Warm floor under laminate - Montage with your own hands. How to fix it right and what should be done for it

October 22. Useful advice Views 548. Comments To record a warm floor under laminate - Montage with your own hands. How to fix it right and what should be done for it No

The main source of heat in the cottages is the batteries of steam heating connected to the gas boiler. But often it is not enough: in the nursery, in the bedroom and in other rooms it is necessary to heighten the floor. The material of this article on how to make a warm floor electric with your own hands under the laminate and other heating systems.

What is the advantage of a warm floor under laminate

In contrast to the ordinary system, the warm floor heats the air at the bottom of the room. Lifting up, it transmits thermal energy into a residential area, after which it cools off the ceiling. Air mixing occurs, with the result that comfortable conditions are created throughout the room.

Types of systems of warm floors for laminate, Mounting technology

Distinguish two main floor heating systems:

  • water;
  • electric.

Installation of water warm floor under laminate

Such a heating system can only be used in cottages. Connection is carried out to the gas or solid fuel autonomous boiler. The advantages of technology include the uniformity of heating of the floor and the possibility of use for floors with any type of coating. By minuses - its inertia when changing the temperature modes.

Installation of a warm floor under laminate with their own hands is performed if there is the following equipment and components:

  • special pipes (for water floors) in the amount calculated by the formula: 1 m² - 7 m pipes;
  • collector for connecting pipes into one system;
  • collector shield;
  • plastic clamps;
  • cellular substrate based on foamed polyethylene;
  • cement-sandy screed solution, reinforcement grid.

Water Heat Pipes are connected in one system using a collector

Important: For the installation of water heat, pipes from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or metal-plastic (non-water) are used. Such pipes are distinguished by flexibility and comparative cheap.

Installation of warm under laminate with their own hands is performed under the cement-sand tie. Phased description of the installation process.

  1. The base surface is cleaned, processed by primer.
  2. The heat-insulating material is stacked (the plates of extruded polystyrene foam, foamed polyethylene with a foil outer layer).
  3. Before installing a warm floor under the laminate, laminate mounting strips.
  4. Fasten water heating pipes so that they are located in neighboring ranks at equal distances from each other. Conclusions leave in places connected to collectors.
  5. Mounted the heating system, check for tightness trial launch.
  6. Covered pipes with cement-sand tie with a thickness of at least 50 mm. In the middle layer of the screed laid the reinforcing grid.
  7. After drying, the screed is applied self-leveling mixture.
  8. Polyethylene film, substrate and floor covering are placed.

Pipes of a warm floor laid parallel to each other

Tip: It is necessary to apply a substrate with a thickness of no more than 3 mm. Otherwise, heat will not fully enable the room. This is due to low thermal conductivity of the laminate.

Laying of water underwear pipes can be done without a screed. For this, clips are used with special mounting plars.

Installation of electric heating floor under laminate

There are two types of electric heating floor:

  • cable;
  • film (infrared).

Laying cable warm floor under laminate

Cable floors are divided into subspecies: self-regulating and resistive. The latter are single and two-room. Their feature is in the need to take into account the location of furniture when installing: the cable should be protected from overheating and stacked only in free areas.

Self-regulating electric heated floor under laminate with their own hands is placed in a matrix made of polymer. Such a cable does not overheat and can fit on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Cable laid in a polymer matrix

Before laying a warm floor with your own electrical hands under the laminate, you should explore the recommendations.

  1. Select the cable depending on the power, which is calculated on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For a large area, 200 W / m² is needed, for rooms less - 150 W / m². You should also pay attention to the requirements of the manufacturer of the laminate: the floor covering should not be heated to a temperature greater than 28 degrees. Otherwise, it is possible to release harmful substances.
  2. The number of cable should be determined in such a way as to eliminate the need for its extension. Installation of connecting couplings can only be performed by a specialist.
  3. Preparation of the basic surface and cable protection after laying is performed similar to the technology provided for the water floor mounting.
  4. Laying the cable is carried out so that the installation of plumbing, large household appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, freezers) and heavy cabinet furniture is not planned. The rule must be performed for cables of all kinds.
  5. The cable is placed on the mounting tape of the snake and fixed every 0.5 m. The cable ends are connected to the thermal sensor.
  6. Laminate is mounted only after checking the cable for performance.

The cable is fixed using special planks

Installation of heating mats lies in their laying on the base surface with the distance between the strips of 50 mm. The heat insulating materials of the mats are not covered in order to avoid overheating and out of order. It is allowed not to protect mats by cement-sand tie.

Cable mats stisty

Laying film warm floor under laminate

How to make an electric warm floor under the laminate, indicated in the accompanying documents by the manufacturer. This type of warm floor is better suited for laminate, since the heating temperature does not exceed the maximum value.

The film floor is mounted in two ways:

  • directly under the laminate;
  • in the middle layer of the screed, after the drying of which laminate is laid.

In the event that the quality of the base surface satisfies the requirements of the manufacturer of the laminate, the installation of film warm floor is possible without a screed device. If the floor alignment is necessary - the heat insulating material is initially laid under the tie.

The film warm floor is placed on the substrate with the heat-reflecting outer layer.

Film warm floor has a number of benefits:

  • ease of installation: For room equipment, it is enough 2-3 hours, after which it will be possible to fit the laminate;
  • the height of the room is not reduced;
  • reliability and duration of service life;
  • the room does not burn oxygen;
  • efficiency: electricity consumption is less than in the case of cable systems.

Cables pave along the plinth to protect them from damage

For installation, the following materials and components will be required:

  • roll of thermal blinds;
  • insulating tape;
  • wiring with contact clamps;
  • temperature sensor;
  • thermostat;
  • scotch tape;
  • polyethylene film;
  • foamed polyethylene with foil outer layer.

Cable attachment sites to the tape sealed with bitumen ribbon

Step-by-step description of the warm-alone installation technology.

Heating tapes are cut only by light areas

  1. Preparation of the foundation. All irregularities should be eliminated, remove the garbage and dust, handle the floor with primer and dry it.
  2. Laying rolled heat insulation material. You can use foamed polyethylene with metallized (foil) surface. Metal reflects thermal energy in the middle of the room and prevents heat loss. It is also recommended to use a reflective film from Lavsana. The thickness of the thermal insulator should not be less than 3 mm. The seams between the strips of the heat insulator are sampled with a metallized scotch.
  3. Selects a place to install the thermostat. The device is necessary to adjust the temperature in the room and automatically maintain the heating mode. The most suitable place for the thermostat is a plot on the wall, removed from heat sources, from windows and doors, at an altitude of 200 mm from the floor.
  4. Prepared plan for the placement of heating films. They can not be located on the entire area, but in zones, where additional heating is needed (for example, a plot near the bed). It is important that the distance to the heating devices of other systems amounted to at least 1 m, to the cabinet furniture - at least 20 cm. For film heaters used as the main heat sources, the capacity of about 150 W / m² is selected, for additional sources - within 90 -150 W / m².
  5. Laying the film on the floor is performed by strips not longer than 8 m, copper contacts must be addressed to the floor. If necessary, they are cut on light marks. Fasting lanes to each other are unacceptable. It is recommended to lay the film from the far wall towards the thermostat to reduce the wiring length, which is connected to copper clamps. For one-sided film: The enhanced side must be addressed towards the floor. A double-sided film is oriented arbitrarily.
  6. Storing the wiring should be treated as close as possible to the plinths, under the film. At the same time, it is impossible to allow wiring to come out for thermal insulation.
  7. Clips are attached to pressing passage after installation between copper contact and film. Copper contacts, after joining the wiring to them, isolate the bituminous ribbon.
  8. The feed cable, laid from the thermostat, is attached to the climb parallel. The film is caught near the clips, through the cuts insert the ends of the wires, which are released in advance from isolation. In order not to confuse polarity, the wires are packed.
  9. Attaching the thermal sensor to the network can be performed both directly (preferably) and through a socket. Grounding lived joins the designated special sign of the terminal.
  10. Check after installation. All items should be heated evenly, their temperature should be the same. Sparks are not allowed.
  11. Heating elements are covered with a polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 80 microns. The flask film is connected, the connection locations are sampled by scotch.
  12. Laminate laminate. Along the walls and in places of transitions to neighboring rooms, the compensation gap is left - about 5 mm.

Important: Laminate, the wear resistance class is not less than 32, and thickness - at least 8 mm should be chosen as an outdoor coating during installation of water or electrical heating systems. Compliance with the requirement minimizes the likelihood of material deformation.

Installation of the thermal sensor on the wall

At the conclusion of the article on how the warm floor is stacked under the laminate: Montage your own hands (video with specialist comments).

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