Garden in pots. Rules for registration and care of plants

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For many, the garden is a large territory planted with various plants for recreation and fruit. But to obtain harmonious arrangement of the site, the entire area is divided into zones, so it is not necessary to count on the breadth of space.


Then the optimal output remains miniature compositions in pots. They do not occupy a lot of space, while perfectly decorate not only an open area, but also the premises, the main thing is to know how to make them with your own hands and ensure proper care.

Original solution

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The miniature garden in a flower pot is a landscape composition combined with a certain subject. It may be the embodiment of fabulous ideas or a view of a corner of nature, only everything is performed in a reduced form.

To create such compositions, a spacious arbitrary container is selected, but not more than 15 cm high. The main condition remains a sufficient place to implement the initial idea. At the same time, ideas are limited to space, and so it is quite realistic to build a house, equip the pond and plant trees on a small block of land.

A relatively new trend is the arrangement of multi-level gardens, which are created through the use of miniature steps, tracks or curly plants. To obtain a multi-level platform, conventional broken pots are used, which make it possible to embody all creative ideas.

Process implementation


Creating a mini garden in a pot consists of the following steps:

  1. Design, which is conducted taking into account the selected location. It is important to pay attention to the illumination of the surrounding space for the advantageous representation of the finished composition.
  2. Selection of plants that will be used. They try to apply a small number of slow-growing species, because the main emphasis is left on the beauty of the landscape.
  3. Selection of decorative elements that will decorate the embodied idea.

Pot, basket or box? f4857449DDD0.

The main condition when choosing a capacity for mini garden is a weatheted stylistry with a surroundings, it advantageously emphasizing the appearance of the finished flower composition. As a container, many unsightly objects from the household can be: buckets, pots, watering cans, old shells, kitchen utensils, various drawers. Using the most non-standard items can be achieved by the originality, emphasizing the taste of the owner and its individuality.

From the stone or wooden pots acquired in the store or wooden pots, you can consider a common picture, combined with a single element, for example the pattern. At the same time, they should not be absolutely the same, such sets look too simple.

In addition to the aesthetic functions on the container, functional - ensuring suitable conditions for color growth. Pots should be resistant, keep moisture well.

Plants suitable for garden arrangement in pot


Creating a harmonious composition involves the use of plants that complement each other. This applies not only to sizes, textures and color, the time of cultivation and flowering remains important condition. There are species that are popular thanks to the attractiveness and ease of care, they include: Fuchsia, Begonia, Petunia, Nasturtium, Lobelia and Heliotrop. These are the so-called annual, the life expectancy is convenient for cultivation, because it is possible to regularly change the appearance of the garden.

Specialists are recommended for suspended structures to use curly representatives, they over time are broken, forming a beautiful flower loop. Then a few weeks after landing, the containers will turn into multicolored cascades.

When choosing representatives of seasonal flowering from composite containers, some species can be resettled in pots, and after the end of the period, return back to the garden. It is advisable to plant the finished seedlings, it can be bought in the store or grow yourself. Because not all seeds ride, and the general picture may turn out to be blurred.

As for the sizes of instances, they choose any plants. Because even in the case of the choice of a large representative, a pretty compact tree is obtained due to the limited space for the root system. At the same time, if competently approach the care of trees, you can achieve the desired form and size.

Garden design in the pot do it yourself


There is a certain action algorithm for creating a composition:

  1. Laying drainage, first be sure to check the bottom of the vase for the presence of holes. Choose drainage material depending on the next garden location. If the pot will stand on the floor, then it must be pulled out for resistance to wind. In this case, fragments of terracotta or gravel are falling asleep. For hanging baskets, jute or coconut shell are used - these materials are lightweight, while perfectly performing the task.
  2. Build capacity soil. To do this, you can purchase a ready-made mixture or prepare from sand, leaf slowing and peat.
  3. Making a slower fertilizer, they feed plants for a long time. Typically, such substances provide feeding during six months. Also worth not to forget about the granules of the hydrogel, which take part of the moisture during irrigation, and then give it gradually the root system.
  4. Plant location is performed in accordance with a pre-thought-out project. Seedlings or young copies are neatly folded around the site by avoiding the root system disorders. As a rule, the highest representatives are located in the center of the pot, and medium and sharpening - along the edges.
  5. Sweeping soil, the rambling it is performed from above and around the roots.
  6. Watering is carried out abundantly.
  7. Mulching is necessary to exclude the germination of weeds, conservation of heat and moisture in the soil. As a material for mulch, wood bark, gravel, chips or moss are used. At the same time, about 2 cm should remain to the top of the edges.
  8. To decorate the garden, various ideas use, miniature ladders, swing or benches, are generally all that fit into the created design.

Care of flowers in the pots in the garden


To ensure normal growth and development of plants, it is necessary:

  1. Watering, in the hot season it should be carried out abundantly and regularly. Due to the limited space in the pot, the soil dries very quickly, the moisture evaporates very much. It all depends on the size of the tank - which it is smaller and thinner the wall, the more often the garden will have to water. From drying out in the heat, a two-time irrigation helps, only in the absence of scoring rays. To power the root system, the soil must be poured so that water goes through drainage holes. If the soil, it is necessary to supply water at first through the bottom of the vase, only then water from above the plant.
  2. The feeding is required in the absence of a slow fertilizer.
  3. Removal of refrigerated parts and haircut. To extend the dissolution period, we have faded inflorescences. To create the direction of curly representatives or plants, it is important to carry out a haircut.
  4. For winter, they provide warm conditions for lush color for the next season.

In case of selection of annual colors in pots in the garden, a transplantation will be required. Ideas for the future composition can be learned from the Internet or thematic publications. Photo Garden in pots are offered in master classes with a step-by-step description of all actions.

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