Leather panels for walls, installation with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of soft panels

October 10. Interior decoration Views 623. Comments To record Leather panels for walls, installation with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of soft panels No

Wall decoration is one of the most important stages of the repair of an apartment or at home. The choice of material, texture, color scheme - from the correctness of these actions will depend on what appearance will have a room. One of the most conservative and exquisite wall finishing options is the use of soft panels. This method is successfully applied over the course of several centuries and is still a good taste. About how to make soft wall panels with your own hands, as well as a step-by-step instruction of the process, then in the article.

What are the soft panels for the walls

All soft panels for walls can be divided into two criteria:

  1. Panel sizes. Currently, with the same success, both small panels are 40x40 cm and the large area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1 m 2. In some cases, huge panels are made on the entire wall, which makes them more solid and attractive.
  2. Substrate material. As a substrate for soft wall panels, a synthet and foam rubber is used. The first will allow panels with a more flat surface. In addition, the synthetone weighs less, which will save the upholstery from sagging. The foam rubber makes softer panels that are perfect for finishing the children's room. Such walls will be harmless to children during their games and pranks.
  3. Production material. Usually soft panels are made of two groups of materials:
  • textile. It includes flax, silk, cotton, jute and viscose. Textile panels cheap in manufacture and are available in almost all color and textured solutions. They form an unforgettable atmosphere of lightness and warmth. However, the disadvantage of the use of textiles for wall decoration is the complexity of the care of it;

  • artificial and genuine leather. Leather finish has always been considered a symbol of status and good taste. Despite its high cost, leather panels do not lose relevance and are always located in the trend designers. A few decades ago, a material was released on the market, which became an excellent alternative to natural skin - leatherette or dermatin. They have practically similar to the skin performance, but the price is rapidly cheaper. Since the leatherette is artificial material, it can be made in any color, with an inflicted pattern, which gives the designers complete freedom of action. Neither natural nor the artificial leather contributes to the accumulation on the surface of the dust panels, therefore this type of finish will become a real find for allergies, and the entire process of care is reduced by a wet cloth.

Features of leather wall decoration panels

The skin for tailoring and housing finishes is applied from ancient times. This natural and natural material is characterized by a luxurious appearance and pleasant sensations when contacting it. If ancient people for finishing their homes simply hung the skins of killed animals, today they use special panels made of well-selected and painted material.

Due to the fact that the skin is perfectly combined with any material, be it metal, wood or textiles, with the help of it you can create a beautiful interior. In addition, modern samples of finishing leather are represented by a wide range of textures. Today, glossy, matte skin, suede, as well as coatings with perforation are equally successfully used. In some cases, a special note is applied to the surface, which can be added to the design solutions and become their central part.

In addition to its design qualities, the skin has pretty good performance:

  • Excellent absorption of noise. Due to this, this material is widely used when finishing the cabinets or music rooms.
  • Environmental purity. This natural material, in contrast to dermatin or vinyl, does not emit harmful substances into the air, which makes it an excellent choice for decoration of children's rooms.
  • Heat insulation. Although the skin itself is an excellent heat insulator, a greater effect is achieved by using a substrate from a foam rubber or synthetone. The room decorated with leather panels does not need to be very damaging, as it preserves in a comfortable temperature in a comfortable temperature.
  • Simple installation. Contrary to the seeming complexity, the manufacture and installation of leather wall panels with their own hands does not cause difficulties even with those who have not come across such.

Consider further how to make a soft panel on the wall.

How to make soft panels for walls

Making soft panels for walls with their own hands will not cause a special problem. It consists of several main parts:

  • Base. It must be tough, since it is thanks to him the panel will be attached to the wall. As a base, a thin plywood or chipboard is most often used. The first option, albeit more expensive, but serves longer, and work with him much more pleasant.
  • Substrate. Located between the skin and the base. Thanks to her, the leather panel becomes soft and volumetric. As a substrate, depending on its planned thickness, a synthetone or foam rubber is used.
  • Leather surface.
  • Decorative nails or buttons to give textured panel pattern.

Procedure for work:

  • First of all, you need to cut the Phaneur to the squares in size to the future panel. To do this, you can use the electric bison with a shallow saw. Too large teeth on the leg can break the edge, making unwanted drums. As a rule, shops that trade with construction materials offer services for plywood cutting. If this is available, it is better to do it on a special machine where accuracy will be much higher. After cutting the resulting panels, it is better to handle on the sandpaper to remove the sharp edge. Otherwise, when stretching the skin, it can be broken.
  • Then you need to chop the substrate in the size of the base. It is done very simply with scissors or a sharp knife. As a template for a cut, you can use one of the base blanks.
  • Next, in the place of fastening of decorative buttons, the holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm are drilled in order to sew them.

  • After that, the substrate is pasted on the base. This is done with special glue.
  • Now that all panels are placed with a substrate, you can proceed to the cutting of the skin on dimensional pieces. The size of the upholstery piece should be 2-3 cm with each side greater than the length of the side, taking into account the thickness of the substrate and the base. For example, if the panel has a side of 50 x 50 cm, at the base of the plywood with a thickness of 0.5 cm, and the substrate thickness is 1 cm, then the size of a piece of upholstery fabric should be 54 - 55 cm. This allowance is necessary in order to fix and tighten the skin with Each side.
  • Cut the skin is needed a very sharp knife. It is advisable to do it exactly, however, if small flaws were admitted with a cut, they will not be visible as the basis.
  • Now you can proceed to the upholstery of the panels. The skin is put on the table face and put the panel with a substrate on top of it. One of the ends bend the brass on the rear side of the base and attached with the help of a construction stapler. Then the second side neatly stretch, bend and fasten the stapler. After that fasten the sides.
  • When the panels are completed, it is possible to start the installation of decorative buttons. To do this, it is necessary on the reverse side of the panel through the holes made by the needle with a kapron thread, which is sewn a button. The thread itself is attached on the reverse side of the base to attached clips.

Installation of leather soft panels with hands on the wall

Installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Start the installation of panels on the walls is necessary with a thorough level alignment. Be sure to progress the wall, it will improve the adhesion of the panels with the surface.
  2. The wall should be practically perfect, otherwise the panels will be installed with deviations.
  3. After the wall is aligned, markup is applied to it. This is done with the help of painting shoelace. Properly applied marking - half of the successful process of fastening panels, so it should pay maximum attention.
  4. To install the leather panel with their own hands, PVA glue is used. It is necessary to apply it to the panel, and on the wall. After that, the panel is applied to the wall and pressed for a while.
  5. There is no fundamental difference in which direction to start the installation of leather panels: from above-down or left to right. However, if they fill the entire wall, it is better to do it from the ceiling. In this case, only the bottom, which will not be noticeable will be cut.
  6. Special problems are waiting when installing panels in the corners. To do this, the distance from the last panel to the corner is measured. Then the panel is taken and the skin is turned off from it on one side. Next, it is cut under the required size, after which the material is fixed again to the base. Some wizards not to trim panels make indents from the corners. However, it should be taken to ensure that the indents from each angle are the same.

Use of leather panels in the interior

  • Despite the fact that many consider leather panels with something conservative and old-fashioned, this is far from that. They are successfully used not only in classic design, but also in the interior in the style of "minimalism" and High-Tech. A rear wall of leather panels per bar stand will be perfect.
  • If the "classic" usually use symmetric patterns from the panels, and in minimalism, asymmetric, and "torn" will be perfect for more modern design directions.
  • The color gamut of leather panels can be different. Dark and calm tones are perfect for the offices and bedrooms, and bright - for a living room or children's.
  • Given the ease of care for such panels, they can be applied even in the kitchen, naturally, not above the working surface.

Leather Wall Panels, Montage DIY: Video

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