Concrete paths do it yourself

February 13. Plot. Views 1221 Comments to record tracks from concrete with their own hands No

Almost all owners of country sites simply crave to create from their territory a truly cozy space in which I would like to return again and again. For the transformation of the home plot often attract landscape designers. The work of these guys is not so simple as it may seem. The thing is that the landscape of the country area includes a huge variety of elements that need to be analyzed an extremely professional look. The designer, in most cases, is working on all sorts of options for the placement of flower, tracks, decorative elements, as well as arbors and other objects.

In this material, we will look at the specifics of creating concrete-based tracks. It must be said that most of the success of the landscape design of the landscape depends on the appearance of the tracks created on the site.

In addition, the tracks must be convenient for moving, as well as durable. Not all materials comply with these requirements, however, it is precisely on the basis of concrete that you can realize something interesting.

Also in this article we will consider the basic details related to the specifics of creating concrete tracks, as well as their shortcomings that take place.


Features of creating and operating concrete tracks

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the concrete tracks are a fairly practical option, if it comes to the country area. Despite the fact that the territory may be large, special problems in the process of creating a concrete basis should not be. Accordingly, newcomers in the construction business should definitely be cope with the task.

In addition, with the most simple construction resources and tools, you can decorate the plot without unnecessary problems.

Separately, I would like to say that concrete is therefore a versatile material that can be easily found in any construction store. Accordingly, in this case, it is not necessary to spend too much forces in search of canceled according to the characteristics and an external component.

Advantages and disadvantages of concrete tracks

As can be understood from the above information, concrete has many positive parties, but there are also disadvantages. To begin with, consider items that first of all pushing people to create concrete paths:

  • High strength and durability of material. Of course, it is not a secret that concrete, with a proper approach, is a truly invulnerable material that has practically no shortcomings in terms of strength. Despite this, not to get into the unpleasant situation, it is necessary to acquire the material of the high brand, and also pay attention to the manufacturer. In addition, when using additional reinforcement, you can get a track that will serve for decades without loss of basic properties.
  • Cheap material. If we are talking about the use of concrete to create tracks in the country, then such work we will be relatively inexpensive. At the same time, other materials such as artificial stone, tile, wood logs are often substantially more expensive than concrete, and according to characteristics do not have special advantages. At the same time, it is not necessary to think that such inexpensive material is significantly inferior to other construction resources. As we have said, there are deficiencies in concrete tracks, but they are not so important.
  • Easy to create tracks. As we have already spoken, even people without the slightest experience will be able to create tracks on the basis of concrete. And this is true, you just need to get acquainted with technology, after which you can safely begin to the main process. By the way, this advantage is also available when using other materials.
  • Exterior view of the track. With the help of special forms, you can create a truly unusual appearance of the track. It is worth saying that most often in this process uses the most common forms that are often used to create paving slabs. Despite this, you can find really unique forms. Using some additives you can achieve the original coloring of the material.
  • Frost resistance. When using high-quality concrete, as well as some additives, often offered in construction stores, you can achieve excellent frost resistance. Accordingly, even at a minus temperature, the status of the tracks will remain excellent. Of course, sooner or later the effect of low temperatures will be felt about himself, but this outcome can be delayed.

Next, consider the shortcomings of concrete tracks:

  • Fractional formation. Unfortunately, after some time after creating a track, the surface begins to be covered by cracks. This situation is particularly often occurring if we have a solid concrete surface (for example, large plates). If the concrete path consists of a plurality of tiles, the appearance of cracks can be avoided.
  • Concrete tracks - the capital component of the site. In the event that we created concrete tracks, something will be more extremely difficult to change something. For example, if we have created a track from a decorative stone, for some changes you only need to move some of the material units to another place. In the case of a concrete surface, everything is more complicated: even a jackhammer may be required to remove part of the track.
  • Labor-intensive process. In contrast to other materials, on the basis of which tremors (stone, tile, etc.) are often created, and concrete is much more complicated. As we have said, here it is necessary to create a formwork, deliver a concrete mixture, pour, and also ensure that the material screamed the strength. Of course, the main process is quite simple, but people who spend it must have a lot of exposure.

It must be said that some of the advantages and disadvantages of concrete tracks are manifested directly on the basis of a particular area. The territory may have some features that significantly affect the overall process. For example, if we have a problem soil, then almost the only option for creating a track is the arrangement of a thick layer of concrete together with waterproofing.


The process of creating a concrete track

Marking and preparation of the site

  • Before proceeding with the main process of creating a track, it is necessary to mark up. To do this, we need small pegs and rope. Accordingly, in advance, we create a plan on which there is a track, and on the basis of this information we carry out the markup directly on the site. The pegs are installed in those places where the rotors will take place, and with the help of the rope, these pegs are connected. Accordingly, on the basis of such marking, we can establish whether there are some interference with the future track. Often it is in such a situation that objects that interfere with the markup can be seen. For example, it can be stones or trees. Immediately you need to try to get rid of existing problems and continue the process. If there are really serious obstacles that interfere with the future track, you need to weigh everything and make a decision that allows you to create a track, but not to the detriment of its quality.
  • Soil preparation. Immediately after marking, it is necessary to remove the soil layer. Its thickness is approximately 8 cm. In addition, it will not prevent remove all the roots present in the soil. You also need to make sure that the soil is dense enough and strong. If the soil fails, it should be removed a slightly larger layer. In the event that the desired layer of the soil is not removed, problems should be waited. After some time, after creating a track, the concrete will begin to crack.

It should be borne in mind that the future track should be on the same level with the soil, it is not only beautiful, but also convenient for the lawn mower and easy movement over the site. Again, the elevation of the concrete surface over the soil is a practically guaranteed strain deformation, which is better not allowed.

Creating formwork or use forms

If we want to create a whole concrete path, we need to build a formwork. For this, conventional wooden boards are often used. It is advisable to use high-quality material, as the cracks and other flaws of boards may not be better affected by the strength of the formwork. You can also use Phaneur if the layer of concrete is not too large.

If possible, create a formwork along the entire length of the track. This will significantly speed up the process, but too many boards will be required.

Boards are installed on the sides of the burst deepening. It should also be borne in mind that the gaps should be minimal between wood elements.

Creation of pillows

The pillow is an essential part of the track. It is created not only for the uniform distribution of the load of the concrete surface to the soil, but also to implement drainage.

Often to create a layer of the pillow you need to have sand and fine crushed stone. The thickness of the pillow is 4-5 cm. In this case, this layer is thoroughly tamped, since any shortcomings of the surface will negatively affect the operation of the track. For better tamping, it is better to smoke a little sand.

Instead of sand and rubble, you can use only flat stones. Of course, the result will not be the same, but a certain sense from such a layer will be.


The process of reinforcement and fill track

  • First you need to create a layer of polyethylene film, which is located on a sandy pillow. This is necessary so that the concrete hardened faster. Film should not have any damage.
  • Now need reinforcement. Often, for such needs, a metal grid is used, which can be purchased in any construction supermarket. It must be said that it is precisely such a reinforcement is enough to create a track. Armature is not needed here. Of course, the grid itself is laid evenly throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe future track. Also, you do not need to create any permits, as it may be negatively affecting the condition of the surface.
  • Next occurs the solution. The mixture is prepared from sand and cement in proportion 1 to 3. On sale you can find and ready-made mixtures in which it remains only to add water. At the same stage you need to install, what volume of concrete we need. The layer of the pillow and concrete should be at least 7 cm. If there will be transport to the track created by the track, it is better to increase the layer.
  • Immediately after the fill, the concrete need to spill. To do this, it is better to use the rule. You also need to immediately pay attention to the condition of the surface, since emptiness is often formed in the concrete.
  • After full fill and alignment, the track is covered with a film, and then it remains only to wait until the concrete gets complete strength. Formwork can be removed a few days after the fill, but the track is better to at least in a week.

As we have already spoken, instead of the above method of creating tracks, you can use a slightly different solution. We are talking about the release of paving slabs in handicraft conditions. To do this, it will be necessary only for the forms for the tile, as well as vibration equipment (vibrationtole) for concrete sealing. Accordingly, it is not necessary to create a formwork, however, the sand pillow will definitely be superfluous. Tile is used in the process of creating a walkway after it gained strength. Accordingly, after placing the tile, you can immediately use the track in full.

Many owners attract not only the simplicity of the process, but also the appearance of paving slabs. As we have said, you can find tens of various forms that simply transform the country area. At the same time it should be borne in mind that there will be a lot of time to create a tile if we have a limited number of forms for the fill of concrete. Accordingly, both options for creating tracks have advantages and disadvantages.

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