What a hive to choose. Types and varieties

April 1. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 4374. 1 comment To write what hive to choose. Types and varieties

Beekeeping is not such a simple science. You can not put insects in the first hive and wait for the MKDA Mountain. In fact, the varieties of the hives abound and their choice should be considered responsibly. Let's consider each specifically.

It is important to know

Choosing Beehive for bees, should be focused on a lot of parameters. The negligence in this issue will be wrapped by bad consequences. To ensure the convenience of the hive must both their inhabitants and the owner. Many believe that the number of honey is dependent on this choice. Like this, we will find out later.

What does the choice of ulives depend on?

1. Region of breeding. In fact, from the climatic conditions most characteristic of a certain locality, much depends. In the cold regions, insulated hives are popular, and are they needed where the temperature does not fall below zero?
2. The use of various beekeeping methods. Experimental, butchers often spend a lot of cash on the wind. Sometimes it even gives results, but is accompanied by significant loss of time.
3. The breed of bees is equally important. First, it is this task that this task is solved, and only then what a hive to choose. And since the breed is not so little, the task is also not simple.

Choosing a hive is an important question. You understand yourself, the dwelling for the bees itself will not turn into the bottomless storage of honey. For this it is worth attaching a lot of effort. So that the bees pleased the harvest, organize them a big flowerbed and garden. They should not need honey plants.


Types of ulives

The first classification is absolutely clear. Based on position and sizes, the hive is divided into vertical and horizontal. Otherwise, they are called risers and sun beds. It cannot be said that their dimensions are fixed, with both types, both types are expanding either up, or styling, respectively.

Ulya-risers. Advantages and disadvantages

Rims are usually multiple. They "grow" up, increasing the number of buildings and extensions. They deserved considerable popularity due to the following advantages:

  • perfectly satisfy the biological requirements of insects;
  • correspond to modern beekeeping techniques;
  • Performance is higher and as a result, richer harvest;
  • As a result, we have strong families that are not so easy to grow under normal conditions.

beehive Otina

Disadvantages of risers are also available. So, get acquainted with them:

  • unsatisfactory conditions for the maintenance of spare diet, as well as muscle assistants;
  • Too high bees hives are difficult to transport, they are not reliable in terms of sustainability.

Ulya-sun beds - pluses and cons

Newbies-beekeepers are made by the content of bees in the hives of this type. It is comfortable and simple both in design and use. In addition, completely eliminates the lack of hives-risers in terms of transportation. So far, a strong family is growing in one case, the number of honey increases in the store extension.

Plus also in the fact that Luzhak allows you to contain in one hive the main family and a seven assistant, a spare uterus. The task of wintering is also greatly simplified. The possibility of supercooling the nest during his analysis is excluded (which often happens with risers).


In sun beds it is convenient to create deaf partitions. This will allow separating one family from another. The process of cleaning the hive and insulation is also simple. Yet it is impossible not to mention the minuses:

  • hive occupies a lot of space;
  • a small space under the framework complicates the exchange of air, so special attention should be paid to ventilation;
  • horizontal arrangement of jacks.

That is attached to the hive?

Here, too, there is a certain stock. Beekeeping supplies a lot, but they are all in specialized stores. It is advisable to get them, especially if you plan to seriously engage in beekeeping.

So, you will need:

  • a pimar for pacifying the bees (the stream of thick smoke will allow the beeboy to painlessly inspect the nest, identify insect diseases);


  • spur for building frames;
  • Pack knife;
  • rink;
  • Medogonka (chopper-corrupt, simplifying the work of the beekeeper).

At the same time, do not forget to stock the artificial female. Already on the hollowed frame, the bee is hardworking the cells. Frame without a commodity - a bad sign, the bees will begin to build a large number of drone cells.

Requirements for ultrasound

Before you buy hives for bees, you should make sure that they meet all the requirements. If the product meets all the criteria of quality, take it away without a doubt.

  • The volume of the nest without the store should be at least 700 cubic versh. The device itself also imposes requirements. It should be simple (so that the newcomer is understood), convenient to use. Ulya-Mallomers give only a negative effect - its inhabitants seek to roll, and not to the development and strengthening of the family. In addition, this is all accompanied by a low honey harvest.
  • The thermal conductivity of the hive is very important. Bees must be protected from any whims of nature - heat, high humidity, strong winds. Therefore, do not buy thin-walled products, worry about insulation in advance.


  • It is important that the hive opened up, the frames did not touch all the walls and sides each other. They can only be connected on one side - from above.
  • Requirements concern and prices of ulives. Well, if the products are relatively cheap, then they are available to more people.
  • Since the submission of the bottom is fulfilled regularly, there should be no inconvenience with this. This is relevant for hives with a taking room.
  • Convenience of the breakdown of bees.
  • The hive device should allow the beekeeper to easily inspect its contents and collect harvest.

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One answer to which hive to choose. Types and varieties

  1. Sergey:

    Not recognized genius. How does he with such ideas about beekeeping "comes out" "for people"? He, in his ideas, is much more "beginner" than a really beginner, those though silently silent their bumps. Mathematics "Victor Perestukin". Such an idea that is engaged in a maximum of 3-4 years. For stationary apiary (and for the soul), the sun bed is an ideal system. This declare responsibly after 28 years of experience, most of which had a relation to multicusers. Each system is the best in certain climatic conditions and realities of beekeeping. In addition, none of the existing systems is the perfect and own hive can actually be in these conditions close to the ideal, of course, with the exception of clowns of the example given by the "comrades". Sun beds can also be made not cumbersome. And no heavier than 3 cabinet multicuser. The multicpusnik has nothing to do with the bee nest, except for a vertical location, but the bees do not arrange a madhouse with a frosterly breaking the socket with the movement of the socket levels (rearrange the housings). In addition, what did it take - 6-7 honeycombs enough for blades and 4 crumbling Möho Pergay? Did he see actual bees? Does he collect the bottle of honey with the family? And then it turns out that it still needs a second building, but how at the very beginning - "ten frames are quite enough"? .. We will not take the Otara grandfathers who do not change hundreds until he put him in the coffin, he has The cell itself is already in such a state ... In short, I don't want to discuss at all at all. Nothing.

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