • First, the assortment presented today in the stores is simply huge.
  • And secondly, each parent would like not only to please your child with an opportunity to excitely spend time in the fresh air, but also to ensure the proper quality of such a purchase. Therefore, when choosing a playground from plastic, you must pay your attention, first of all, on such highlights:

Availability of quality certificate

The presence of a certificate of quality of the manufacturer of this product from the seller, in which the manufacturer's material should be clearly indicated, its compliance with the GOST standards and the conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological service on the safety of children, maximum mechanical loads that such a site, operating conditions, etc. are calculated.

Matching the children's playground

Today there are various types of similar game complexes for children. To ensure that the child is interesting and safely played on such a platform, it must be designed for its age category. Namely:

  • tabs 1-3 years old are plastic sandboxes, low slides, etc.;


  • kids 3-7 years old better buy slides, various swings, small plastic pools, houses, etc.;


  • a child from 7 years will be interested in more active games, so you can safely buy various labyrinths, horizontal bars, stairs, bars, ropes and other sports equipment.



The location of the playground and its size play a big role. The younger child, the smaller the playground he needs. If the territory on which you are going to place such a structure is limited by a small space, then it is also necessary to take into account and select the area of \u200b\u200bmore compact size.

Reputation of the manufacturer

The manufacturer's reputation is another important point. Some parents used to trust the health and safety of their child only to proven manufacturers. Among them are the following trademarks: STEP2, B Kids, Bambi, Happy Hop, Irelle, Kettler, Pilsan, Smoby, Sportbaby, Trefl, etc.


American brand STEP2, which produces playgrounds from plastic, is considered one of the leaders in this industry.

  • Its products are distinguished by high quality, multifunctionality, original design, and the presented range gives a wide choice for children of various age categories.
  • All parts of STEP2 game complexes are made of durable and environmentally friendly materials that guarantee child safety and long service life.



The French company that exists on the market has been more than 90 years old, offers its customers a wide selection of plastic playgrounds and gaming complexes.

  • Bright colorful design, a variety of forms, high-quality, durable and safe materials - this is what highlights this manufacturer.
  • Smoby produces various types of playgrounds for children of all age groups and any price category.



The company with world name Kettler (Germany) has long received recognition among children and their parents, as a manufacturer of high-quality and reliable products.

  • The range includes children's swings, slides, sandboxes, horizontal bars, etc., that is, all that is needed by a modern child for its growth and active games in the yard.
  • Kettler playgrounds are absolute safety and high functionality, modern design and durability.



The cost of the playground also plays an important role for modern parents. It depends primarily on the functionality of such an object, the size and quality of the materials used.

How to install a playground from plastic

Modern plastic playgrounds are simple designs that even a child can easily collect. They have a small weight, so the installation will not deliver any trouble. The only assembly is important to comply with the manufacturer's instructions and provide a reliable connection of parts to ensure safe operation. And also important is the right choice of the location of this site and the coating for it.


  • It is best to place such a platform for children near the house in a quiet cozy windless place where the sun, and the shadow are present at the same time.
  • In addition, there should be enough space for active games.
  • The smooth plot of land is ideal, where you can land a green lawn or siting artificial, and is also allowed to cover from sand or rubber tiles.
  • The latter look not only aesthetically attractive, but also less trauma.


To learn your parents' reviews about children's plastic platforms. You can watch video:


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2 answers to playgrounds from plastic - how to choose and install

  1. Yuri.:

    Can you recommend any domestic manufacturers, where the price and quality correspond to? I'm going to buy my son and stumbled upon GoodLife, but I don't know if you can trust them? In addition, the question is what better to use the coating? I am offering a rubber crumb there. Is it a high-quality and appropriate material? Reference to what I mean XN - 82-6KClf5am6dn.xn - P1AI (Gudlamif82 RF). Thanks in advance for the answer!

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